Good Life

חַדֵּ֥שׁ יָמֵ֖ינוּ כְּקֶֽדֶם כי חיים טובים לוקחים לא מקבלים
Table of Contents

good life

Everything is a game

Yes, a little effort – great health

Breathing as before from the nose and stomach

In relationships there is the greatest profit

Being at an appropriate weight is not the amount of food

It is important to think freely about technology

A child with meaning

A house without temptations for a huge profit

The huge profit from exhalation until the lungs are emptied

Correct posture as before

Moving the joints like before

It’s a shame that doctors don’t only profit from successes

Why is it dangerous to listen to dieticians?

Plants and vegetables are trying to kill you!

Metabolic disease

Open a big mouth


The human way of recognizing something healthy is by beauty

Bread with chocolate is more dangerous than the rain

Give us something perfect

Can you beat nature?

A headache is a headache

Hello, welcome, Ganim

Someone will take responsibility

A small hint of the link between carbohydrates and cancer

Popeye was wrong, spinach is not adapted to us

The secret is that in the end you enjoy it to the same extent

Hives, heartburn, irritable bowel and everything in between

Exposure to cold and a cold shower


Mental junk food for the soul?

Substances that humans were not exposed to

natural sleep

Invert from Lagor – minimalism

If you know how to be healthy, why not do it?

Diabetes is a disease of dietitians and doctors

Argue like dancers and not like donkeys

Repressing is good


Who will gain and who will lose from our health?

7 natural remedies work for me

Intestinal bacteria

How is each person with a different character and why?

see six-six

A revolution in the healthcare system

Why do most doctors not improve?

The poop test

Do nutritional supplements add to me?

function improvement

Everything is a game

Do not take anything written here or that happens to you too seriously. After all, nothing really exists; Everything is a simulation, and even if it’s not – how can you prove that something really exists? And it doesn’t matter if it exists or not. You are now in the game, so enjoy it.

Before long in the terms of the universe, there will be nothing left on Earth: no houses, no animals, no people and no memories. The game goes on – with us or without us. One thing is for sure: in a few billion years the sun will grow and swallow the earth, and frankly, it looks like the earth will get very hot long before then, with our help.

Bottom line, don’t take anything too seriously. There is really nothing, nothing terrible and no tragedies – everything is a game. Today there is, tomorrow there is not, and the day after that there may or may not be. In our nature we want to see everything as a real reality and not as a simulation or a game, because it helps the survival of our genes, but that doesn’t mean it’s true! So challenge this urge and try to see the world from a bird’s eye view. Then, you’ll probably laugh to yourself: “What the hell are they doing down there?”

“Which god should we believe in, if at all? The God of the Jews? The Christians? The Muslims?”

The world is funny, so laugh.

Isn’t it funny that humans are busy with artificial intelligence, drugs, Netflix and wars over dubious historical stories, instead of stopping global warming? At this rate the religious stories about burning humanity in flames will be true. It’s really funny to me, it’s huge!

Yes, a little effort – great health

It all starts with the factory that made us

In places where there are no unequivocal studies (usually there are none), in my opinion one should use logic and weigh everything into a smart “bet” with free thinking.

Here I bring what I have concluded so far.

Yes, there is such a factory, it’s called Mr. Evolution or if you like, natural selection. This is how we were created and every living thing on earth. The big gain is to understand what was in the past from clues and various findings and to conclude the best way to proceed today.

Life on Earth began about 4 billion years ago as simple, single-celled organisms in a completely different environment than today. These single-celled organisms slowly evolved into multicellular organisms over hundreds of millions of years. Life first appeared in the sea, and only about 500 million years ago the first organisms began to settle on land.

About 400 million years ago, the first fish-like vertebrates evolved in the oceans, and then, about 230 million years ago, the era of the dinosaurs began, which were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years until an asteroid impact and other factors led to their extinction 65 million years ago.

This extinction cleared the way for mammals to become the dominant species. Early mammals were small, nocturnal and lived in the shadow of the dinosaurs, but they diversified quickly after the dinosaurs disappeared.

About 7 million years ago, the lineages of humans and chimpanzees split, and the hominids appeared. The first species in the genus Homo, Homo habilis, appeared about 2 million years ago, followed by Homo erectus. Homo sapiens, the modern man, evolved in Africa about 300,000 years ago.

Early Homo sapiens began to create complex tools, develop language and create social structures, setting the stage for the growth of human civilization. Since then, Homo sapiens has continued to evolve and adapt to a wide variety of environments around the world.

The big mistake leads to the big profit

The great mistake of humanity stems from the mismatch between how humans were shaped in the millions of years of evolution and the modern way of life, which pushes for short-term rewards. The great magic is in the combination of the good things from modernization to ancient life. And yes, the most important thing, as before, is your tribe, who you go “hunting” with.

If you think, as I did, that daily running and food that is considered “healthy” will make you healthy, you are mistaken just like me, and I will try to prevent you from my mistake.

Most diseases are caused by “poisoning” that we cause ourselves from food that is not suitable for us. There is a huge gain in understanding what is not right for us gay people.

The big profit with little effort from the food we eat

The thing that most affects health is the food we eat, here you will read about free nutrition . The truth is that this is not accurate, relationships are more important for our health, but we will ignore that for now. Unlike other things, food enters us in large quantities and is therefore the most important factor in health, more than sports, more than our genes, more than luck. Here I have summarized the principles of what is right to eat and what is not . If you don’t eat right, all health problems are the symptom and not the problem. It will change your life. If I had to say what would give you an immediate and unexpected effect it would be to completely avoid wheat products. There is a substance in wheat that disrupts the metabolism.

In the bottom line, the food that is not suitable for humans causes most of the health problems in the world and in exactly the same way inappropriate movement (walking and running) and inappropriate posture (standing, sitting and lying down) cause most of the other problems. Our bodies were built for movement and specific food in our millions of years of evolution, and modernization has ignored that.

The way you react to the event, not the event, generates infinite profit

One of the things we lose sight of is our reaction to good and bad events.

It is not the event that affects us, but rather our reaction to the event. No matter what happened, death, life, explosion or a new planet – stop and slow down, consider what is the right way to react, if at all, and only react when you are completely calm. That’s how I always acted. Even when they informed me that they were closing our business bank account. I always tried to learn and profit even from the bad news. Today I understand that the events are less important than our decision with ourselves to react to them the way we want, and not to let our emotions control us or our reactions. I know it’s hard, but if you practice it, it’s relatively easy.

The immediate reaction without thinking is more suitable for Savannah when a lion pounced on us. So the next time you want to blow up at someone because they told you that you did something wrong, stop, slow down, think about it and when you are calm, answer them “Remind me what you wanted from my life?”

Breathing as before from the nose and stomach

A hint that we are meant to breathe through the nose is found in the American Indians who in ancient times called the white man “the man with the open mouth”. The Indians made sure to have their mouths closed during the day, and the mothers made sure their children also slept with their mouths closed at night. It is not enough to breathe through the nose all day, you also need to take deep breaths, until the lungs are completely empty. The concentration should be on the exhalation and not on the breath. This contributes to stability because note that it is easy to breathe like this only when you are upright. If you don’t breathe like that, it can cause you: hangovers, annoying cough, stomach problems from improper digestion from not moving the stomach and applying pressure from not breathing calmly, dental problems of all kinds, more urgent illnesses and a thousand other things that you and I didn’t think about. Note that in a “western” sitting position it is difficult to breathe deeply through the nose. No one told me or wrote it, so I had to discover it on my own, part of the discovery was watching films from the 1800s of Aboriginal people and seeing their stomachs move with their breaths.

Breathing from the belly and not from the chest

I don’t know if anyone told you before, but here it comes, the human being is built to breathe from the stomach, that is, by activating the diaphragm muscles on a regular basis and not by inflating the chest.

Breathing should be from the belly, not the chest. You may not have heard of it before, so here’s the scoop: We may breathe through the belly, that is, by using the diaphragm muscles, rather than by inflating the chest. Chest inflation is appropriate in emergency situations, such as if a lion is chasing you, but not as a regular practice. Chest breathing and abdominal breathing both bring air to the lungs, but the question is which muscles are involved in the process.

The chest muscles are unable to empty the lungs of air and do not reach the air in the lower part of the lungs, which contains high levels of CO2. Breathing from the chest leaves a lot of CO2 in the body, which can affect various systems in the body, including digestion and sleep, and increase acidity. Many people suffer from problems due to the way they breathe, and sometimes this is solved with drug treatments instead of focusing on the root of the problem. The solution is simple: breathe air out until the lungs are almost empty, then they fill up naturally. The key is to change the way of breathing independently until the body gets used to it. You can also use tape to cover your mouth during the night to prevent mouth breathing, which can encourage chest breathing. This is an important point and easy to fix. How do you know if you are breathing from your chest? Put your hand on your chest as you breathe and see if it moves.

Always breathe through the nose

I saw the ad “Conscious Breathing Course” in one of the largest hospitals in Israel:

“Conscious breathing is a breathing technique that encourages the body and mind to release what is hidden within them. A tool that helps produce inner strength, dealing with stressful situations and connecting to internal resources that already exist.’

It is written with a spiritual flavor, when there is nothing spiritual about it. You have to breathe through your nose. Otherwise you will cough, your nose will be blocked, your teeth will be problematic and you will have many other problems that you will never know are caused by mouth breathing. Now we can start this important section.

Humans are designed in a “quiet” state to breathe only through the nose at a low rate (probably 6-12 breaths per minute) quiet and deep. Correct breathing affects our posture, sleep, and more – P. Vodkast in Nosh A. A nice test is to bend over and try to breathe through the nose – you’ll see it’s easier through the mouth – which is probably one of the reasons that adults tend to breathe through the mouth rather than through the nose.

Chest breathing is caused a lot by suffocation, which increases the chest breathing, the problem with breathing is that the air does not completely leave the lungs, which increases CO2 in the body. Diaphragm breathing until the lungs are empty is much easier and is required in correct posture.

Children who breathe through their mouth as a regular practice

You can change the way children breathe by explaining and watching them.

A child who breathes through the mouth will suffer from dental problems, asthma, an underdeveloped jaw, bad breath and a host of other problems. I have seen both of my boys breathe through their mouths rather than their noses on many occasions. We constantly remind them to breathe through the nose, and they are in the weaning stages of breathing through the mouth.

Most animals breathe through their noses

Most animals in the wild breathe through their noses at normal times. Only in times of chase or heat will you see them breathing from their mouths. Most types of monkeys breathe through their noses. Snoring is mouth breathing during sleep.

snoring? You probably breathe through your mouth when you sleep – try putting duct tape over your mouth when you sleep to breathe only through your nose. Try not to choke.

George Catlin ‘s book showed that the Indians breathed through their noses and made sure their children did the same.

Humans are built to breathe through the nose, a breath that releases nitrite oxide, at night and during the day. Mouth breathing causes a host of diseases and problems, dental problems, mental stress, asthma and cough.

When you exercise free thought and examine how animals breathe, you discover that most animals breathe through their noses, and so should humans.

Breathing through the mouth creates many and varied problems because we are not meant to breathe through the mouth for a long time. The hunter-gatherers breathed through their noses like most animals in the wild. Try to breathe through your nose and diaphragm, not your chest. Quiet, deep and slow breaths.

When you don’t breathe through your nose – it gets blocked

Breathing through the mouth over a long period of time clogs the nose, meaning using nose breathing leaves it open. Breathing through the mouth causes many problems – lecture ( an article on breathing through the nose).

Video how to open a blocked nose .

Breathing through the nose is especially important in situations of stress or anger. Breathing through the mouth only intensifies the stress and anger, so you should always breathe through the nose in any situation.

The great secret of nose breathing

Most of the time, chest breathing shows a bent posture which makes it more difficult to breathe “belly breathing” and change over the years to “chest breathing”

The big secret is that you have to decide that this is how you breathe from now on, and that’s it, it’s over, it’s resolved. You don’t need therapists and doctors or tests. Breathe only through the nose.

Problems related to mouth breathing

Cough, constant wheezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, bad breath, sick teeth, sinusitis, frequent diseases of the respiratory tract, open mouth, snoring, asthma, apnea, shortness of breath, stress and lack of concentration.

In relationships there is the greatest profit

One study that explains everything

There are things that seem very self-evident when you hear them from someone else, but are hard to come by on your own. It happened to me and completely surprised me when I came across this Harvard study , which was the most comprehensive and longest study done on people on Earth. During the research they followed people for decades and came to the conclusion that the thing that most affects our health and also our happiness is our relationships. The great thing about the study was that they asked the people in their present and not in the past.

You don’t always have to listen to studies, but this study is very much worth listening to because it is from a very prestigious and reliable place and also because its results are in excellent agreement with what I have seen in others and with a lot of evolutionary logic. Evolution has selected the people who know how to maintain personal relationships and rewards them with better health and happiness.

In the Teva movie about chimpanzees, one of the chimpanzees is seen leaving the tour and returning alone. On the way back a rival group of chimpanzees killed him. This shows how nature has naturally figured out the sociability trait of man. A large part of the unsociable simply did not pass the genes on.

You are not born with the value of relationships

Financial profit is a basic instinct, you don’t have to learn it, but you do have to learn to think about the profit in every decision, but not only about the financial profit. What was hidden from my eyes all these years, when I thought that financial gain was the highest goal, that in fact these are relationships. I would have changed several decisions in my life, if I had understood this point earlier. And I mean all types of relationships: family, romantic, friendship and business.

Once you realize that there is a hidden profit here, you can easily invest in long-term relationships. This should be a consideration in any decision or activity.

The quality of the relationship, not the quantity

You probably also had the closest friend or girlfriend in childhood, maybe three of them, and probably later in life as well. We don’t just remember them, it turns out that in order to achieve personal profit and quality of life, it is much more significant to maintain a limited number of quality connections than to manipulate many superficial connections. Reminds a bit of the universal rule “quality” and not “quantity”. And of course the frame jumped to me, that regarding money this is not true, it’s only the amount. The Harvard study confirms this claim.

So no matter what activity you do today with friends, keep doing it. It used to be “hunting”, but today it can be anything.

one who loves

I grew up with two loving parents, but not everyone grows up or grew up like that.

Logic and evolution show that it is enough to have one caregiver who takes care of the child, so that the child knows how to overcome most of what he goes through and develops self-confidence and a good life, but yes, the child needs at least one. In English it is called a caregiver. During the hundreds of thousands of years of Homo sapiens development, both parents were not always available and sometimes both were not available at all, and the tribe is the one who raised the children, but there was someone who took care of the child and was there for him. The Harvard study did confirm that one such relationship is enough to cover crises, the lack of such a relationship causes many problems in children’s development. Think of it this way, the child “practices” trusting someone and learns what a “relationship” is.

So if you are a single mother, a single father or just the closest caregiver to the child, everything is fine, just be there for him or them, and everything will be fine, millions of homospines grew up like this to be great hunters.

Being at an appropriate weight is not the amount of food

It’s unbelievable how the body balances everything

The balance in the human body, also called “homeostasis”, is essential for maintaining a stable internal environment that allows cells and organs to function optimally. Don’t get discouraged here, keep reading until the end of the section because there is a punch. Key aspects of homeostasis include, among others, blood sugar, water balance, levels of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and blood pressure, if they are out of balance, the body will deteriorate and die, sometimes it will take years as in the case of sugar, and sometimes minutes – as in the case of salts.

Blood sugar, or glucose, is the main source of energy for cells. The body regulates glucose levels through the hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, helps the cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream and lowers blood sugar levels. Glucagon is also produced by the pancreas, stimulating the liver to release stored glucose and raising blood sugar levels. This delicate balance ensures that the cells get the energy they need while preventing high or low blood sugar levels.

The water balance

The water balance is essential for maintaining hydration and adequate electrolyte concentrations. The kidneys play a central role in regulating the water balance by filtering the blood and adjusting the amount of water that is reabsorbed or excreted as urine. Hormones such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone also help regulate water balance by affecting kidney function. In addition, the feeling of thirst encourages people to consume fluids and further helps in maintaining proper hydration.

Nitrogen levels in the body are related to the nitrogen balance which refers to the balance between nitrogen intake and excretion. The nitrogen is mainly consumed in the form of dietary protein and is excreted as urea through the kidneys. Proper nitrogen balance is essential for maintaining healthy muscle mass, tissue repair and immune function.

Oxygen and CO2 balance

Homeostasis of oxygen and carbon dioxide involves the respiratory system and the circulatory system. The oxygen is required for cellular respiration, a process that produces energy by breaking down glucose. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of this process. The oxygen is carried through the bloodstream by the hemoglobin, which is a protein in the red blood cells. The respiratory system maintains oxygen levels by adjusting the rate and depth of breathing according to the body’s needs. Carbon dioxide is removed from the body in the process of exhalation.

How do you create an unbalanced system? Take short breaths as the chest muscles enlarge the lungs and not the diaphragm. Simply put, the son should go down first and then go up on his own like a spring. That way the air from the bottom of the lungs that has more CO2 will be expelled. Hollow breathing from the chest produces excess CO2 in the body and problems with digestion and other body systems.

Blood pressure balance

Blood pressure is regulated to ensure that blood is delivered to tissues and organs efficiently. The body adjusts blood pressure through a combination of factors, including constriction and relaxation of blood vessels, heart rate and blood volume. Hormones such as angiotensin II, natriuretic peptides, vasopressin, as well as the nervous system, play a crucial role in blood pressure regulation.

Other factors that contribute to homeostasis in the human body include body temperature, pH balance and hormone production. Balance or homeostasis is a complex interplay of different systems and processes that work together to maintain a stable internal environment that allows the body to function optimally.

Equilibrium – little mental effort for unperceived gain

Yes, everyone can profit here, and it doesn’t matter how you use this information, whether you start a company or apply it to yourself. Because there is another mechanism that science and humanity have forgotten about, and it is our balance mechanism that exists in each of us. This is the mechanism that prevents us from gaining fat and losing weight uncontrollably when we are children, and then by eating foods that are not suitable for us, we actually damage the weight balance mechanism, just like we damage the sugar regulation mechanism. It is not about the amount of food, but only about the type of food. If you missed it, I’ll say it again, it’s not the amount of food or the number of calories, but the type of food that damages our natural ability to balance.

Have you seen a squirrel with a belly?

We see this mechanism working perfectly in animals in the wild that do not get fat even though they sometimes have inexhaustible sources of food. Natural selection created the weight regulation mechanism so that exposure to a certain food would not cause the animal to gain weight and be eaten. And this is perhaps the most important point that you will take with you, people think that what is important is fitness or diet, but what is important is not to harm the body’s natural weight balance, and we can help it by switching to a diet that is suitable for humans. This mechanism exists in each and every one of us. Eating foods that are not suitable for humans, such as sweets and unfermented wheat products, damages the weight balance mechanism. It is not about the amount of food, but only about the type of food. The most important thing is to be at a normal weight, which is actually different for everyone, so it is important what we eat and not how much we eat or what physical activity we do. Wheat mainly has substances that harm the body’s weight regulation mechanism, but the good news is that a free diet will heal the weight regulation mechanism, just like most types of diabetes will disappear after eating food adapted for humans for a few months.

The most common and most damaging to the weight balance mechanism

The food that the world produces in the largest quantities is also the food that is most unsuitable for humans: wheat products (bread, pasta, etc.), industrial eggs, cow’s milk, soy, corn, rice, oil, salt and sugar. Each of them and their reason, but mostly, it has to do with the cheapening of production on the one hand and the inadequacy of the industrial product for humans, on the other. What is good for industry is often not good for our health. Science supports this and so does logic. And yes, they are all wrong, they are not treating the problem, but the symptom.

It is important to think freely about technology

Who made us?

Human nature is natural. Nature created us, modernization only tries to touch what drives us, but in fact it is a counterfeit of the real things that drive us created from millions of years of evolution in nature: wars, friends, hunting, laughter, love, survival, cold, heat, singing, dancing, death and living in space the nature

What has technology given us?

Technology for a good life has existed for several thousand years. The phrase ‘good life’ refers to the prosperity of the citizens, that is, to happiness and the level of satisfaction with life. Over the years, humans have reached technology that provides them with a better life, such as watering the fields, lighting a fire, raising goats, wearing warm clothes, building houses, fishing, dancing and hunting.

Technology has given humans the opportunity to multiply on Earth to several billion people, but has it really contributed to our prosperity?

Helping or hindering?

Take the mobile phone as an example. He didn’t improve people’s lives, he only made them be close to him and less to other people. Studies show that having relationships is the thing that most affects the quality of our lives, therefore, the mobile harms the most important thing for humans because it physically distances us from other people.

I know what you’re thinking, the car is an invention that has really improved our lives. In my opinion, the car destroyed much more than it improved. Before the cars and trains, life was conducted in the village environment. It wasn’t a bad life. In my opinion, the common perception today that one must constantly travel and be all over the world is mistaken and does not help our happiness at all. In the past, when there were no cars, everything had to be close, and people did not “spend” hours on the road. The car simply allows many people to be in many places during the day.

And yes, I have a car, no choice.

I think that what has really advanced humanity is the “cultural technology” of courts, individual freedom, protection of property, protection of the body, a democratic regime, social protection, etc. For example, researchers found that in Equatorial Guinea a case of murder led to more and more cases of murder as blood revenge and created a never-ending chain of wars (like blood revenge in Arab society). Today we have a “cultural technology” of law, police and courts that handle such cases.

Naturalness and anti-technology

Anti-technology is here in the health section because in the same way that technology does not really contribute to humanity, but only “cultural technology”, so for our health it is better to rely on nature and “cultural technology” to feel good and be healthy. Everything that is written about health here, there is no technology at all, there are only ways that try to imitate life in nature.

Thus, the best food for us is food that has not been “touched” by technology and that is as natural as possible.

You can’t go out without your cell phone

Today we have reached a situation where it is difficult to leave the house without the cell phone, because you have to open the car, pay at the supermarket or receive some important WhatsApp.

That’s why in free thinking I use technology to make money, get information and communicate because there is no other choice, but I try to stay away from technology as much as possible. It’s not simple. I also like Netflix, Whatsapp and Spotify. Western society encourages technology and puts humanity’s hopes in it, like Elon Musk who sees space technology as an option to save humanity. I think in free thought of course it is exactly the opposite, the hopes should be in nature.

In a free environment I believe exactly the opposite of Elon Musk. To save the Earth from turning into a hot soup we must use cultural technology and change our consumption habits and not flee the Earth on the first rocket that goes to Mars. I have a feeling that we are meant to live on Earth and not on another planet…

A child with meaning

Earn the child in you

It’s not just that there is so much occupation, even the poets and singers, in our childhood, there is something that stays with you all these years.

But in free thinking, I, and I hope you too, look for the smallest effort for the biggest profit, and there is something interesting about profit, this time it is a non-monetary profit. Your profit will be if you manage to remain children a large part of the time. be children

to look inward and not only outward

We have a tendency to concentrate only on our external environment to achieve a good life.

This is a classic mistake. If you ask people what they would like, most of them will say “money”.

Money arranges our external environment nicely, but also, only up to a certain limit. But he doesn’t help us understand that it is necessary and just as important to look inside. The quality of our life, or in other words, to achieve a good life, you also have to look inside. Maybe it sounds obvious, but it wasn’t so obvious to me. Looking inward is different for everyone, so I won’t elaborate on that.

Children and tribes

Anthropologists study tribes because it is their profession. I research anthropologists and tribes to understand what actions and traits we had in evolution and have disappeared due to modernization. Leavening of breads is an operation that has pretty much disappeared today. The common upbringing of all the children of the tribe is another interesting example that has relatively disappeared and exists more in moshavim and kibbutzim. A large part of the understanding of how to walk correctly, how to stand upright, what to drink and everything you will read here stems from this free thought that is prevalent in the ancient tribes, how they lived, what made them sick, why they smiled and everything that is implied by that. Looking at my children sometimes feels like looking at an ancient tribe. Many of their features are basic and natural, and modernization did not harm them. Like for example thinking about what to buy for a child and making sure that everyone gets the same thing. That is, the comparison with those next to him, the jealousy and the spirit of justice.

The freedom to choose meaning

Have you ever seen a child build something out of Lego and concentrate on it as if it were the most important thing in the world, looking at the creation as the most beautiful structure ever created?

Every moment is significant for children, and they determine what is significant for them, no one else decides for them. But in observation, it can often be seen that what is perceived as significant for the parents, is also perceived as such by the children. This is a survival process where the children learn from the parents. If you saw your father running away from a snake, this is an event that you should consider significant, because it probably evolved from animals much more ancient than man. Just like a child finds meaning in many things, so we should deal with what has meaning for us, not for others. And this is the critical point, no one can decide what is meaningful for you. Financial gain and playing were the important things for me until a late age, but they are probably not important for others. Studies and logic show that it is not the search for happiness that will make us happy, but finding meaning, being a person with meaning. The search for happiness itself causes unhappiness, that’s for sure.

One big game

There is a great profit in seeing everything as a game and not taking life too seriously. When everything is playing, you are not afraid of anything.

There is a great loss in thinking that children need expensive products and experiences to be happy. This is entirely due to the bias of jealousy . From watching my children and myself along with reading studies, it is completely clear to me that children ultimately enjoy being with friends and playing the most. this is. It’s really simple when you look at it clearly with free thought.

I always saw everything as a game, the army, studies, Beejack, Play65, Plus500 because they are really all games. Let me go up to some field, football, basketball, tennis, squash or poker court and just play with the company. It’s that simple.

I was in the army for a month in a porter’s course. I remember the commander in the course asked me why I was laughing all the time in order. I laughed because it was a game for me and it was weird for me to see everyone standing like that.

Only I don’t see free thought as a game but as something that can do good.

Balance is important

Of course, what I have written here is not comprehensive and that a balance should always be exercised. Not everything in life is a game, but not everything is as meaningful and serious as we think, and you can’t act like a child all the time either. This is an important law in free thinking to exercise judgment and balance.

A house without temptations for a huge profit

One of the places you can profit from is to understand that there is no tempting “muscle” that can be trained. Our eyes are responsible for making the brain want something.

Of course, it is much more difficult for children to resist temptations such as watching YouTube and not doing homework.

Therefore, if you want to eat specific food or not eat cookies or just mess with your cell phone less, make sure they are far away from you.

It answers the eternal question “Should we put a candy drawer in the house?” Unequivocally no, it’s just an unnecessary temptation for children.

And if you want to do sports, make the “temptation” look good, that is, put the sports clothes in a visible place.

You want a comfortable learning environment, that there will be no mobile or anything else you prefer to do, this is also true for a good environment for a child to learn. It is recommended to read about the winning habit .

The huge profit from exhalation until the lungs are emptied

A deep breath causes an arch in the back and a lifting force, try it. In my opinion, upright posture is supported by exhaling deeply until the lungs are emptied, which causes our core muscles to stretch us in the right way. That is, our breathing, which changes over the years, causes us to bend over. Just sit on the floor without a support, pay attention that the breathing settles down.

One of the most important principles that you will not be told is that posture and the way you move and stand can be easily changed. It’s just figuring out how to stand and move that’s it. It all comes down to one power that we have everywhere in the body, which is activated by muscles, and that is the desire to be upright which is at its peak when we are babies and with the help of western sitting on chairs walking in shoes is getting weaker. The power to stand up that is in the subconscious has to pass to the conscious when we destroy it, and discover through pain and cartilage erosion that something is wrong. To train the brain for the correct position of the upper part, sit on the floor comfortably and without slouching: Mizrahi sitting and all sittings on the floor. With old age and sitting on chairs, the brain slowly gets used to slouching. It can be fought. In the picture, notice that the head is in the correct position and there is an arch in the back when sitting, but not in the lower part of the back.

The solution to most joint problems

The lifting force and the correct posture were created when we were babies and sat on the floor. The correct arch in the back and the reverse curvature of the lower back. which should be activated throughout the body from the neck to the feet starting from raising the head and arching the back, just like the baby in the picture. It regulates correct walking, correct standing and correct running. There is one place that needs to be worked on when pushing up and it straightens the whole body – it’s the arch in the back. You only have to think about one thing: as if someone is pulling us up and that someone is just us and the source is from the same arc towards the head. You don’t need anything beyond that. It also doesn’t make sense to have to concentrate on several points, evolution probably created one place that affects the rest of the muscles through the subconscious.

How is the right power built? Starting since we were babies and destroyed by modernization, each at a different age. Note that it flips over. Babies constantly want to lift themselves up with their backs arched.

It is infinite gain to understand this. It prevents knee problems, back problems, neck problems, flat feet, hip problems and herniated discs. It’s not all just because of that, but the chances are that all these problems are due to incorrect movement and posture, which does not match the way our body is supposed to move and be. Why are Africans upright? Because most of them didn’t sit for hours in class and in front of a computer which is the number one killer, due to the lifting power of the subconscious mind which of course activates the erecting muscles without us thinking about it. The subconscious makes us break without thinking how to move our lips. how to drive Now, like after a stroke, you have to learn to use the lifting power. It may be for the rest of your life until it takes hold again in the subconscious.

By “once upon a time” I mean thousands of years ago, when there were no shoes and cars and people walked most of the day from place to place. To a detailed way of thinking about how they once walked, in the laws of free thought.

Beauty in uprightness through evolution

You must be asking yourself why it looks beautiful when people are upright?

The answer is because of evolution, a trait we’re attracted to usually helps produce fit offspring. Imitation necessarily brought a physical advantage and mental hatred as well, therefore the continuation of imputation passed the genes on.

What’s nice is that we didn’t learn what a beautiful movement and posture is, look at a two-year-old child a bent person and an upright person, he straight away knew what was strong and beautiful and what was ugly and weak.

Most of the time we walked barefoot

Let’s start with a joke: walking or running barefoot hurts the feet, so it is recommended to buy running shoes with shock absorbers.

This is more Ahithophel’s advice than a joke. The earliest date shoes have been found is 40,000 years ago and the majority from about 5,000 years ago. In fact there are tribes that until recently still walked barefoot. And all this compared to the millions of years of existence of the ape-man who ran barefoot without shock absorbers. Just as a horse does not need a hoof to run, so humans do not really need shoes for their natural actions.

what is a shoe

Our body was built for running and walking “knowing” that we don’t have shoes, therefore shoes inevitably change the way we walk, run or stand. Applying logic to this information, we come to the conclusion with free thinking that the shoes that suit us are shoes that simulate walking barefoot with a wide sole that will not crush all the toes together and that will not raise any part of the foot.

And yes, everything they sell us about shoes with shock absorbers and the like as if we need shock absorbers, is basically a huge bluff. Feel free to go barefoot.

Walk straight and upright, wear flat shoes that resemble bare feet. Shoes that are not flat encourage unnatural movements and prevent natural movements of the joints.

We were born barefoot

We were born barefoot, adapted to move and be in certain positions. Like “hardware with an operating system you are born with” – improper operation causes endless problems of cartilage erosion and back and neck pain. Over the years, we lose the right way we were meant to move. From generation to generation we become inactive, sit like our parents and wear different and strange shoes that harm our posture – high heels, moccasins and the like. We evolved to walk barefoot, so the form of walking is affected by the use of shoes that are not good and that cause a host of problems in our joints, back and emotional state. In fact, each generation becomes more submissive than the previous one. It’s amazing to see the tribes that have not merged in Western culture – how upright they are and how strong their back and buttock muscles are compared to us. Fortunately, this can be corrected by improving posture, walking, standing, and sitting.

spring leg

It is not enough to walk as if we are barefoot, we also need to walk correctly, our proper walk has been destroyed over the years because of shoes with high heels, looking at our parents whose walk has also changed, compressing the toes with shoes and turning the whole foot into one block even though it is flexible and made up of many muscles and bones . When walking, the back leg should oppose the front leg and “as if” to stretch a spring. This keeps the hip in the correct position.

But in what way has evolution adapted walking? Of course, walking with minimal energy use increased the probability of surviving better than others. In the formula of free thought this is the framing of the way evolution works. And a level drop from the rule of nature to a lower level, which is walking. Therefore, the optimal form of walking is when we stretch the leg and it, as it were, returns to its natural position by itself. Think of the leg as a spring, we stretch it and it contracts on its own. Exactly the same in running. A lot of people make the mistake of applying force on every step, and then it’s double energy. This means that you have to walk and run with relatively small steps when the whole body is stretched and upright, and then the legs contract on their own. When walking, the leg should be straightened and at the end of the step the toes press the ground, if you don’t do these two you have a “forward walk”, a walk that causes hip, knee and ankle problems. If you have a flat foot, i.e. flatfoot, it is probably due to your incorrect walking style as I described. The important conclusion here is that cartilage wear and various problems in the joints of the legs are often caused by incorrect walking or running. It sounds a bit delusional but with the freedom to think we are allowed to reach the truth even if not everyone likes it.

The oldest and best sport in the world

The oldest sport in the world is walking in nature and it is probably also the best for us. So simple – go. We may be mistaken and think that walking is unnecessary because we hardly sweat and do not feel drained, but this is a mistake, walking is the best sport for us.

When it comes to an activity that is ancient, there is a greater chance that we are adapted to it anyway. In the past we were active and didn’t have to do sports to be healthy. Today it is important that we do sports to simulate how they lived in the past. Because they really lived. Do the oldest sport in the world and the one that suits us best – “walking!” for at least an hour a day. In addition, it is important to walk correctly and if possible then – preferably in nature. A good explanation of proper walking , towards the end of the video – walking . The most natural walking is when we are barefoot, as they have walked for millions of years. But there are also shoes that simulate walking barefoot with a very thin sole.

jumps in the head

At this point, a quite reasonable question is often asked a – many people wear shoes with shock absorbers and they don’t have any problems. There are also those who smoke at the age of 100 or those who eat wheat bread and are healthy until a late age. There are genes that help deal with toxins, but I wouldn’t recommend betting that you have them. Some people have a foot structure that is probably more tolerant of shoes with elevations and the like, and some are less so. After all, we are all meant to walk barefoot or with flat shoes as much as possible.

Platform, flat foot and insole, huh?

Of course, when you run the “tool of doubt” on insoles, you realize that they are unnecessary and unnecessary. Insoles move the problem to another joint. In free thought we will bring information from Africa and we will find that the proportion of people with flat feet or as it is called in German ‘Platfus’, is in minor percentages compared to their proportion in Western society where 20-30% of the population have flat feet. I mean something we do in western society causes it! Once again you see that these are not messed up genes. Of course, when you exercise free thought, you realize that the cause is probably our shoes, the way we walk or our weight. All three of these actions affect the forces in the joint.

Here’s a quote from that study : “Children with the healthiest and most flexible feet are those who typically walk barefoot, according to Stahli and a growing number of other pediatric orthopedists. His studies in developing countries show that people who don’t wear shoes have better flexibility and mobility, stronger feet, fewer deformities and fewer complaints than those who wear shoes regularly.’

And this is where the information, science and logic came together, it is worth betting on the shoes as the significant cause of flat feet which cause other problems, such as lower back problems or knee problems, which are a symptom and not the problem. The conclusion from free thought is that insoles are unnecessary for most people who do not have structural problems with their feet.

Where did the foot orthopedist go?

You will not hear the conclusion that flatfoot is caused by shoes that don’t fit, wrong way of walking and excess weight from almost any foot orthopedist in the world. An incorrect form of walking is caused both by the structure of the shoes and by the very fact of walking with shoes and not walking barefoot. The orthopedists do not think freely, they are smart but they do not try to understand the source of the problem, they rush to treat the symptoms: knee pain, hip pain, foot pain and more. You have to understand and doubt to strive for a solution, it’s not a 100% solution, but it worked for me, and I’m pretty sure it will work for you too. I wear shoes with really flat soles, flat sandals, 5 toe shoes or just bare feet. Of course I also changed the way I walk.

going right

Correct walking is when the leg straightens, and all the muscles up to the thigh are activated to straighten the leg. The muscles should not be activated when the leg is folded.

To practice it, you’ll have to walk barefoot, that’s the only way the right natural movements that we’re built to perform will come. You may very well be lucky and you are going right. The step starts with the heel and goes to the toes, which also push at the end of the step. Models walk closest to the real way we are supposed to walk. The head should look into space, not towards the feet, it’s a terrible habit that people walk with their heads down, it happens because we look at the mobile phones and it gets used to the position of the head looking down.

In nature, subdued animals lower their heads, lowering their heads symbolizes something unattractive and weak, and rightly so.

To check for proper walking, check if you push with your toes at the end of the step, that’s how you’re supposed to do it. Most shoes shrink all the toes because that way the shoe is more beautiful, but this goes against the structure of the toes, they should spread and not shrink.

When you exercise free thought about proper walking, you conclude that it is the cause of problems with knees, hips, lower back and more. Most of the day we walk, so it is better to improve what we do most of the day. Yes, it’s hard to rewire your brain to walk and move in a new way, but after a few months you’ll forget how you walked before. The difficulty is to change the movements in different games that you specialized in, you probably did them crouched down, and now you will be forced to be upright.

running right

To practice running correctly you need to run barefoot. Very quickly you will see that the landing is on the front pad of the foot, small steps with a straight back and straightening legs.

Only after you run barefoot, try running like this with shoes. Minimalist shoes are better, see that with normal running shoes it is impossible to simulate barefoot running.

The way we are built to run – a technical explanation about running .

As with walking, here too, it is difficult to rewire the brain for running and new fast movements, but after a few months you will forget how you ran before. Obviously, for a baby who sees his parents running correctly, the brain is wired more easily and stays that way for life, but from what I see, most people don’t run correctly, so you need to change the way you run without seeing your parents running correctly.

Correct neck position

What the majority do not understand and if you understand you will make a huge profit, is that neck pain often results from an incorrect neck position that is far from how we should be with our neck. The neck should have an arch, it should not be straight. Usually looking down and at screens causes the neck to straighten. Here you will see a picture of how the neck should be. The bow is necessary to maintain correct pressures on the neck. Just like in construction when an arch balances the pressures along the arch, just like that a cervical arch balances the forces acting on the vertebrae and disc. When the neck straightens, there is pressure on specific points in the neck, which causes a herniated disc.

Look in the mirror from the side at your neck, the beautiful pose is also the right one. If your neck has straightened, that doesn’t mean you can’t get the bow back. You can do this with the help of thinking and implementing the actions that will bring back the beautiful shape you saw in the mirror.

How do you stay with proper walking and running?

Proprioception is the ability of the body to sense and understand its position, movement and direction of the different parts of the body in relation to each other and the environment, without the need for vision or conscious thought. It is an internal sensory mechanism that allows us to make coordinated and precise movements, maintain balance and posture, and respond quickly to changes in body position.

Very simply, at first we force ourselves to walk and run correctly and after a few weeks the habit is absorbed, just like when we were little and we imitated our parents or the group we were in.

Studies show that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. You can realign your entire body just by walking and running correctly. 21 days of focus will bring big profit with little effort.

The amount of time required for the body to adopt a new position automatically and without conscious thought varies from person to person and depends on several factors. However, studies of habit formation indicate that it takes an average of 21 to 66 days of consistent practice for a new habit to become second nature.

Factors affecting the time required:

  1. Frequency and persistence: The more you persist in practicing the new position and remind yourself to correct the posture during the day, the faster the body will adapt.
  2. Body Awareness: Developing an awareness of your movements and posture can speed up the process. Practices such as meditation or yoga may help with this.
  3. Physical condition: The strength and flexibility of the muscles that affect posture can affect the ability to adopt the new position. Strengthening and flexibility exercises can help.
  4. The complexity of the change: small and easy to implement changes will be adopted faster than significant or complex changes.
  5. Professional support: Working with a physical therapist or posture specialist can speed up the process with personalized guidance and exercises.

Tips for persistence:

  • Use reminders: Set phone alerts or use notes to remind yourself to check your posture.
  • Incorporate the change into your daily routine: Try to practice the new position in daily activities, such as while working or watching TV.
  • Be patient: changing habits takes time and persistence. Don’t despair if you don’t feel a change too much.

In order for the body to remember and adopt a new position unconsciously, it is important to persist in practicing and being aware of the position over time. Usually, with daily persistence, significant improvement can be seen within a few weeks to months.

Problems related to incorrect walking

O feet, ankle pain, flat feet, knee pain, hip pain and lower back problems. Try changing walking to walking and running to running, and I believe you will see the difference. By “once” is meant thousands of years, when everyone went right.

auxiliary materials

To run properly in minimalist shoes (the way we are built to run – technical explanation about running ).

Extend and flex the muscles in the body every day before and after physical activity (as you get older you need to invest more), their tendency is to shorten. Shell video – Tom Brady’s method.

By observing, which is actually the “viewing tool” in free thought, it is possible to understand how they once stood, walked and sat and how these actions should be done: a film from 1950 about aborigines .

The point that is hidden from everyone, but not from you

Everyone knows that if there is a problem with the knee, go to the doctor or rest.

But many times the problem is simply in the form of walking, and it can be corrected by changing the form of walking to the only form we are supposed to walk in. Not only will you gain time, but you will treat the problem itself and not the symptom. And yes, it’s just as simple as it sounds and it’s as revolutionary as it sounds – simply change the way you walk or run. It also makes sense, the load should be on the muscles and not on the joints and be distributed between the joints.

Correct posture as before

The big gain of correct posture with little effort

The benefit of correct posture is that we will look beautiful and upright, we will not have pains that are common to people in chairs of all kinds and we will save unnecessary visits to doctors, photographs, unnecessary surgeries, money and headaches from all of these.

The great secret of posture that is solved by free thought

The big secret is as soon as there is a proper arch in the back, the shoulders pull a little to the hundred and the head is up, it also correctly activates the deep abdominal muscles, the Transversus Abdominis. Weakness or dysfunction of these muscles can cause posture problems, lower back pain, hip, knee, neck and sports injuries, and general body instability. The internal abdominal muscles, such as the Transversus Abdominis and the Multifidus, play a critical role in stabilizing the body and their influence on the other muscles takes place through various mechanisms of the nervous system and the subconscious. Look when they are contracted the shoulders go back and the legs straighten. It is clear that nature created us to think about one place and not many places at the same time.

You have to decide that this is how you stand and sit from now on, and that’s it, it’s over, it’s settled. You don’t need therapists, doctors or tests.

In free thought, we also understand that this can cause digestive problems and many other problems because the deep abdominal muscles are loose and cause a different intra-abdominal pressure than it should be.

Correct posture with a correct arch in the back

We have stopped moving the way our body is supposed to move, and our posture does not match the correct shape in which it was built over millions of years of evolution. A change in posture in movement as well as in sitting will bring about a dramatic change within a few days. Correct movement is the only way that treats the source of the problem, as long as the situation is not really serious. A spine surgeon talks about the way to treat the problem and not the symptom.

There is only one way to know the right way to move and maintain a correct posture and that is to see how people who have not been modernized stand, run, sit and walk.

Correct posture and standing – an article about posture and also excellent explanations from the past to the present .

Correct anterior sitting

Progress bends us more and more and makes us deviate from the way we were meant to move. Observing the tribes that survived and live as hunters and hunters makes it possible to understand how we were meant to sit and all. Look at babies and you will see that their posture has mostly not changed from the primitive posture.

Correct sitting – most people sit for a large part of the day. Sitting on a chair is sitting that is not natural to us because it does not activate the core muscles. It is better to sit as they sat before when the body is not relaxed. Forms of sitting from the past

ours that are more suitable for humans.

Also in this picture you can see that the head wants to rise and the arch in the back is preserved. This is the solution to most joint problems.

Moving the joints like before

One of the problems of modernization is that most of the joints do not move. An important law in the human body is – when you don’t move or activate a certain organ, it degenerates and is destroyed, not us.

The only way to take care of our joints, of which the back and neck are a part, is to move them.

Extend and flex the muscles in the body every day before and after physical activity (as you get older you need to invest more), because their tendency is to shorten. Shell video – Tom Brady’s method.

It’s a shame that doctors don’t only profit from successes

The profit is hiding on the medicine shelf

A doctor profits from giving a prescription, explaining why it is good, saying goodbye to the patient nicely after ordering some test and calling the next in line. The patient also expects the prescription. So it works both ways. Doctors don’t get paid to sit with a patient and explain to him for an hour why he needs to change his diet or stop being hunched over. They don’t have the time or the knowledge to sit on people for months until something changes.

Good intentions

Doctors really want to help patients. 99.9% of doctors want the patient to leave them in good condition than when they entered. There is no profit model from preventive medicine and dietary changes, so the medical establishment does not implement the obvious and natural solutions. Also, doctors do not understand nutrition and have not studied it (in educational institutions it is true that processed food is not good for humans, the rest is generally not true). Nutrition is responsible for 90% of our health, so it turns out that doctors have no significant effect on our health. Trauma medicine or serious injuries work great because the cause is often accidental.

Why is it dangerous to listen to dieticians?

A dangerous lesson in the Faculty of Nutrition

Dietitians learned the diet that the academy promotes, meaning vegetables, fruits and food without a lot of fat. This is of course not the diet that humans naturally evolved to eat. I have nothing personal against dietitians, but most of them do not recommend the right diet because they recite what they have learned without exercising free thought. But what they learned does not agree with science and the logic of natural selection. And yes, all dietitians are wrong. They do not understand that plants “want to kill us” by natural toxins that exist in them. In addition, animal fat is very suitable for humans and contributes a lot to cholesterol, which is generally good for us and is used for critical chemical processes.

Why invent new food?

Humans are built to eat the food they have eaten for the past hundreds of thousands of years: fruits (that ripened naturally), animals (that ate grass and not grains) and fish (natural and not pond fish). This is logic without science, but when you look at the science and the empirical results of experiments this logic is correct. Think in terms of ‘food suitable for humans’ and not ‘healthy food’. There is no such thing as a super food. Animals don’t have a super food either, they have food that suits them. The big deception in nutrition (diets not in the sense of losing weight, but a form of nutrition) such as ketogenic, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, carnivore show improvement for most people and therefore cause confusion, because they eliminate straight processed food that improves health, but they have problematic ingredients (plant toxins and in particular whole grains, cow’s milk and more).

Animals in the wild are not fat even though there are places with endless food for them. Later we will discuss this as a mental model that should also be taken to humans.

Diet in the sense of constant nutrition and not weight loss

Of course it is not good for us to diet in the sense of a set time to lose weight when we want to meet partners or we have just divorced, it will only confuse the body systems and you. The right and natural way is to change the length of life forever.

Plants and vegetables are trying to kill you!

Lectins are part of the toxins in natural food, for example in vegetables, legumes, roots, seeds, tubers, grains and (unripe) fruits.

Minors have been given their own section because they are so elusive. The person who made me look at them is Dr. Gendry , a heart surgeon from the USA who has written several books on the subject , the main one of which is The Plant Paradox . He is not right about everything, but he is definitely right about minors. They are found mainly in vegetables and whole grains, but not in all. The danger in them is that they affect each person in a different way. There are minor lectins that are not good for anyone (gluten) and the rest vary according to the people. Research on the relationship of lectins to joint problems and cartilage erosion (a problem that does not exist in tribes).

The toxins are there so that various insects and pests don’t eat them. Gluten is a lectin. In ripe fruits they disappear so that they will eat the fruits and spread the trees with the help of the seeds in the fruit. Science shows that most of the toxins are in the peel, kernels and seeds (logic also shows that it is worth protecting the seeds and kernels, which are the most important for the reproduction of the plant, and the peel to protect the fruit before it ripens), so chewing the seeds of fruits and vegetables causes the toxins to be released (the fruit wants you to eat it, but do not crush the seeds). In my opinion these toxins (the lectins in them) are a major factor in a large part of the autoimmune diseases and the obesity of the population, mainly from the wheat. Here are what substances these toxins prevent their absorption and here is an excellent lecture on lectins. The best way is to soak, sprout, saute and cook to eliminate the effect of most toxins.

Metabolic disease

A hidden disease that starts at different ages

Only rarely is it found that the animals in the wild are not at their correct weight, how can this be? They surely come across an inexhaustible source of food every now and then, how do they not get fat? Are humans the only animal that gets fat when they eat a lot? To settle this point logically, understand that all animals have a weight preservation mechanism, evolution caused the mechanism to develop because animals that get fat when there is an inexhaustible food source, simply perished and are not with us. The animals that get fat are those that humans feed, such as cattle, dogs and cats. And from here comes the free thought that connects logic and science, human beings are no different. We have a weight maintenance mechanism which is damaged with a diet that does not suit us and live. Indeed, animals get fat when they are given barley, corn, soy and different grains – food that is not suitable for them. Humans also get fat from food that is not suitable for us, but the damage is not direct from the food, but because it damages our weight maintenance mechanism. Damage to the weight maintenance mechanism is called metabolic disease.

Toxins that mess up the weight balance system

The metabolic disease that the majority of the population suffers from is probably due to an incorrect distribution between carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet and in addition to the toxins in plants and processed food. When there is something that most people suffer from, it means that it is very worthwhile for everyone to check themselves because it is not 1:1,000 but 1:3. There is no need to research what processed food does because there is no way in the world it will match the millions of chemical processes in our bodies. The surest way to be cured of the metabolic disease is through a free diet . Most people suffer from the curable metabolic syndrome (metabolic syndrom) and not just the problem of obesity. It takes a year to recover with the help of the diet intended for us.Excellent research on metabolic disease and its damage to blood vessels. What is important is not the quantities of food, but the type of food, and to eat concentrated meals up to 10 hours a day and the rest of the time to let the digestive system rest. Everyone has a natural weight, this is usually the weight they were at the age of 18-20 and which they will reach after a period of eating natural food.

Open a big mouth

How did the Indians have white teeth without Colgate?

George Catlin was an American painter, writer, and traveler, best known for his portraits of Native American tribes and his documentation of their cultures in the early to mid-19th century. In his travels and interactions with various Native American tribes, Catlin also observed and documented their dental health.

George lived with the Indians and just watched

In his book, “Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the Indians in North America,” Catlin made several notes about the teeth of Indians. He noted that they usually have strong, healthy teeth without cavities and attributed this to their diet and lifestyle. In addition, in his book The Breadth Of Life from 1864, Catlin notes that the Indians called the white man Black Mouth with a derogatory name. George lived for years with the Indians, he didn’t lie. He wrote in his books that the Indians kept their mouths closed day and night and saw how Indian mothers would put their children to sleep on their backs and make sure their mouths were closed when sleeping. And yes, I’m crazy enough to read his books, they were amazing because they gave a picture of a tribe living in the wild from 1864. You can also order them from Amazon.

From Katelyn’s observations we learn about exceptional dental health. Catlin noticed that Native Americans had excellent dental health, with very few cases of tooth decay. He attributed this to their diet which was rich in natural, unprocessed food and low in sugars.

In addition, Catlin noted that some tribes practiced tooth sharpening, where they would sharpen their teeth to sharp points. This was done for aesthetic reasons and as a sign of tribal affiliation. He was impressed by the skill with which this was done, as well as the absence of tooth decay even among those who had their teeth sharpened.

The oral hygiene practices Catlin observed showed that Native Americans practiced oral hygiene using chewing sticks and other natural methods. He believed that these practices, along with their diet, nose breathing and closed mouth all day, contributed to their overall good dental health.

Where are the dentists?

You can smile, dentists just don’t know that, it’s not that they are bad people. Bad teeth and bad breath is a symptom and not the problem. Three things will keep your teeth white and straight if it’s not too late: nutrition, breathing through your nose and cleaning your teeth without chemicals.

That’s it, no magic, the Indians in America had excellent teeth without all our magic, they can be copied and that’s exactly what I did in free thought.

Teeth are destroyed first of all because of a poor diet lacking in minerals and vitamins. It is usually a diet with little meat and fish and with a lot of plants and processed food that prevent the absorption of important minerals.

Another reason is mouth breathing at night and during the day. When you breathe through your mouth, it’s like putting an apple outside, it will rot. When we close our mouth, it’s just like wrapping an apple. That way the mouth doesn’t dry out either. When breathing through the nose, the tongue presses the jaw and produces straight teeth. Try to breathe through your nose with your mouth closed and you will see that the tongue presses on the upper jaw just like a bridge does.

Chemical or natural substances?

A third and important reason why teeth are not kept white and healthy is the cleanliness of the teeth. The secret is that there is no need for expensive chemical substances, they only damage the texture of the bacteria and your intestines, some of the toothpaste and mouthwash reach your digestive tract, because some of it is swallowed. It’s just like eating poison, try to swallow your toothpaste and you’ll see that it’s really unpleasant, of course don’t try, it was a joke. Read that toothpaste always says “not for eating”, but some is always swallowed.

How do you keep your teeth?

It is important to floss after meals, pass a toothpick between the teeth and brush your teeth with warm water. It is very important to brush your teeth with warm water. No need for chemicals, it’s a bluff. Both the tribes and the Indians had white and straight teeth without toothpaste. It is recommended to use a rough towel to clean the teeth after brushing. When there is a problem or inflammation, rinse with salt water several times.

Toothpaste does not contribute anything to the health of the teeth, and there is no need for it. In order for the teeth to be straight, it is important to eat hard food in childhood. Rinsing the mouth with warm water has the same effect as other substances. Take away something beyond your teeth, unnatural substances as few as possible on you, near you and in you. Example: Today, toothpastes such as Sensodyne contain a toxic substance: titanium dioxide . This is a small example of thousands of examples.

A study that examined the effect of using “mouthwash” on blood pressure.

Could it be that most dentists are wrong? Absolutely yes, they are wrong.


exposure to the sun

At least half an hour a day. The great advantage is that with UVA radiation the body releases nitrite oxide (the same substance that is released in breathing from the nose to the lungs) and a byproduct is vitamin D, but the great advantage is the release of nitrite oxide. It is better to be in the sun during the hours when your shadow is higher than you so as not to burn.

Natural anti-tan cream

Vitamin D is produced by exposure to UVB rays to prevent sun damage and is important for building bones. It functions like an anti-sun cream, so the body produces it. Eskimos are not exposed to the sun and get all their vitamin D from animals. Animal fat has vitamin D, especially animals that grew up on pasture and ate grass. The body stores vitamin D in fat by the type of cholesterol on our skin, so people who do not eat animal fat (suffering from many different diseases and symptoms) usually associate their symptoms with vitamin D deficiency, but this is a result and not the cause.

“Plants are known to wither without sunlight, and the same is true of humans.”

How to remove the natural protection from the sun?

How do you remove the natural “tan cream” that our body produces? Very easy, just shower with soap. Just like shampoo removes the natural oil from the hair, soap removes the oil with the vitamin D that protects us from the sun’s rays. Don’t believe me? Avoid showering with soap and shampoo for a week and go out in the sun and you will see that you burn much less.

Here you will see an excellent lecture about the sun and our body.

The human way of recognizing something healthy is by beauty

Basic instinct is beautiful

It’s quite fascinating how small children can naturally understand certain beauty standards without anyone explaining it to them. For example, they may recognize that white teeth are beautiful, while yellow and brown teeth are not. This ability to recognize beauty seems to be ingrained in us from the very beginning.

Children can also distinguish between healthy and unhealthy looks. They may associate a tall, upright posture with beauty and a slouched or sickly posture as less beautiful. Similarly, they may see beauty in a shapely body and less in a chubby body. They can even recognize that smooth skin is beautiful, while skin damaged by cigarette smoking is not.

Innate preferences for Lipa

These innate preferences for beauty can be traced back to our evolutionary roots. Studies show that beautiful features often signal fertility and good health which are important for the survival and continuation of our genes. For example, a study by Perrett et al.1999 found that people generally find symmetrical faces more attractive, perhaps because symmetry is an indicator of genetic fitness.

Our innate appreciation of beauty also helps us make choices about who we want to be, as it can indicate a suitable mate. When we observe someone walking or standing gracefully, it usually implies good health and proper functioning of the body. The same goes for breathing: breathing through the nose often looks more beautiful than mouth breathing, because it’s a healthier way to breathe, imagine someone breathing with their mouth open, do you recognize that it doesn’t look good?

Have you seen a model walking, and it looks good? This imputation is also the right walk.

Eating with your mouth closed while chewing looks good? It is also healthier because you don’t swallow air with the food.

damage the natural ability to recognize beauty

Just as we can damage the natural signal we were born with when to eat or more correctly when we are full, for example when we eat wheat, or the mechanism of when to drink, when we drink coffee or alcohol, so it is also possible to damage our natural ability to recognize beauty, sometimes beauty is a social phenomenon like the Maroch tribe The neck in Thailand, they will think that a long neck is beautiful, because that is what is accepted in society.

So, whether you sit, stand, walk, run, breathe or think freely nature encourages to do it beautifully, look at yourself and do it beautifully. This attraction to beauty serves a purpose, but you can ride it to know how to do things right, because often beautiful is also right.

Bread with chocolate is more dangerous than the rain

When I was in third grade my parents left us with friends. The mother of the friends, who called her Bat Sheva, gave me bread with chocolate for school. I never got bread with chocolate for school. On the way to school I ate the bread with the chocolate and I was hungry all day at school.

It is a common sight that mothers are afraid of their child getting wet in the rain and therefore chase him with a coat or sweater, not on us, and send the child to school with bread and chocolate.

The mother’s fear has a source, but not bread with chocolate, a really strange thought, even though I sound a bit delusional and I know it, but it’s worth showing how bad it is for the child.

Getting wet in the rain or feeling a little cold is great for a child, and even if it’s less than great, it produces an independent child. Next time he alone will remember that he was cold and take a coat or an umbrella, and the truth is, that this exposure to the cold is even healthy for him. Bread with chocolate, on the other hand, for school will not only cause the child to drop sugar and it will be much more difficult for him to concentrate, but contributes to the child’s love of unhealthy foods and increases the probability of diseases that the mother does not imagine in her worst dreams, such as cancer, diabetes, metabolic disease and even dental problems .

But everyone knows that this mother loves her child the most in the world, that’s why it’s strange to me, and I’m writing about it here.

Children and humans are not supposed to eat unleavened wheat bread with chocolate, not when they are children and the truth – not ever. They are supposed to eat a free diet – food adapted for humans.

Lower the eyebrow you raised from what I wrote here, and continue reading, the bread with chocolate is an example, but this is true for everything that humans are not supposed to eat.

So the next time you see a mother giving her child bread with chocolate, shout to the child: “Don’t finish the bread with chocolate on the way to school!” and shout to the mother: “Be afraid of the bread and not the cold!”

Give us something perfect

Many people tell me that the meat we eat today is not the same as the meat that was hunted millions of years ago. It is true, it has much more fat and the domesticated animals eat food that is not suitable for them, but it is much more suitable for us than, say, oats with all kinds of ingredients.

There is a fear that sea fish have metals and all kinds of unhealthy substances, but even in this case sea fish are almost identical to the fish that the ancients ate for millions of years, it is null in sixty compared to the natural poisons found in plants.

The trick is to get ideas that are 80% correct because getting 100% is very difficult in health. But to achieve 100% health you have to go for decisions that are 80% correct. There are no 100% decisions in health. (Except for banging your head against the wall which will 100% give you a headache).

We are drowning in information but crave insights about it, health is poker, most of the time there is no 100% nor 90%, decisions have to be made under conditions of uncertainty (sometimes the result is the opposite of the odds, like a smoker who lives to be 102) and that is exactly the problem, no one is decisive and says What should be done – these are things that are true with a high probability, so a free thought comes to try to isolate the signal from the noise. As with everything you read, treat what you read here with limited responsibility . Through free thought , you can arrive at the following critical and important law: “to behave as the ancient humans behaved in nature” – to this way of life our body and mind have adapted and adapted! Trying to beat nature with technology, drugs, magicians, salves, miracle herbs, knowledge and juices is often destined for failure.

Can you beat nature?

Whoever “designed” nature did not want to give humans the opportunity to surpass it.

Evolution adapted us according to how we were in nature and cannot adapt us to rapid changes. Evolution works on the distant past and not on the present. Once you understand this, you understand everything. This is not rocket science but simple logic. Like the animals, we work mainly to obtain food, to find shelter and to reproduce, as well as to obtain information about these three.

Evolution has designed for us millions of types of spectacular chemical processes and billions of billions of chemical processes (dependent on each other) every second that drive us and define us. It is not right for us to look for new chemical processes that will fix us (medicines), but simply to continue and not damage the millions of existing processes that we were kicked with into the world (just to remain natural), this is correct from a probabilistic and logical point of view.

These are the things that will strengthen you physically: food that people ate in the past, breathing through the nose, proper movement, learning (to activate the brain) and environment. Each idea is actually an easy solution to implement and is based on a simple free thought “to behave as the ancient humans behaved in nature”.

It is difficult to understand exactly how the ancients behaved, but there are tribes that have survived and there are old books and movies so you can learn about the right way.

A rabbit needs certain herbs and vegetables, otherwise it will get sick and die. These are the things he ate in the wild. A cow needs green grass and when you give her food that she is not built for (so that she gets fat – the interest of the breeder is more meat and not more health for you) such as corn grains, soy and barley she gets fat and you have to keep her alive with the help of antibiotics from time to time. In exactly the same way, we are also built for a certain food with a certain living environment. Ignoring this need manifests itself in a large part of the world’s people in obesity, diseases, needing doctors and medicines regularly.

A headache is a headache

A story that happened to me – my wife told me that she feels dizzy when she looks down and that she might have a brain bleed or a stroke. I told her that it was a shame that I would lose her like that, but “it was nice to meet you and I will get along,” and added “Tel Aviv has a good selection.” I find it very strange. I remembered hearing her doing a jump rope workout. I asked her, “Tell me you didn’t jump on a rope for half an hour?” She said yes. In free thought, I put together the fact that jumping makes you dizzy, that my wife and I are sensitive to sharp movements, and then I realized that the chance that on the same day she did a jump rope workout, she has a cerebral hemorrhage and they are not related to each other, is zero. I told her “I don’t think it’s a cerebral hemorrhage, but only from the jumping” and that she will probably survive, she smiled and indeed the “bleeding” and “dizziness” disappeared. It is important that you use free logic in everything.

A headache is a headache. It’s a symptom and not the problem, you’re doing something wrong if you have them, big or small.

I personally didn’t really suffer from headaches, but I encountered them in many people and sometimes I suffered from a headache before I started eating freely .

In a person who eats right and is active well and sees the sun, there is no reason for a headache at all.

If you occasionally have headaches or migraines, it means that you are not eating freely.

Cow’s milk products, oats, diet cola and the like are not foods that fall under the definition of a free diet and there is a good chance that they contribute to headaches.

Your body has no safety margins, so every little thing causes a headache. Just eat freely and you will see that the headaches and migraines disappear.

One of the things I’ve noticed is that wireless headphones give me a little headache after. So also beware of things that are projected directly into your head.

So how come no one is talking about this popular product being dangerous? Hopefully by now you’ve understood that just because everyone does something, doesn’t mean it’s safe or right, unfortunately many times it’s the other way around.

Anything radiating you put on, there’s a good chance it’s dangerous. Wireless headphones are right inside your head and radiate to the cell phone, no one has tested what it really does to the neurons in the head.

I bought headphones with an air cable at the end so that radiation will not pass through.

And we’ll end with yes, everyone makes mistakes, it’s possible otherwise!

Hello, welcome, Ganim

One of my huge mistakes was thinking that genes determine whether people are good at math, whether they will have a heart attack, or whether they are just successful. The more I think about it, freely read and come across information, I realize how equal we were born. Genes do help fight toxins, like wheat or smoking, but if you don’t poison yourself, we don’t really need the help of genes, and that’s the free-thinking understanding of this mystery. Genes will also help you to have a certain character that will help you like a certain activity, such as an actor, athlete, carpenter, physicist. But the ability itself depends on how many hours you have devoted to your native ability, practiced it and what you have done in your life, i.e. the environment.

We blame the genes, because our brain constantly strives to arrange reality and give an explanation that will support our actions, the main thing is that we are not to blame. That’s why it’s easy for us to blame our genes for the fact that we’re fat, or sick, or just excessively skinny, and so, when there are genes to blame – the problem is solved, it’s the genes! Fight the tendency of our brain to order everything and explain everything, this is free thought at its best. There is something wrong with obesity, it is not an opinion, it is a reality that is easy to see and of course the problem is not aesthetic but is accompanied by many other problems, such as diabetes and vascular problems. Everyone is supposed to be “thin”, if they eat a “free diet”.

Most people are born with great genes, so if there are problems, blame your environment and diet before you blame your parents for bad genes.

The trend of health in the world is in a clear direction, and it is visible in the streets. Could it be that so many people have messed up genes and are getting fat? Become subservient? Develop chronic diseases? Or maybe there is something else that causes some people to be fit, upright and healthy even in old age. If we assume that we were born equal, and indeed we were born equal (more or less), then by exercising free thought we realize that there is something else here than a problem with genes. There is something here that is related and remains a very basic activity – nutrition and physical activity! Another proof of this is those people who change their diet and exercise and become healthy and fit.

It seems that the general health of the entire world is in a downward trend, according to this article , according to the global obesity trend and according to the World Health Organization . Medicine is so advanced, so it can be assumed that the main reason is the deterioration of the quality of food and the type of food we eat. An article about childhood diabetes that shows an increase over the years. I guess the food we eat is much more important than our environment, because bad substances in the environment have less effect than bad substances in our food that enters our body. We do indeed live longer on earth but in less good health! Another evidence of the incompatibility of modern life with the life we are evolutionarily built to live – a study of American teenagers shows that happiness is in a clear downward trend over the years. For good health, one must be ready for change, understand that there are things that must be done and things that must not be done! Genes and luck are not harmful, but they alone are not enough to ensure good health.

The law “genes are nothing compared to the environment” says that if the question is: is a certain problem genetic or environmental? Most likely behavior is responsible for problems, such as our air, food, movement. From this it can be understood that most diseases arise from our lifestyle (environment, eating, movement) and not from bad luck or bad shields that fell upon us. The healthcare system’s way of treatment needs to change from the ground up and start with lifestyle and not with drugs. in prevention and not in plaster treatment.

We need to be flexible in our thinking and understand that sometimes we have to change our opinions on a certain subject and with this change a change in our way of life is also required. The biggest difficulty is to change ourselves and realize that until now we were simply wrong, we see it in the excuses accompanying people’s diet, “can’t stop eating bread or fried food”.

Someone will take responsibility

I’m just a reasonable person who takes responsibility for the right nutrition for humans. The state needs to manage the health of the public, which has difficulty understanding the factors operating in the market and making changes. There is probably no escape from paying people to maintain a healthy life, because in the long run it will save the country money – research shows that payment works . The source of the difficulty is the excess of advertising and misinformation that the commercial companies create for their own economic interests, which are profits and not public health.

The idea that the same action yields different results for different people makes it difficult to decide what is the right thing to do and what causes why. For example, two people: one person who did not smoke and died at the age of 40, and a woman who smoked but died at the age of 87. The solution is to test 100 people who smoke and 100 non-smokers and always remember the law “behave as the ancient humans behaved in nature”. Excellent article on the history of hunting and eating plants.

The potential benefit of ketones in the context of cancer and tumor growth is based on the differences in energy metabolism between cancer cells and healthy cells.

Cancer cells rely primarily on glucose for energy through a process called glycolysis, even when oxygen is available. This phenomenon is known as the Warburg effect. The high demand for glucose by cancer cells allows them to multiply rapidly. In contrast, healthy cells can use different energy sources, such as glucose, fatty acids and ketone bodies. A conversation with an oncologist professor about the subject.

A free diet, high in proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates, causes the body to enter a state of ketosis. In ketosis, the body produces ketone bodies as an alternative source of energy when glucose is low. The rationale behind using ketones to potentially help tumors that need glucose is based on the idea of “starving” cancer cells of their primary energy source, glucose, while providing healthy cells with an alternative fuel source, ketone bodies.

Some studies have shown that low-carb diets may have antitumor effects, possibly because:

  • Reduced availability of glucose – By lowering glucose levels, a ketogenic diet may help slow tumor growth by depriving cancer cells of their preferred energy source.
  • Changes in growth signaling pathways – ketogenic diets have been shown to affect various cellular signaling pathways associated with cancer development and progression, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) signaling.
  • Increased oxidative stress in cancer cells – Ketogenic diets may increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cancer cells, leading to oxidative stress and potentially cell death.

However, the effectiveness of ketones and ketogenic diets as a cancer treatment remains a subject of ongoing research, and not all types of cancer cells may respond similarly to this approach. It is essential to consult with healthcare professionals, such as oncologists, before considering dietary changes or cancer treatments.

Popeye was wrong, spinach is not adapted to us

What we eat is not necessarily absorbed into the blood. What matters is what is absorbed.

We were taught that spinach is healthy because it has a lot of iron, but they forgot to inform us that its absorption is zero because of the type of iron and the toxins that prevent its absorption.

In all plants this is exactly the same problem, the vitamins and minerals are not absorbed into the blood in the desired amount. Exceptions from the plant are the ripe fruits and fermented grains.

See here a recommendation by the Ministry of Health on kale without scientific basis and the opposite of what science shows. At no point in human history did humans eat kale, which is also hard to digest because of the fiber.

The secret is that in the end you enjoy it to the same extent

The big “secret” in nutrition is that in the end we enjoy most types of food equally, it only takes a few days to get used to it. Unnatural and sugary and salty food makes us not enjoy natural food that requires a few days to get used to. It’s worth spending a few days and getting used to natural food because in the end you enjoy it just as much. Another thing is the “variety of food” – we are not built to eat many types of food at the same time for a simple reason – in ancient times only one type of food was available at a given time – if we came across a fig tree, there was no honey and bread with avocado and cheese, there was only a fig. In addition, it is important to give the intestines time to rest (the intestines are “injured” by eating) and therefore it is wise to eat in a window of 8-12 hours a day.

By avoiding oil, sugar and unleavened bread you feel an immediate change. Once you manage to make the initial change, such as avoiding oil, and see the initial improvement, it is easier to continue. It may be hard to believe but the simple things are the source of the problem and the solution.

Hives, heartburn, irritable bowel and everything in between

These three phenomena are a symptom and not the cause. Not in all cases, but in most. After you read the free thought you already understand that it pays to live a statistical life and bet on something that is in high percentages true, even if not always.

The cause of these three phenomena is of course improper nutrition. An irritable bowel is actually your bowel that “gets upset” when you pass through it food that is not adapted to it, such as bread (not leavened), pasta, vegetables, vegetable oils, rice, roots, leaves, crackers, cow’s milk or all kinds of foods that have been invented recently.

Hives, scabies, rashes and sores in all kinds of places on the body, usually have nothing to do with hormones or puberty, but only with diet. I have to write it again, these are phenomena that are only related to the food you eat, and yes, everyone is wrong. These are signs of poisoning, and the way to prevent it is to solve the problem, not drugs – which sometimes silence the symptom. The poisoning stops when you eat a free diet as shown here.

Heartburn is often caused by vegetable oil and lectins that irritate the stomach acids.

Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins found in various plant foods, such as legumes, grains, and some fruits and vegetables. They play a role in the defense mechanism of plants against pests and predators. Some studies and anecdotal evidence have suggested a possible link between lectins and heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Heartburn is a symptom that occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus and causes irritation and a burning sensation. There are several possible mechanisms by which plant toxins (lectins) may contribute to heartburn:

  • Intestinal barrier dysfunction – minors have been shown to interfere with intestinal barrier function, which can lead to increased intestinal permeability (also known as “leaky gut”). This can cause an inflammatory reaction and worsen reflux symptoms, including heartburn.
  • Inflammation – Some studies suggest that lactobacillus may promote inflammation in the body, which can worsen heartburn symptoms. Chronic inflammation can be involved in heartburn.
  • Damage to digestion – lectins may bind to digestive enzymes and damage their function, which leads to incomplete digestion of the food. This can cause food to ferment in the stomach, creating gas and increasing intra-abdominal pressure, which can promote the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

If you ask why these symptoms only develop over the years and you don’t see them in children who eat a lot of plant toxins, it’s because it takes lectins years to injure the intestine and enter the bloodstream. Therefore it is recommended to avoid eating lectins which are plant toxins.

Exposure to cold and a cold shower

It is important to occasionally shower in cold water and generally swim in cold water and be exposed to the cold. The feeling afterwards is great, and yes, the science backs it up. These are three things that intersect: feeling, evolution that adapted us to exposure to the cold, and science. Therefore we can say with free thought that it is very likely that controlled exposure to the cold is very good for us.

There is a specific type of fat in the human body called brown adipose tissue (BAT) that helps regulate body temperature in response to cold environments. Unlike white adipose tissue, which stores energy, BAT produces heat through a process called thermogenesis.

When activated by cold temperatures or other stimuli, BAT releases stored energy in the form of heat, which helps raise the body’s core temperature and maintain warmth. This can be especially helpful in cold environments where the body is at risk of hypothermia.

Therefore, brown adipose tissue is the type of fat that helps humans cope with the cold.


According to evolution we must drink water. Not fruit juices, smoothies and such. Drink when you’re thirsty, all the recommendations about a certain amount are only true for those who confuse the body with alcohol and caffeine, otherwise the body signals us perfectly when it’s thirsty. As long as you are without drugs or substances unsuitable for humans that confuse the body, you should drink when you are thirsty.

Mental junk food for the soul?

Mental junk food refers to content or activities that result in immediate gratification but no long-term value or benefit. In the context of social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or Twitter, mental junk food can include mindlessly scrolling through endless feeds, watching videos, or shallow interactions that are not conducive to personal growth or meaningful connections.

The characteristics of mental junk food in the context of social networks:

  • Short attention span – these platforms are designed to capture and hold the attention of users as long as possible. Content is often presented in short, easy-to-digest formats, such as short videos, images, or short text posts. This can lead to a reduced attention span and difficulty focusing on deeper or more complex tasks.
  • Instant Gratification – Social networks are built around features that provide users with immediate feedback and rewards, such as likes, comments and shares. The instant gratification can be addictive and encourage users to seek more of it, leading to an overemphasis on validation and social approval.
  • FOMO – fear of missing out, social networks can create a sense of urgency and a constant need to keep up with the latest news, trends and gossip. This can lead to excessive use and an inability to disconnect from the platforms.
  • Comparison and Jealousy – Seeing shortened and filtered versions of others’ lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. This is especially problematic when people start comparing themselves to others and feel pressure to maintain a perfect online image.
  • Information overload – With so much content available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information. Consuming too much low-quality content can lead to mental fatigue and a reduced ability to focus on more important tasks or information.

To maintain balance, it is essential to limit the consumption of mental junk food and engage in activities that promote personal growth, such as walking in nature, reading books, learning new skills, having meaningful conversations and cultivating real-life relationships. Also, setting boundaries around social media use, such as set time limits or specific hours of the day for checking these platforms, can help reduce the negative impact on mental well-being.

Indeed, with the increase in the consumption of mental junk food, we see a decline in intellect in the US and, I think, in the rest of the world as well.

Substances that humans were not exposed to

There is a lot of new material going into it

The unnatural substances we are exposed to: flavorings, toothpastes, cleaning agents, face creams, perfumes, fabric softeners, hair products, makeup of all forms, pesticides, fertilizers and the like. It is difficult to predict how these substances affect our health, but according to the “law of processes” most likely they harm us in ways we did not think of. A small example: toothpastes contain substances that can cause severe stomach pains – the effect will be different for each person.

Detergents and the other artificial substances that most of you use (dishwasher tablets, bleach and floor cleaners, pesticides, etc.) find their way into the food you eat. The consumption of these substances is paid for in health.

natural sleep

Our sleep can improve wonders. It is difficult to understand how the ancients slept, but according to ancient paintings, it seems that they slept lying on their backs and breathing only through their noses. When lying on the back, the body and muscles are at rest and it is easiest to breathe through the nose. Recommended reading: George Catlin – The Breath of Life. He documented Indians and painted them in 1860, from which you can learn how they breathed in nature and how they slept without modernization. Going to bed early and waking up early is a matter of habit. The ancients slept alternately without a fixed formula, so don’t be alarmed if you get up several times a night, it’s completely natural. The ancients slept about seven hours a night and intermittently, meaning there might be a few hours awake and then back to sleep. I sleep on a hard mattress and on my back, like the ancients, I noticed that this way I sleep the best and wake up with the most energy. Breathing through the nose only, otherwise it causes many problems including sleep apnea and dental problems. If you can’t breathe through your nose while you sleep, put duct tape over your mouth while you sleep. After a few weeks you will be breathing only through your nose.

A study that showed that coffee consumption shortens sleep , science shows that caffeine stimulates and so does logic, so we can assume with a free thought that if you want to sleep better, stop drinking coffee. Caffeine is a coffee tree lectin, a type of pest toxin, so it damages the nervous system of insects and small pests.

Invert from Lagor – minimalism

Hoarding objects and materialism in general – this is the disease of the century and is the result of buying unnecessary objects – children’s rooms are “blown up” with toys that have been used once, there is an excess of clothing, cosmetics, food, etc. It is recommended to get rid of things and not hoard anything.

If you know how to be healthy, why not do it?

We are interesting creatures who just want to do what we did yesterday. We usually have to do the exact opposite of what we are used to, eat few carbohydrates and a lot of proteins and animal fat. To act contrary to what we thought, to walk is better than to run, to think freely and not fixed.

The preference for processed food is often a result of the initial taste, which can be more appealing than natural food due to added sugars, salt and fat. People might assume that this taste will stay the same, even though studies show that our taste buds can adapt to new tastes within a few days.

In addition, many people simply do not know how to live healthy because they grew up with processed food as the norm. Each generation moves away from the natural way of eating, which makes it difficult to transition back to a healthier lifestyle.

The medical industry also plays a role in discouraging preventive health measures, as most doctors are trained to focus on treating disease with drugs and surgery rather than preventing it in the first place. This can create a culture where people expect to receive medication or surgery for their health problems, rather than adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Furthermore, processed foods are often the most profitable for manufacturing and marketing companies because they have a longer shelf life and require less investment in agriculture. This can make it difficult for people to afford natural, unprocessed food.

In summary, a variety of factors contribute to the challenge of making healthy changes, including initial taste preferences, lack of knowledge about healthy lifestyles, cultural norms, and profit-driven food production. However, with education, persistence and support, anyone can learn to appreciate the taste and benefits of natural, unprocessed foods and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Diabetes is a disease of dieticians and doctors

A friend of mine told me that she was taking pills to lower her blood sugar. I asked her if the doctors suggested she change her diet. She replied that she was referred to a dietitian who told her that nothing should be changed in the diet. I asked my friend if her doctors recommended any dietary changes. She told me that she was referred to a dietician who advised her not to change her diet. This surprised me because type 2 diabetes, unlike type 1 diabetes, is often associated with poor nutrition and can be managed by a diet that reduces consumption of harmful substances, such as wheat products.

The increasing prevalence of type 1 diabetes worldwide suggests that it may be influenced by factors such as diet and environmental exposure, rather than being solely genetic. Although it cannot be cured due to the destruction of the pancreatic cells, it is worth considering that an inappropriate diet may also contribute to its development. Interestingly, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, and the Western diet is known to promote various autoimmune diseases by exposing people to unhealthy foods.

Back to the story, my mine consumes wheat products for both breakfast and dinner. I was amazed to hear that. Two aspects seemed counterintuitive: first, the doctor referred her to a dietitian when dietary guidelines were readily available; Second, the dietician does not provide her with a solution for managing her condition. Prescribing medication only addresses the symptoms, not the underlying problem. Both the doctor and the dietitian failed to provide the necessary guidance, which could have negative consequences for my friend.

My girlfriend refuses to listen to my advice and relies solely on her doctors recommendations. On a diet rich in fats and animal proteins and without carbohydrates, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes can disappear completely within a few weeks. It is important to note that type 2 diabetes is never cured because it is a product of poisoning. The only way is to stop poisoning the body with an improper diet. While everyone makes mistakes, it is unfortunate that some healthcare professionals condemn people to a life of suffering. For example, my friend’s son suffers from the same condition and faces a similar fate due to insufficient guidance.

And yes, everyone is wrong, diabetes and probably juvenile diabetes as well, is not a genetic disease but a disease that results from a diet that is not suitable for humans. The genetic part is how tolerant the person is to the continuous poisoning of the diet that is not adapted to him. Just like the weight regulation mechanism is damaged with the continuous poisoning, so our sugar regulation mechanism is damaged. Both are reversible after a few months of eating food that is compatible with humans.

I’m neither a doctor nor a dietitian but I think they have a big part in the spread of the disease, and I say to their credit that I hope they just don’t know, but ignorance does not excuse responsibility.

Argue like dancers and not like donkeys

ReThink – as Israelis we tend to argue a good part of the time, give yourselves a chance to change your mind on everything. Try to conduct an argument like a dance and not like a war. You have to approach the debate with humility and show the other side that there are issues in which you agree with him. One must concentrate on a number of individual issues and of course not give the feeling that we want to control or convince the other. The only one who will succeed in convincing the other side is himself. Ask the other party how they came to this conclusion or way of life. Try to be convinced every now and then – because if you ever change your mind – you have a problem. Don’t be a logic bully and have a scientific rather than emotional debate.

Repressing is good

Ignoring and forgetting makes much more sense than digging in wounds. In ancient times, traumas and unpleasant events were repressed and not dug into as in the new psychology. They wouldn’t make a crazy drama out of every bad thing that happened to people. It’s a lot about what is socially acceptable and not really what should be done. It seems logical that it is better to repress and not dig into the past, but only learn from it. We have a natural mechanism to forget the past and move on. In births it works well.


Why don’t football players go bald?

About 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from baldness, while about 50% of women over the age of 65 suffer from female pattern baldness. Below I will mention ways to reduce the likelihood of hair loss. It is interesting to note that it seems that professional basketball and football players, including athletes from athletic professions, as well as some tribes such as the Maasai and the South American tribes, are less likely to experience baldness than the general population at their age when comparing the same ages of course. Therefore, we need to exercise free thought and try to understand the reason for this and apply it to ourselves. Baldness indicates a health problem and is seen as something unattractive. It’s part of our evolution to want to choose a healthy mate that we can pass our genes on to.

One of the possible explanations for the baldness phenomenon is that the hair follicles require sufficient blood flow to maintain their health. During strenuous physical activity, blood flow to the face increases, which may provide the hair follicles with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended for those experiencing hair loss to engage in vigorous sports for at least an hour a day, four times a week, until their face turns red, which means that the scalp also receives an increased dose of blood.

to pump blood to the head

With free thinking, you understand that it is possible to pump blood to the hair through a daily massage to the head, which will pump blood to the hair follicles just like physical activity. There are genetics in baldness, this is clear, but it is likely that, as with gluten, there are genetics that help avoid the toxin, those who do not eat gluten do not need these genetics. In balding in the same way, genetics help when there is no blood flow and proper nutrition, when there is – there is no need for the help of genetics. And so the answer to the question “So how is Zidane cold?” is that he probably has genetics that do not cope well with a lack of nutrition and blood to the scalp.

In some cases, the cause of hair loss may be related to diet rather than blood flow. Women, in particular, may experience hair loss due to nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to a diet that includes fish, meat and fruit, which provide essential nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian diet. Also, it is recommended to avoid sweet foods and especially breads and processed food that prevent the absorption of minerals that may damage the hair. The body has a mechanism for routing minerals from less important places to more important places such as the brain and muscles, so when we have a lack of minerals the first places to “hijack” are the teeth, hair and bones – places that are not critical for survival in the short term.

I saw in the studies and also in the HMOs that it is written that hormones cause baldness. It is possible, but this is probably the symptom, because a poor diet affects the hormones. And this is precisely a free thought to go up a level, from the level of the symptom to the level of the problem.

A nice way to show that there is a good chance that blood transfusion and proper nutrition can stop baldness, is to see that drugs that cause food shortages or reduce blood circulation cause a side effect of baldness, and indeed this is the case; Some medications used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta blockers, can lead to thinning hair or hair loss as a side effect. The exact reasons for this can vary depending on the specific drug, but several mechanisms are possible:

  • Nutrient deficiencies – Certain diuretic medications can cause the body to lose essential minerals and vitamins, such as zinc, potassium and biotin, which are important for maintaining healthy hair. Lack of these nutrients can contribute to hair loss.
  • Reduced blood flow to hair follicles – Certain blood pressure medications, especially beta blockers, can reduce blood flow to certain areas of the body, including the scalp. This reduced blood flow can weaken the hair follicles, making them more susceptible to damage and hair loss.

Athletes are less likely to go bald

Let’s restore free thought. We have observed with our own eyes that athletes go bald less than their peers. They pump more blood to the head than normal people, so we assume that’s the point. We know that drugs that block blood and nutrition can cause hair loss, so this adds another possibility. We also know that people’s problems are often not genetic and more the result of the activity of the person and the environment. There is also a feeling that people who are not active are more prone to baldness. The explanation that some go bald and some don’t is also rooted in genetics, but the explanation that it is genetics that helps when you don’t eat right and there is no blood flow in physical activity and not genetics that helps when you do everything right.

So it’s worth betting that the three components are important for healthy hair: a free diet, sports that end up with a red face and a daily scalp massage. All three together will probably reduce or prevent baldness. This of course seemed plausible when I exercised free thought with the information and science above. There is a small chance that this is not true, but it worked for me all these years and I hope it will work for you.

Who will gain and who will lose from our health?

As a small part of the world unfortunately progresses more and more towards a conscious and sustainable life, it becomes clear that a collective transition to optimal health can yield benefits for different sectors of society, and vice versa, cause a loss for others. Understanding these benefits and losses can paint a clear picture of how our well-being affects diverse aspects of society and the economy.

First, the most obvious beneficiaries of our health are us, the individuals. If we take the example of an Israeli citizen, maintaining excellent health can lead to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle, reduced medical expenses and a greater ability to contribute positively to society.

Another notable beneficiary is the organic farming sector. As more people adopt a healthier lifestyle, the demand for chemical-free organic produce increases. This trend provides a significant economic boost to organic farmers dedicated to producing food in harmony with nature. It also fosters healthier ecosystems and improves the biodiversity of our planet.

The trend towards a healthier life also has a positive effect on animal breeders who choose natural and organic methods. This approach means that animals can grow in a natural environment, thus promoting better animal welfare. Similarly, the planet also benefits, as a healthier lifestyle often coincides with more sustainable practices aimed at preserving our planet.

Moreover, companies that produce health-focused products or services can flourish, especially if encouraged by the government through incentives and subsidies. They can innovate, grow and contribute to a healthier society, thus creating a positive feedback loop.

On the other hand, the shift towards improving health can have a negative impact on sectors that do not align with this paradigm. For example, pharmaceutical companies may experience a decrease in demand for certain drugs if people manage to maintain their health through preventive measures and lifestyle changes.

Also, companies that produce processed food, such as Strauss, Tnuva and Osem, may face challenges due to reduced consumption of their products. People may choose fresh and organic food instead of processed items, which will affect the business of these companies.

Industries that rely on non-conventional methods of raising animals, such as dairy farms, chicken coops, fishponds and meat plants, may also experience a decline. Similarly, large food chains such as Shufersal could see sales decline as customers may prefer local and organic produce over mass-produced items.

Vegetable, leafy, root and seed farmers could also feel the impact if people start to reduce their consumption of these products in favor of a higher protein diet. Moreover, companies that make meat substitutes such as Tivol and Beyond Meat may face reduced demand if people choose natural sources of protein.

Healthcare professionals, insurance companies and medical equipment companies could also be affected, as healthier populations would theoretically require less frequent medical intervention. Finally, supplement companies may see less demand for their products because people are obtaining needed nutrients directly from their diet.

7 natural remedies work for me

Cheap, available and do not need a prescription

These 7 natural remedies improve life like crazy, I believe you will not be disappointed. They are also cheap, available and do not require a prescription.

I admit these are the only drugs I use. That’s it, no other chemicals on me or in me.

When you try something on yourself and it works, there is no need for research and the like. Research will only reinforce what you have seen for yourself. Everything written here I tried on myself and it works like crazy, of course it doesn’t mean anything beyond that, so don’t see it as medical advice.

Natural medicine is different from food, because it is consumed specifically to treat health problems and not for general food. Research evidence supports this distinction.


How to use?

When I use the “Hawk” law from the laws for great profit, I have seen that garlic solves stomach problems and sore throats for me in an amazing way. The method of use is very simple, crush a clove of garlic, the crushing releases allicin. Add the crushed tooth to the meal. this is. Now you should be seeing results, as long as you eat human-grade food. Check on yourself.

It is recommended to heat the garlic so that it is softer and easier to digest and that way you won’t smell it either.

I don’t recommend you try it, but when I had pain in my appendix, I ate garlic and the pain went away after two days.

Garlic has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments, including stomach aches, colds and flu in ancient times.

Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating these conditions. A popular remedy for sore throats includes a mixture of honey, crushed garlic and hot chilies, eaten once every few hours, this can provide symptom relief and clear pus from the throat within a day.

The science is really small, don’t panic

Garlic affects the gut bacteria, especially the bad ones, and therefore can make a huge difference when combined with a good diet. Garlic is a kind of medicine. The composition of gut bacteria is a direct result of the food we eat, and they have a huge impact on our lives.

Garlic, especially its active compound allicin, has shown antimicrobial properties against a variety of bacteria in laboratory studies. Why is it interesting in “freedom to think”? Because many places in nature behave the same, and sometimes you can take solutions from one place and apply them elsewhere. Also Penicillium fungi which are usually found in soil and decaying material and they produce penicillin as a defense mechanism against bacterial growth on them. That is, humans use the protective properties of plants for healing, and this is not a spiritual theory, this is exactly what the antibiotic that saved hundreds of millions came from a fungus.

Some bacteria found to be sensitive to garlic include:

  • Escherichia coli – E. coli;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • salmonella;
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Helicobacter pylori.

The lectins in garlic help us

The toxins in garlic that protect it from pests, such as allicin, ASA I, ASA II, and ajoene, have a variety of potential health benefits. They exhibit antimicrobial properties, which means they can help fight harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. This is part of the reason why garlic is often used as a home remedy for minor ailments. Garlic lectins also have immunomodulatory properties that can improve the immune system’s ability to fight infections and diseases. Some studies also suggest that these garlic cloves may have anti-cancer properties. They can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and promote apoptosis, which is programmed cell death. However, these effects have mostly been observed in laboratory and animal studies, and more research is needed to understand how they might apply to humans. What is beautiful is to see that the allicin is released when the allin is crushed, that is, when an animal or bacteria chews the root, the poison is released, it shows beautifully that the lectins are indeed toxins designed to prevent pests from harming the plant. In this case of course it was built on small animals and not on humans, none of this helps us sometimes but in wheat the wga, a cruel lectin of the wheat, kills us slowly over years.

Lectins in wheat and plants poison us

On the other hand, while lectins or garlic toxins can be beneficial, lectins from other plants can sometimes be harmful. Some plant lectins can interact negatively with the human body. For example, raw legumes and whole grains contain lectins that can cause digestive distress if not prepared properly. The lectin in red beans, called phytohaemagglutinin, can cause food poisoning symptoms if the beans are not cooked properly. Other potentially harmful lectins include those found in nightshade plants such as tomatoes and potatoes, which can worsen inflammatory conditions in sensitive people. It is important to remember that the method of preparation can significantly affect the lectin content of these foods, and cooking often reduces or eliminates the potentially harmful effects.


I noticed that honey on wounds heals them faster than iodine and that it also prevents coughing. I don’t need research to show that honey has natural healing properties. Still, a study by Al-Waili et proved that honey is effective in treating wounds and reducing cough symptoms.


Although the sour taste of the lemon can be an indication of its strong effects, it is not recommended to consume it regularly in large quantities. According to a study by Penniston et al, excessive consumption of lemon juice may contribute to the development of kidney stones. I noticed that lemon is excellent for all kinds of food poisoning and stomach issues and also for sore throats. I only drink lemon when I have a stomach problem.

Lemon juice has been found to be effective in treating digestive system problems. The same study showed that the bioactive compounds in lemon juice can help improve digestion and ease stomach problems. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid possible side effects.

cold and hot water

Cold water is great for showering. A shower in ice water is as stimulating as 2 cups of coffee with Red Bull.

Cold or icy water is great for tight muscles and various pains in the body. Athletes take ice baths after training and for a very good reason.

If I have dizziness, because I’m sensitive to turning and looking at the mobile phone while driving, a cold water shower takes it away.

In our evolution, the use of “showers” was cold water and not hot water like today. I personally feel a thousand times better after a cold shower than a hot shower. Pay attention “after” the shower.

Hot or boiling water kills bacteria just like any other chemical except that they are not as dangerous to us as the chemicals. I wash and brush my teeth with warm water and it works just like toothpaste.


Excellent salt for mouth sores and gargling for a sore throat. I use salt only as a medicine and try not to consume it regularly. Salt can also be used for food preservation and pickling.

olive oil

Olive oil is excellent for treating dryness on the lips or anywhere on the body including the scalp, works much better than any other perfumed ointment. My son had a dry scalp with flakes and it was resolved with an hour of olive oil on his head.

It is recommended to consume olive oil only as a medicine and not as an addition to a salad. When you drink let’s say 100 grams of olive oil, it’s like eating half a kilogram of olives. It doesn’t make sense, by and large it is better to avoid such concentrates, our bodies were not exposed to concentrates in hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, only in the last few thousand years.

Intestinal bacteria

Great impact on health

Research shows that gut bacteria have a major impact on our physical and mental health. Many studies show that the gut bacteria are simply affected by what we eat or don’t eat.

The free thought for huge profit

The intestinal bacteria are only a symptom, they are an intermediary factor, and probably one of them for the food we eat. Just like high blood sugar is a symptom and not the problem, the problem is the food that is not adapted to us. That’s exactly how intestinal bacteria are a product of the food we eat that is not suitable for humans. Many studies show that fecal transplantation helps many people, but after a certain time if the lifestyle is not changed, the old problems return. This shows that our gut bacteria are directly affected by the food we eat.

That is, it seems to me, when I apply logic, that it is not the intestinal bacteria that cause diseases, but the food we eat, prioritizing certain intestinal bacteria that are probably one of the causes of problems.


Taking antibiotics harms us over many years and causes symptoms that arrive late. Medicine does not link them to her, and especially to problems with the intestinal bacteria. Stay away from non-life saving drugs and doctors. On the other hand, trauma medicine (injuries, recoveries, etc.), cardiology, oncology and surgical operations are beneficial and improve the quality of life.

Garlic as a substitute for antibiotics for stomach problems?

Garlic contains a variety of compounds that are believed to contribute to its health benefits.

Prebiotic effect Garlic contains a type of fiber known as inulin, as well as fructooligosaccharides. These compounds are not digested in the upper digestive system, but when they reach the colon they are fermented by the intestinal bacteria. This fermentation process leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids that provide nourishment to the cells lining the colon and help maintain a healthy intestinal barrier. In this way, the prebiotics in garlic can promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Antimicrobial activity – garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allicin, which is formed when garlic is chopped or crushed. Allicin and other related compounds have been found to exhibit antimicrobial properties against a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. While these compounds can act against harmful bacteria in the gut, more research is needed to understand the specific effects on the gut microbiota. It should also be noted that these compounds are relatively unstable and may be deactivated by conditions in the intestines, so the extent of their antimicrobial activity within the body is not entirely clear.

Immune Response – Some studies show that compounds in garlic can affect the immune system, which in turn can affect the composition of the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome and the immune system have a complex two-way relationship, with each influencing the other. Certain compounds in garlic have been found to have anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects that may affect the gut microbiome.

Moreover, the antimicrobial properties of garlic may have an effect on certain types of bacteria in the gut.

How is each person with a different character and why?

The equalizer of human nature

Think of people features like a sound equalizer. Everyone is born with a special combination of traits that make up who they are. Each trait has a value, and the balance between these values ​​creates our personality.

Imagine being born from 1 to 10 on any of these: Inner Happiness 7, Enthusiasm 9, Curiosity 3, Inner Peace 5, Autistic 3, Sociability 4, Loss of Control in Extreme Situations 2. These are just numbers to illustrate how nature probably works. Autism probably breaks down into dozens more such numbers, some of which are good and some of which are less good. In each environment different numbers give survival. When my wife read it, she said there is no punch but there is punch and like anything in free thought we want to profit from it. The punchline is that labeling someone as 1 or 0 is problematic, and there are really not just bad traits like autism.

Autism is not a single characteristic number

Autism can also be seen as an equalizer feature that represents a variation in the balance of cognitive, social and emotional characteristics. It is important to note that autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there is a wide range of severity and symptoms experienced by people with ASD. However, the equalizer analogy suggests that everyone has some degree of autism-related traits, albeit to varying degrees.

Similarly, other traits such as aggression or hot temper can be viewed through the lens of the equalizer analogy. Each person has a certain level of these qualities that can be helpful or harmful depending on their strength and context. For example moderate levels of aggression may be useful in competitive environments, but may lead to interpersonal conflicts with excessive salience.

This is how nature adapts man to the environment

When someone is born with too much of an aggressive instinct, he can be a murderer, if someone is born with too much of a sexual instinct, he can be a rapist.

Nature’s way of adapting man to the changing environment is precisely by this equalizer idea. It is impossible to know exactly how to direct it to suit the environment, therefore everyone is born with different numbers.

The comparison to gluten sensitivity is another way to illustrate this concept. Many people can consume gluten without noticeable adverse effects, while others experience varying levels of sensitivity, and a small percentage suffer severe symptoms due to conditions such as celiac disease.

see six-six

Glasses is genetic or environmental

Just like the other things we’ve seen, the genes help when we’re acting against what we’ve been conditioned to. We are not built to look at things closely all the time. We hunted, traveled, built and fought and all these things the humans saw from afar. Being in front of a screen 8 hours a day is something new to the eye, so investing in glasses and lens companies is smart.

Glasses are annoying rockets

I started wearing glasses for long-term vision at the age of 42. At the age of 43, I had laser surgery to remove glasses, which was an amazing success. Not only in terms of appearance, but also the effect on the field of vision, maybe because I started wearing glasses at the age of 42. But I had to exercise free thought to solve and understand it.

don’t want glasses

You should do as much as possible what they used to do, look a lot at distant and green nature and less at screens. A free diet is really important for healthy vision, and therefore there are many vision diseases that result from a lack of vitamins and minerals, and by way of reversal Free Illustration concludes that vitamins and minerals are just as important for good vision as natural vision, which is looking at nature.

Do reading glasses prevent deterioration of near vision?

Here is the question, which is one of the tools of free thought , which helps us aim for free thinking.

When you wear nearsighted glasses, the lenses in the glasses bend the light to focus on the retina, even though the eye is not focusing properly. This means that the converging and ciliary muscles do not need to contract as much to focus on near objects. This can help reduce eye strain and fatigue.

Wearing glasses can help slow the progression of myopia in children. A study published in the journal Ophthalmology found that children who wore glasses were less likely to experience worsening of their nearsightedness over a two-year period than children who did not wear glasses.

The study authors believe that wearing glasses may help slow the progression of myopia by reducing the amount of time children spend focusing on near objects. When children focus on near objects, their eyes have to work harder to bend the light to focus on the retina. This can put pressure on the eyes and may contribute to the progression of myopia.

A revolution in the healthcare system

The health system today

The modern medical system demonstrates excellence in emergency and life-saving medicine, such as trauma care, ophthalmology and audiology. For example, advances in trauma surgery and rapid response teams have significantly improved the survival rates of critically ill patients.

However, there are certain deficiencies in the current healthcare system. One such issue is the disconnect between the private and public healthcare sectors. This lack of communication and cooperation may lead to fragmented treatment, as can be seen when a patient moves from a private doctor to a public hospital for treatment and his medical records are not shared in time.

In some cases, the medical system may not make enough use of data related to patients, recovery, and other vital aspects. For example, healthcare providers may not have access to a central database to review a patient’s medical history, which can result in uninformed decisions and less effective treatment.

The current medical system also tends to prioritize drug treatments for different conditions. For example, patients with chronic pain may be prescribed opioids instead of exploring alternative treatments, such as physical therapy or lifestyle changes, that can provide long-term relief and improve quality of life.

Moreover, the healthcare system emphasizes longevity over quality of life. For example, aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy may be given to terminal cancer patients, prolonging their lives but not necessarily improving their well-being or comfort during their remaining time.

Finally, the medical system is scattered and decentralized, with different providers and institutions operating independently. This can make it difficult for patients to navigate the healthcare landscape and receive coordinated care. For example, a patient may need to visit multiple specialists for a single problem, leading to a disjointed and time-consuming experience.

Treat the problem and not the symptom

An important guiding principle is that most medical problems originate from bad conduct, not genes or a physical problem. That is, most of the body knows how to fix without medical intervention but only by changing diet, activity and environment. Of course there are problems that require medical intervention because the damage is already irreversible.

A measure I can improve

In general, before you start, you need an index that I can improve and know that I have improved, otherwise I can bluff you. A good initial index that is also really easy to calculate from a sample is the BMI check of the residents by the residents themselves and their reporting to the Ministry of Health application, of course in exchange for some kind of incentive. Then there is an index by height, weight and age representing the population.

Throw the oil, flour, sugar as far as possible

After there is an index of the health of the residents, which at the beginning is very basic, I would concentrate on what will improve the health of the residents the most, and that is their diet. The first thing is to reduce the consumption of oil products, wheat flour and sugar – in short “SHAs”. This is not an easy task when SHAs constitute the main food of a large part of the population.

I would start with a tax credit for those with a normal bmi index and explain how to get to it.

At the same time, red warning labels were added to non-adapted products.

A tax increase for non-adjusted products and an incentive for baking sourdough bread and goat’s milk products.

In the first stage, when no one trusts me, it will have a good effect on the bmi of the population.

The cost of medicine per person in Israel

In order to know where things stand in the Ministry of Health, I would like to know how much every person in Israel spends today on public, private health and various health devices.

My goal is actually to reduce the cost of health care for each person and, at the same time, raise their level of health.

Doctors understand nutrition

Treating problems and not symptoms, all doctors should understand proper nutrition and movement and only then offer invasive treatment and medication. This is preventive medicine, to put an emphasis on disease prevention and not on disease treatment. Disease prevention is possible through proper nutrition and proper movement that has been compromised by modernization. In my opinion, there are no drugs and there will be no drugs that can replace the above.

VAT benefit for a restaurant that does not contain oil, sugar and wheat flour

To give business companies incentives and an interest in helping people to be healthy, for example lowering income tax by 1% in restaurants where there is no oil, sugar and wheat flour.

food standards

Implement regulation and enforcement on food standards and other things on our health.

Escalation, talk to a medical advisor before a doctor

Doctors are very busy and usually you can filter the contact with them, just like you do in customer service, it takes time to reach the manager. First a general consultation with a “health expert” who does not have to be a doctor, he understands how the process works and sometimes it can be solved without a doctor. You can define exactly what a doctor requires and what requires an examination or just rest.

Monitoring the performance of doctors

Quarterly monitoring of doctors’ performance according to the health indicators of the people who treated them. Each treatment will be reported to the Ministry of Health to obtain metrics on the performance of patient treatment. The patients will of course report the improvement or deterioration in their relevant feeling.

activate the private market for tests

To use as much as possible the private market for tests, photographs, MRI and the like.

Application of the Ministry of Health

Full digitalization of the entire health system. One system that will be used by all the hospitals in the country.

Tests and recommendations for the entire population once a year

check for mineral and vitamin deficiency at a systemic and permanent level for the entire population. When the entire population is tested once a year, we will be able to know what is working and what needs to be improved.

An orderly grocery list for private health insurance

It is necessary to put health insurance in order and to implement regulation that will make it difficult for the companies to hit the insured.

Why don’t most doctors get better?

Without feedback there is no improvement, this is a known rule in training. Of course, the main problem is that doctors don’t understand nutrition, and nutrition affects our health the most, yes, it’s ridiculous. But apart from that – in the health system, in Israel and in the world, there is no monitoring of the patients’ condition, and thus the doctors are prevented from receiving feedback. Most doctors, after a certain stage, do not have a teacher to guide them on how to move forward. That’s why most doctors after a few years reach their maximum capacity and get stuck there, then there is a deterioration caused by attrition. That’s what studies on the subject show.

Dave Davis is known for his research on the impact of continuing medical education (CME). In a study titled “The Impact of Formal Continuing Medical Education: Do Conferences, Workshops, Rounds, and Other Traditional Continuing Education Activities Change Physician Behavior or Medical Care Outcomes?” (JAMA, 1999), Davis and colleagues conducted a systematic review of the effectiveness of CME activities.

Interactive workshops were found to be effective compared to traditional lectures and conferences that contributed nothing to improving the doctor’s service. In addition, CME programs that focused on outcomes and included practice-oriented activities were more likely to lead to improved patient care.

And these results are not surprising. In the lecture there is no feedback, and in the interaction – there is. You can’t learn to play golf by watching golf on YouTube.

The study concluded that there is no effect on the quality of patient care from lectures and seminars for doctors. Emphasis should be placed on designing interactive, practice-oriented programs to maximize their impact on physician performance and the condition of patients.

I am sure that only 5%-10% of doctors are constantly improving and looking for new methods.

Do not trust the Ministry of Health or doctors without checking other sources as well and examining them with free thinking and realizing for yourself that what they are telling you is true. The Ministry of Health and doctors have not said anything new for years, which proves that the Ministry of Health is not functioning or is afraid to function or in the worst case does not know how to function.

The poop test

The best test to know if you are eating right is the state of your poop. Although it is not so pleasant to talk about it and you won’t find it anywhere, but it is the most accurate test in the world, so I make an effort and write about it despite the unpleasantness. You should poop once a day or every two days, it should be relatively hard, long and uniform and not soft. No gas almost during the day. The right way is to kneel down like the ancients did. The event must be completed within 30 seconds max. Any different form is decisive, it is not natural for us and can cause problems. An explanatory video on the kneeling position and research on the subject .

If this is not the case with you, you are probably not eating right. And it’s probably not a genetic or bacterial problem. Read about free diet , apply and then do the poop test. From the moment the food goes in until it comes out, it takes between 24 and 48 hours and sometimes more.

Do nutritional supplements add to me?

Living organisms strive for homeostasis, meaning maintaining certain parameters within a narrow range. For example, warm-blooded animals must maintain their internal temperatures within a narrow range to function properly. Attempting to treat depression by interfering with the ability of nerve synapses to clear serotonin, believing it to be caused by low serotonin levels, can lead to neural adaptation and the formation of long-term dependence on drugs such as SSRIs. These adjustments may worsen depression for a long time after stopping the medication.

Nutritional interactions can also be extremely complex. Adding another nutrient that you believe you need, whether through pills or targeted food intake, can sometimes cause additional problems. For example, trying to correct oxidative stress by taking antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta carotene may seem like a good idea, but clinical trials have shown that giving these to smokers has produced poor results. These antioxidants did not reduce lung cancer or deaths and may have even slightly increased them. This may be because oxidation is a necessary process that the body uses to direct many things, including tissue repair. In other studies, taking high doses of vitamin C to interfere with this process has been shown to prevent muscle recovery and growth after exercise.

Even food sources of nutrients can be problematic. A few years ago I met a man who suffered from numbness, difficulty walking, forgetfulness and tremors, all of which were severe neurological symptoms. His neurologists were confused, and his symptoms rapidly worsened. They had already considered invasive treatments, but then he discovered the problem – he was consuming Brazil nuts daily as a source of selenium, which he believed was lacking in his diet. In a casual conversation, it turned out that selenium toxicity was the likely cause. When he stopped eating them, his symptoms disappeared, and he made a full recovery.

Trying to manually assemble a complex set of interacting components can sometimes be disastrous. Fortunately, it’s unlikely that we need to target our nutritional needs with laser precision. If we had to use our prefrontal cortex to make our bodies work, we probably wouldn’t have gotten this far. Sometimes medicine is required, and so are nutritional supplements! However, in the absence of injury, infection, or unusual nutritional depletion, your body can likely handle some fluctuations in the environment. Conversely, if you have a health problem that isn’t resolving itself, you may be suffering from a chronic injury, infection, or other nutrient-depleting condition. In this scenario, identifying the underlying problem will be more effective than assuming you’re broken.

function improvement

  • Neck – activating the neck in all directions every day, especially up because it is the opposite direction to staring at the computer.
  • Knees – Japanese sitting and tilting the body to both sides.
  • Voice – voice development is a matter of training and not genes. It is recommended to read this book . Training is required to speak correctly and clearly and of course to sing correctly. The importance is of course in the speech. Interview on the correct use of the voice .
  • running.
  • Organize and clean around you, at home or wherever you are. Cleanliness and order affect you and your thinking!
  • Joint problems are usually caused by an improper diet as well as incorrect walking, standing or running (insoles and the like do not solve the problem, they just move it to another joint). Exercise all the joints in the body every day. by any method.
  • There are many types of cholesterol. The terms “high cholesterol” or “low” do not mean much and do not predict a heart attack.
  • Dealing correctly with the corona (important for the next deal).