
לֶךְ לְךָ מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ

What is free thinking?

It may sound simplistic or unreliable but after 40 years of experience – I can say that a formula for free thought definitely exists. And I intend to shorten your path to it. Later I will list the six tools that allow “free thinking”.

I came to free thinking when I tried to “level up” from thinking about my race for success to understanding how I think and what makes me move forward. Free thought is actually a method of thought that produces better thought, thought on several levels. We always try to “build a thought” from something that is most likely true and are not afraid to bust myths or “people’s opinions” compared to things that are not an opinion such as “the earth is round”.

When you apply “free thought” to “free thought” you get that you should see a profit from the thought and not just the opinions of a thinker, meaning financial, health, social profit and in general profit.

If so, here is the formula for free thought, but like anything new – you have to practice it. Although it takes years to reach a level of expertise, the initial improvement is immediate.

Free thought outlines the path to decision-making by cross-referencing information from a variety of knowledge fields, such as mathematics, statistics, science, evolution, anthropology, logic, and neutralizing unverified assumptions. With free thought, you usually make the best decision with the highest probability.

Crossing several sources of information with logic is the basis of free thought. When you ask something to which the answer is “that’s how it is” or “that’s how everyone does it” usually a free thought will show that it is a mistake.

Where is everybody?

The question I get asked the most is, “If what you say about nutrition, education, health, government, business, the environment, etc. is true, then where is everyone else?”

Why don’t the nutrition professors say there are toxins in vegetables?

Why doesn’t the government separate authorities?

Why don’t we raise free-range chickens so that the eggs are not poisonous to us?

How does the Ministry of Education not push everyone to excel in mathematics, if it is within everyone’s reach?

There is a logical explanation for this, stay with me for a moment.

Why listen to me?

I don’t think it’s right to listen to me without trying to reach these conclusions on your own or check if things really work, all this without taking a risk, of course. But it’s worth paying attention to my unique life path that shaped the way I think: I grew up with a social worker mother and an electrical engineer father. Their parents were the only Holocaust survivors in their family. The Holocaust was present in the house all the time and brought with it the urge to think big and different.

When I was 10 years old we moved to Silicon Valley for two years. During these years I was exposed to the American culture – the need to make everything perfect and build a method for everything. In addition, I acquired the skill in a second language that comes with thinking in two languages, on two different paths. During my high school years I dabbled in the stock market and read economic newspapers. I then studied electrical engineering at the Technion and graduated as dean’s honors after seven semesters. During my studies I founded my first company – an online blackjack platform; I then set up an online casino; Then a paid backgammon site. Finally, we founded Plus500, which brought in over 2 billion dollars in the last decade.

After the success of Plus500, I started messing around with free thought that is not related to making money and I was able to solve all kinds of health issues that were bothering me by myself, with the help of making decisions using this method.

My life path led me to try to understand what my method is, to organize it and to think about how it can be passed on, to shorten the path for others.

However, it should be remembered that I am just an electrical engineer from the Technion. I am neither a doctor nor an army general nor a psychologist, politician, sociologist, anthropologist, writer, mathematician or philosopher. But I’m not afraid to explore all these topics and touch them with a free thought. zero fear

I’m not a coach

Most coaches invented a method and made money from it. I made money and bring you the method.

The fact that I have been successful in business, alone, is not enough to guarantee that I am right. The main idea is to enable you to learn the method – to think freely, reach conclusions independently, generate the profit, live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Reading the book or listening to the lecture – will help you develop free thought yourself.

There is little chance that the “free” voice will reach you

People who come across answers and solutions that arise as a result of free thought, ask “If the whole public is misled, then why don’t the professors say anything?”

One of the answers is from the world of the “sciences” – in order for this voice to be heard – someone needs to reach the truth, make his voice heard, for this voice to reach you and for you to agree to listen to it. That’s a multiplication of four probabilities. low chance. In addition, it takes time for new research findings to be practically integrated into everyday life because the process of translating research into practice, known as “knowledge translation”, can take many years.

There is no profit in the simple solution

Another answer to this question comes from “the world of economics”. If the plastic surgeon who profits from liposuction treatments, tells his patients to simply change their diet – reduce wheat products, oil and sugar – he will not have a living. So in theory it could be simple and easy, but in practice the patients probably wouldn’t listen to him, and maybe even the doctors themselves don’t believe in this solution. Therefore, they sell liposuction for NIS 20,000 and not free nutrition for NIS 80 like the book.

The big solutions are often brought by business companies. On the other hand, solutions of free thought usually do not require the purchase of drugs or a large financial investment, therefore in the absence of an economic model and business interest, we will not hear them from professionals or from different industries. For example – it will be difficult to build a business model from a nutritional change for diabetics.

People want a quick, effortless solution

Most people want to put in the least effort to get the most profit. That is, they want good food, beautiful spouses, money, a tidy house, a huge garden, a luxury perfume, status – but – they don’t want to invest a lot of energy, nor do they want to work hard for all of this.

Free thought tries to get the most profit with the least effort. But most people don’t understand that, yet.

It is clear to me that learning a good profession is more suitable for lazy people than being a Walt messenger. Because in a good profession you can be lazy. I have always been lazy, so I learned a profession where the computer works for me. For example, an investment manager who studied economics, after four years of hard studies, works less hard than a Walt courier, who has to be on the go all day. What is misleading is the great effort required at the beginning, although after that a lower effort is invested in a good profession over the years. The average overall effort is lower. The problem that people shy away from the initial effort is an arithmetical error of average calculation.

Another example of small effort and big gain – when a person complains to the doctor about heartburn, the doctor will straight away give him an antacid pill. He probably won’t explain to him that the heartburn was caused by his diet – the toxins in the rice or the oil he ate. It is clear to me that it is easier to change the diet and solve the problem for good than to take pills regularly and even suffer from their side effects.

There are not many free thinkers

Today there are not many free thinkers, mainly because it is very difficult to break away from the opinions we grew up with and change our minds. Being a free thinker is not related to intelligence or IQ, it is only related to knowing a different way of thinking like the one that appears in the laws for free thinking .

In recent years, information technology has greatly improved, and today you can read every book that has ever been published, receive research summaries, as well as ask ChatGPT complex questions that in the past you had to go around universities for months. I mean, it wasn’t really helpful to be a free thinker 50 years ago when information, knowledge and science were so different from today.

So where is your profit? Your profit is to think freely in your unique way, don’t rely on me, I’m wrong a lot, although it’s usually because I’m being misled.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, take advantage of this beauty to think freely in your own way.

Addicted to technological and scientific inventions

The world is addicted to technological and scientific inventions, the newspapers are in love with them, and humanity hangs its future on them. But in fact technology and science will not improve our lives, on the contrary. Rather non-technological discoveries are forgotten and not talked about even though their impact on your life is much greater than any technological invention. Free thought often leads to non-scientific or technological discoveries. When the founding fathers of the United States wrote the Declaration of Independence and the structure of the American government, the press did not come out announcing “the system of government that will make the United States an empire has been invented.” The important inventions are not scientific, they are human. Technological inventions are copied, but cultural and interpersonal inventions are abandoned. A few years ago when they found out that wheat is poisonous to people because of the toxins that are in it to prevent pests from destroying the plant, no one talked about it as the invention of the century, to this day it has been completely forgotten, but still poisons hundreds of millions of people. Few understand it. Now you are one of those few.

resistance to change

As in any field, in medicine and science there is always resistance to change. Maybe because of entrenched beliefs, financial interests or simply the human tendency to stick with the familiar and the known. Our thought is lazy. Help her wake up. Think freely.

The most dangerous are the assumptions we grew up on

The unrealized profit

The craziest non-monetary gain from free thought is contradicting the assumptions we grew up with. These assumptions, which no one checks to see if they are true or not, are stuck in your life like foreign agents inside you… For example, “Eat vegetables, it’s healthy,” until I was 46 I didn’t check this assumption at all. And when I checked – I was surprised, you can read about it in free nutrition.

On the contrary, exactly the opposite

Hard work, running away from the stock market when everyone else is leaving, buying expensive clothes, doing everything our best, not generalizing groups according to stereotypes and not making assumptions – these are things that are not good for our profit, not only the financial one. The truth is, many times, quite the opposite. We won’t explain everything here, but “working hard” is really a dangerous value. The most dangerous people in the business are the impetuous and the unintelligent, because they vigorously spread the nonsense in society.

Not hard work, but work with minimum effort and maximum profit brings the greatest profitability over time. Making stereotypical generalizations is an evolutionary feature for protection, sometimes we need to decide in a split second whether the person in front of us is dangerous to us or to him, obviously a stereotype helps us at this point.

Boring definition for free thought

Mental freedom is just as important as physical freedom. Free thought is a new way of thinking. It helps to achieve mental freedom and to some extent – also physical freedom (making money and the like). In the combination of both there is real freedom – liberty. Science and logic don’t go wrong together so when they both indicate something it’s interesting. When there is a conflict between them, you have to exercise free thought.

Humans once grew up even with the understanding that slavery is logical, so what we grew up on doesn’t have much meaning, if we don’t try to figure it all out ourselves.

Most of the world’s most difficult questions are solvable with the help of information, science, logic, evolution, history, anthropology and free thought – which is the organization of all these tools.

Free thought seeks in everything a minimal investment of energy for a huge profit, in every field of life, that’s how I came to establish Plus500. The company made 10,000 times the investment.

What you hear is an opinion and not necessarily the truth. What you see is a point of view and not necessarily reality. Don’t be limited by the opinions and limited imagination of others. For example we want to understand if you need shoes for running: evolution shows that most of the time they moved around barefoot. The logic says that shoes change the form of running due to changing the angles of impact on the ground. There is science that shows that in barefoot running the shocks are smaller. There is a crossover between logic, evolution and science. Now for viewing we have to try it on ourselves. There is a crack in free thought.

We are drowning in information but crave insights into it. Here comes free thought to try to isolate the signal from the noise. Free thought is the game between logic and information (information can be obtained by science, mathematics, experiment, observation or anything that brings a fact at a high level of probability). The information leads us in the right direction but the one who makes the decision in the end should be our logic with as little emotion as possible. Emotion obscures reality. The information depends on logic, so you need to practice knowing when the information is true with a high probability.

Free thought is independent thinking about any subject in the world based on assumptions whose truth has been proven with high probability. This is a “method” of thinking just like the “method” of kicking a ball or any other method. This truth (with a high probability) can be reached by time, logic, reason and empirical observation, and all this in a free thought method. There is nothing “spiritual” or “mystical” about free thought, on the contrary, it is based on a method for applying logic to information and devoting time to it that others would not. To think freely we must understand our thinking biases .

Free thought should lead you to the source of the matter, often others don’t see it because they don’t believe there is another way. Example: Could it be that a large part of children’s dental problems are mouth breathing and not nose breathing?

It is said that our environment and our genes determine what our lives will look like, but our decision-making is the third most important factor and is much more effective when there is free thought.

The “big crack” is that usually free thinkers did not come from an analytical field like engineering, but from humanitarian fields. This combination is a free thought of the free thought – to think engineeringly about all areas in the world, and especially in areas such as government or health that most engineers do not deal with on a mental level. Example – an Australian koala eats a specific leaf of the eucalyptus and almost only that one. All other animals will suffer to the point of death from eating the poisonous leaves of the eucalyptus. Using a free thought, it is possible to assume with high probability that each animal is suitable for a relatively specific food. From here it is possible to move forward in thought and assume that humans were not meant to eat everything, but only relatively certain foods that they were exposed to for thousands of years.

For example – a basketball player, it’s good to be tall, but is it possible to teach height? And this is where free thought begins –

  • Is height the only measure of success in basketball?
  • What are the strongest qualities in great basketball players?
  • What can you teach a beginner player?
  • Is it even worth trying to be professional in basketball? what is the chance

It is possible to impart tools, with the help of many trainings for example, to bring about improvement. When successful athletes are tested, they realize that their participation in other sports gave them an advantage, they received “war tools” that others do not have. And from here you can move to a more general point – in any field of work when you have experience from other professions as well, it has a great advantage. For example, an investor who was also a CEO will know the ins and outs of the business better. We always have a story in our head, about everything, a kind of basic premise, what is the basic premise that accompanies us and does not allow us to see other basic assumptions? “If I do what she did, I will succeed.” “Fruit sugar is healthy.” In order for you to understand what free thought is, you need to erase your basic assumptions and rebuild them. to ask “how do you know?” in order to finally arrive at the question of whether everything is based on a mistake or on the real thing. Mathematical knowledge and statistics help because they help develop data-based thinking rather than “feeling”.

The Free Thought Project has a point of view that is often contrary to popular opinion, perhaps because free thought is based on logic, facts, change of mind and opportunity. As a general rule, it is difficult for us to accept facts that contradict our world view on any subject, even the most obvious. We are mentally lazy in our DNA, so we probably prefer to stay in our comfort zone, without delving into research.

A person who thinks freely is a person who shapes his ideas and opinions and is based on facts that are ‘self evident’, i.e. prove themselves. Thought is like walking – those who walk in a direction longer see more new places, regardless of intelligence or wisdom, it is simply a matter of time – walk physically and walk mentally and you will see new places. The Free Thought project has all the information I have accumulated in recent years along with suggestions to improve the level The life of everyone who is now reading this text. My knowledge is based on research and books I’ve read in combination with personal experience and of course free thought. The goal of the project is to make the information accessible to everyone and to develop free thinking in you – because only in this way, and not through technology, can we do good.

In the Free Thought project, I encourage open, critical and research thinking, and yet, with the appropriate degree of modesty, it is still a view and looking at things through my eyes and my personal experience. It is clear to me that we as human beings are different from each other in many ways and there is no uniformity or one hundred percent compatibility in all the ideas presented here. But try while reading to challenge yourself and check honestly and despite the resistance that some of the scriptures may raise in you, to delve deeper, ask questions and doubt until you reach your truth.

An important point for understanding free thought: “Just because everyone is doing something, it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing.”

Independent thinking must be exercised regarding every subject in the world. And like a scientist or researcher to question everything that you are told is not true, and then try to find out that maybe I am actually wrong, and this is true.

The lack of free thinking does not stem from a lack of wisdom, but only from a lack of practice, and it can contradict any accepted assumption. We know some of these assumptions well: “When it’s cold outside, you can catch a cold, “we must learn to play because playing develops and enriches our abilities.” The question is – how do we do that? How do you develop free thinking?

How to develop free thinking

In order to develop free thinking, one must first accept the idea that assumptions that are seen as absolute truth can also be undermined and changed. We used to think that sugar is healthy, that the world is flat, that women are witches who terrorize the world. Today it makes us laugh even to think about it, but once these were truths that were not disputed at all, and if you went out to sea with the boat, you had to be very careful not to fall at the end of the world on the head of poor Atlas. Therefore, many times it is necessary to understand why a certain thing is true or false, where the information came from, who passed it on and how he came to this conclusion. Usually there is a reason or a law (one or another law of physics) that helps to know if what is being tested is correct or not.

Example: Is it possible to transmit a broadcast immediately? Answer: No, because it is impossible to exceed the speed of light. The law that helps us is the law of limiting the speed of light.

Another way to develop and train free thinking is to read theoretical books , where you can find plenty of interesting theories and a wide variety of assumptions. The key point in order to break through the boundaries of the non-independent thoughts that we are used to, is to reach basic understandings that are correct and true and based on factual data.

The thing is that our opinions about many subjects are based on other basic assumptions that we accumulated as children and teenagers and from actions we did in the early years of our lives.

When we, for example, ask an architect to design a big house for us, we rely on the premise that a big house is a good thing and that it can provide us with a better quality of life. These are things that many of us heard in childhood, at our parents’ house or in other places. What is this premise actually based on? And how did it become a fact for many people? Can hearsay give us safe ground to place the significant opinions we will hold as adults? I claim not. A large house, for example, requires more cleaning and maintenance and has a greater “environmental footprint.” “Nature makes me happy,” is definitely a safe assumption. “My privacy is important to me,” is a safe assumption. With the help of free thought, I understand that what is really important to me is to be close to nature at home, to feel the wind coming in and to have privacy. After analyzing the facts with the help of free thought, I come to the conclusion that I can of course have these things in a small house as well. Living in a big house is not necessary for me. This is my collection of assumptions about what a house is right for me. For someone else, it will be different conditions. What’s important is to stick to your truth, and that truth is based on many little truths you’ve confirmed along the way, and they are true for you.

And yet – with free thought, you can contradict everything.

Herzl had something to say about free thought

Herzl, in my opinion, was among the greatest free thinkers. He dreamed and wrote about his dream. But more than dreaming, he wrote and performed. In his book “Altneuland” he formulated a little aggressively and not exactly in a politically correct way for our time the incorrect beliefs we grew up with: “The human mob feeds on prejudice from the cradle to the grave, and therefore, since we cannot abolish prejudice, we have to conquer it for ourselves.”

Like everyone else, he wasn’t 100 percent right, because in fact we all grew up with incorrect beliefs, not just the mob. About free thought, Herzl went on to write “But pay attention – everything you have planted in this place will be worthless and wither, if freedom of thought and expression, generosity and love of humanity, do not flourish in it. You must cultivate all these and allow them to grow and prosper among you” and later – “This is the freedom, thanks to which we become real human beings.”

Knowledge is power

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English philosopher, statesman and scientist who coined the saying “Knowledge is power” in his greatest work “Meditationes Sacrae”.

The saying “knowledge is power” emphasizes the importance of acquiring knowledge, and how it can empower individuals and companies. Gaining knowledge makes it possible to better understand the world, make informed decisions and find solutions to problems. The phrase also emphasizes the potential of knowledge to be used as a tool for control, both in terms of self-control and in the context of influencing others.

In Bacon’s time this statement was revolutionary as it challenged the traditional reliance on authority and encouraged people to seek knowledge through observation, experimentation and critical thinking. The emphasis on the scientific method and the value of empirical evidence greatly influenced the development of modern science and the pursuit of knowledge in various disciplines.

Free thought is a mental rather than a scientific method to reach insights.

Socrates’ trip

Yeshayahu Leibovitz (1903-1994) was an Israeli intellectual, scientist and philosopher and was known for his controversial and thought-provoking views on a variety of subjects, including religion, politics and ethics. He was an outspoken critic of Israel’s policies and a passionate supporter of the separation of religion and state.

Leibovitz did not explicitly refer to the concept of “free thinking” like other philosophers, but some of his views can be linked to the concept. In general, he emphasizes critical thinking, intellectual independence and personal responsibility. He argued that people should think for themselves and not blindly follow authority or tradition.

Leibovitz criticized religious dogmatism and warned against turning religion into an ideology. He believed that religious practices should be focused on the worship of God and not be used as a means to achieve political, national or personal goals. He also argued that it is the role of the individual to question religious authorities and challenge them when necessary, emphasizing the importance of intellectual autonomy and skepticism.

Socrates (about 399-470 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates is known for his Socratic method which involves asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and reveal contradictions in his beliefs. He emphasized the importance of seeking truth and wisdom through questions and dialogue.

Socrates was known for his dialectical method of inquiry in which he interrogated people to help them come to their own understanding of complex ideas. This approach often led to amusing situations.

It is said that one day, Socrates was walking in the Athenian market when he came across a group of young people discussing the concept of free thinking. Socrates, intrigued, decided to join the conversation.

The young people debated whether it is better to follow society’s norms or think independently. One of them, named Toptus, claimed that free thinking is essential for the progress of society. Another, named Crito, insisted that adherence to social norms was essential to maintaining order and stability.

Socrates, with his wit and curiosity, posed a question to the young men: “Can you tell me the difference between a free thinker and someone who is just confused?”

The young men, eager to display their knowledge, began a spirited debate. Tufts argued that a free thinker is someone who questions the status quo and is not afraid to explore new ideas. Crito countered that a confused person will also question established beliefs, but will do so without any clear direction or purpose.

Socrates listened carefully. When the young men had exhausted their arguments, he spoke. “You both make valid points,” he said. “However, I would like to suggest that a true free thinker is one who not only questions the status quo, but tries to find as close to the truth as possible and profit from the truth, the truth cannot be known for sure. Without profit there is no free thought. In contrast, a confused person asks without any real understanding or analysis of the concepts they are questioning.’

The young men were surprised by the wisdom of Socrates’ words. They understood that the art of free thinking required more than just questioning; It requires a profit and a bet. It also requires a deeper understanding and the ability to analyze and synthesize information. It requires betting on the truth. Most of what is “factual” can also be refuted or is a bet on the closest thing to the truth. It used to be a fact that the world is flat or that vegetables are healthy. The idea of betting on the truth from all the data you have is a free thought, the profit is necessary because otherwise you are just a thinker. Profit creates a connection to reality.

I of course made up the story just to make a point. did you like

Things that can be understood with the help of free thought

  • In the pursuit of beauty, it can be argued that humanity’s ultimate goal is to reach aesthetic perfection.
  • In Israel, the election system and the government, not the people themselves, are the root of the problem. A solid investment for the future is education that includes various forms such as childhood learning and academia.
  • Vegetable oils have been identified as a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic, making them a poor choice for a healthy lifestyle.
  • It is important to question the information that comes from social networks, from tabloids and from certain people, since much of it is based on wrong assumptions and should be treated as the opinion of the author.
  • The need for running shoes to absorb shock is not as important as previously thought; Instead, the way we act can be the real problem.
  • Reading fosters intelligence in children, making it a valuable activity to promote.
  • Although it may seem counterintuitive, plants have various mechanisms that can be interpreted as trying to “kill” or deter us.
  • Engineers are among the highest paid professionals in the world, and this trend is expected to continue. The relentless pursuit of technology may not lead us to the desired future, as it contributes to environmental destruction. Instead, adopting an anti-technological approach and focusing on natural processes can be a more sustainable approach.
  • Although doctors have the skills to treat critical issues and save lives, their training often lacks a focus on identifying the root causes of problems. Many complex problems can have simple solutions when looked at closely.
  • By combining the forces of nature and technology, prosperity can be granted to everyone. However, this requires a fundamental change in mindset towards natural thinking, working in harmony with nature and not against it. Nature does not need our intervention, but we must embrace it and learn from its wisdom in areas such as animal husbandry, environmental protection and natural nutrition.

The 6 tools to think freely

The following tools will help you think freely and earn when there is an opportunity. Note that most of the time there is no opportunity for profit. Profit can be financial, physical, spiritual or even when your son scored a goal. What you must know is that it takes time to master free thought, it’s like playing the piano. You have to practice it, you can’t just read about it and expect the magic to happen.

Tool 1 – logic

You have your own logic, it defines you. It is different for everyone and creates a different reality for them. You must use your own logic to think freely, otherwise you are not truly free. When you activate “free thought”, at the end logic connects all the principles and is supposed to give an answer. Get used to asking yourself questions to which there is no clear answer – “Why are there smiling people?” or “Why do people always pass the blame to others and not take responsibility?”

Logically, we will combine cross-references, if you have received confirmation from several places for your claim or decision, this greatly increases the probability that you are right.

Tool 2 – the observation

In the 1830s, Charles Darwin traveled on the HMS Beagle as a naturalist. His journey took him to many diverse environments, including the unique Galapagos Islands. There he observed related but distinct species, such as turtles and finches, each adapted to its particular island. Intrigued by the variations, he learned more about different species and their environments at home. These observations led him to propose the theory of natural selection which proposes that species evolve over generations through adaptations that are beneficial to survival. Thus, Darwin’s keen observational skills played a central role in shaping his understanding of evolution.

Darwin was one of the greatest free thinkers ever. This is the most important law in free thinking – your senses should provide the clues for the next hunt. The sense of sight is the most critical, not just a huge part of our brain is busy deciphering what we see. The beauty of the observation is that it is often unique to you, and what you will see with your own eyes is the beginning of the solution.

is your personal experience with the question or problem. Use it and all the information absorbed by your other senses.

Tool 3 – the data

Unlike the field of science where you do the calculations and get a conclusion, in data and information you base yourself on the calculations and solutions of others.

The basis for free thought is knowledge and insights from many fields that are not necessarily related to each other. The only way to gather the information is to read books and newspapers. Sometimes the solution to an important question is found in a newspaper article you read 9 years ago. History is information. What was, often is what will be. What has worked well for humans throughout human history will often be good for us as well. However, it is important to give weight to what the source of the information is. The credibility of an article and voila! Different from that of scientific research from Stanford.

Tool 4 – the supplier

Always leave room for doubt, even if your inner voice has already pushed you in a certain direction, something like “It’s obvious he’s a thief.”

Doubt your intuition or the first answer your brain gives. Our brain is lazy, therefore our thought is lazy, it doesn’t always check everything to the end, the brain doesn’t have the strength to think about everything all the time, so it pulls out answers.

Doubt until you reach your truth, not that of others, yours!

The fact that something is written in some health fund or that a professor said something, it means nothing without you applying free thought to it.

Yes, even in the things I say. Check what works for you and what doesn’t.

Yes, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, swimming against the current does not mean you will drown in the river. Sometimes everyone is wrong, and you are right.

Tool 5 – thinking of a child

Little children think that everything is possible and they are not afraid to imagine it. Treat the things you think about like this.

In free thinking it is critical to allow ourselves to think about everything, not only in the area we feel comfortable. That is, if until now we thought about areas from 0 to 10, increase our options up to 100.

Suppose we think about the traffic jams in Israel, then we are limited in thinking to the solution of adding lanes. Try to think of other methods from other countries or other fields. Maybe even limit the entry of cars into the cities. This is just an example of course how to open the mind.

Tool 6 – levels – from the general to the individual and back

Jump from the particular to the general and back whenever possible. And yes, always try to find a higher law.

If I suffer from stomach pain when I eat gluten, and I do not have a proven sensitivity, there is a high probability that I am not the only person in the world who is sensitive to gluten without being considered celiac, and from here you will return to the rule: everyone is sensitive to gluten. But this needs to be further researched, and actually in this research you are probably the first to try to understand “Is everyone sensitive to gluten?”

Sometimes a private case helps us with a bet to find a higher rule. For example, when we see a person without teeth smoking drugs, we can assume that smoking drugs causes tooth loss due to a lack of minerals. It is indeed dangerous to jump from the particular to the general, but also very profitable, because when we use observation there are things that only we see and then the profit is unique to us.

This part also includes a law from another place that applies to a private case. For example, according to the law of entropy, the universe is going in the direction of disorder, and you need to invest energy to restore order. In the same way, it doesn’t take energy to mess up the house, but it takes a lot of energy to tidy it up. These jumps in levels taking “frames” for private cases is really useful.

In this part it is necessary to learn to separate a symptom from the problem. When you leave the focus on the symptom, you get to the root of the problem.

Does your back hurt? It’s not because of the chair you’re sitting on. Did you get a wound? Do you suffer from insomnia? Don’t look for an immediate reason. Do a broad investigation of the cause.

Tool 7 – Science

The scientific tool refers to the use of mathematics, physics, chemistry, probability and biology at a level where you can think for yourself if the question makes sense. With your calculations and understanding you will come to a decision if the science is true with sufficient probability.

If it is possible, one should always return to science. Science often gives us certain answers, and with certain answers we can move forward in the search for an answer. For example, on the question of whether sugar is healthy for us – science explains very well why pure sugar is not good for most body systems.

Probability and calculus will help you think freely to get probability of results. Freethinking uses probabilistic tools to achieve maximum profit with minimum effort. It is very difficult to get to 100% absolute truth, but sometimes 80% is enough. For example: Is red meat suitable for humans? There is no clear answer here, but there is an answer that is worth betting on. If the absolute majority of engineers who graduated from the Technion will earn NIS 50,000 a month within two years of graduating, compared to engineering graduates from the universities, it is better to study at the Technion, it is not certain, but it is close. It is important to understand that even if the result is not good in the end, the decision was right.

Knowledge of arithmetic is an important tool for free thinking. Mathematical thinking does not mix opinions, therefore it is a wonderful tool that helps to row as close as possible to the truth. Understanding mathematics is like a second intelligence, when you combine information and models with mathematics you get a basic truth that helps decipher reality. In the end, all these tools are designed to help us understand reality and predict a little ahead, at least more than others. Your advantage comes from “running” more than others and not necessarily the speed of “running”. Make good decisions by combining information, math and logic, and this is exactly free thought. I founded Plus500 based on a simple equation that assumes that short-term trading is random, and hence the expectation of 0 at infinity remains 0. We learned something similar at the Technion. I had a small advantage over others and I used it (and with the help of tool #5) to start a company with amazing partners.

From this tool comes compounding interest. This is a universal law that applies not only to investments, it is one of the wonders of the world and in education it is one of the most critical tools. When you invest what you have learned, that is – the “interest” – back in life, the increase in abilities is tremendous. An example from economics – an investment of NIS 10,000 for 25 years at 10% annual interest will yield NIS 110,000. That’s 11 times the money. An example in a career: when every day you learn something new about knowledge, self-reading, a course, academic studies (or any other way) countless possibilities open up for application based on the new knowledge we have gained. Those who don’t study, will always stay where they stopped… it’s actually a de-interest in studying that can generate a huge profit. Reinvest what you’ve learned to improve abilities, that’s what smart and successful people do.

When there are two sources of information that give you the opportunity to think freely, it increases the probability.

Let’s say in the question “Are people today happier than people in tribes?” we will look for something close enough to tribes, for example – “Are people in the village happier than people in the city?” This is an example of crossing information between research and what I saw with my own eyes. Then if the answer is negative, it’s worth asking a broader question “Why were people in the tribes happier than today?” Leveling up brings very interesting answers.

Tool 8 – to frame

“To frame” means like examining historical information, but about a process you remember. Frame the reality and transfer the frames between fields. Frames are something you frame from science or from information you have accumulated. The trick is to know what is important and what is less.

In every field there are models in our brains, templates ready to quickly deal with similar situations that define reality. There are thousands of such models for a quick understanding of what you see. For example, you see someone in front of you smiling and you immediately feel less threatened – this is a mental model! We don’t have enough time to specialize in all fields and define and understand many models – therefore the idea is to think about existing models from different fields and test them on new models that we want to promote. Example – Many women like makeup. But maybe they are more beautiful without makeup? In the same way – maybe manicured public gardens would be more beautiful if they were natural? It’s a simple model transfer. A good book on the subject .

Transferring a mental model > country > society > human being:

Just as a business company needs to adapt itself to the changes of time in order to survive for many years (according to Jim Collins’ book – Building Companies to last – Jim Collins), this model can also be taken to a country – countries need to research and adapt their governance system to prosper for many years. And for humans – in order to prosper we need to change and adapt our opinions and our actions to reality and new information.

Free thought gives a large part of its solutions through the transfer of models, frameworks and their adaptation.

An example of such a model can be found in the activity of tribes far from modernization. In nature man was without shoes. Then you frame it to the model “our feet were built to walk barefoot, and it has meanings,” and then when you look at shoes you put the above-mentioned framing and realize that minimalist shoes that simulate walking barefoot are what a person needs.

The Pareto principle (80/20 rule) is a mental model that suggests that about 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. This principle can be applied to different fields, such as time management (focusing on the most impactful tasks), sales (focusing on the most profitable customers) or software development (fixing the most critical bugs).


the question

A close friend and I were walking uphill and I asked him out of nowhere “Tell me, when you go uphill, do you push yourself with your toes?”, I wanted to know what is the correct way to walk with your foot.

So as in the previous example, “Is everyone sensitive to gluten?” – when you ask a question that is very rare and you are probably the only ones who asked it – there is a good chance that you are in the right direction. Quite a few times it happens that I ask questions, myself or others, that I don’t believe have ever been asked.


Sometimes the missing information can be resolved from inversion.

To the question – did they ever miss bread?

The answer lies in the reversal of the mitzvah, not to eat leaven on Pesach. If there was a prohibition to eat chametz, which is leavened, it can be concluded that the rest of the time they ate leavened bread. And so we got an answer from the opposite.

Also in the question “Why don’t most people do sports?” The question that is easier to come to the answer to is “Why do people do do sports?” Many times you just have to “reverse” to get to the probably correct answer. Remember this usually – probably.


Sometimes you have to jump in a mental bet because there is no certainty.

When your bet has a good chance of succeeding, bet to try to reach the answer. Sometimes we are stuck and have to gamble a little. It is important to bet smart.

interim conclusions

Just like solving a long question in math, there are intermediate calculations. Exactly the same with an interim conclusion. It helps us reach the final answer.

Applying the tools with examples

In all the examples you will see that free thought rolls from place to place until you reach the most correct answer, not 100 percent but a high percentage. Just like ChatGPT that repeats word after word and not the whole sentence – this is exactly how we think, trying to think of the next word or the next thought, in the same way, a free thought does not jump, but travels from station to station. Everyone has a different logic and a different way, but I believe that most of the results will be close.

How to improve the level of football?

When you look at countries that manage to raise good players, few citizens understand that actually what is important is to give the children a good opportunity to train. That is, it is a framing of a general insight that I put into soccer, “training produces ability.” In football it is a bit more complex because you also need freedom of action to try new things. We actually not only improve the level of football, but also make the children have fun with pitches near the house and practice which is a kind of game in the neighborhood, which is the most fun. The profit here is huge, the child also enjoys it and they produce good players.

The most important thing that has disappeared from the world in recent years due to the internet and seclusion, is the games in the neighborhood. It is easy to see that in countries and neighborhoods where children play with friends outside – good players grow up. That’s why proactive opportunities for such games should be created by letting the children play like in the neighborhood, in training without a coach, it will simulate the freedom that exists in the neighborhood.

Of course, another thing that can help is to make sure there are soccer fields near the houses. The convenience of playing there will make the courts fill up. This is what we did where I live, we built a field and it is of course full of children and adults playing football, basketball and tennis.

If you want to go down another level, you understand that the smaller the child, the smaller the number of children you have to play, and many coaches are guilty of this, and at the age of 7 they allow a game of 7 on 7 to exist. At the age of 7 they only need to play for example 3 on 3 so that they can see who to pass to and there won’t be a “pile of children” on the ball.

Is there a right way to go?

Let’s start with an observation

Everyone on the street walks in a different way than the other, and you see that over the years the way people walk changes. This is a very interesting observation, and one that I did not see in studies, I just saw it with my own eyes. This is called free thought observation.

Pulls out a question

Now I pull out a tool of a question: “Do humans have to walk in the same way or does everyone have their own walk?”

This is a good question because an answer to it will explain to us for sure if most people are going the wrong way, because if there is one way to go and everyone is going differently, then it is certain that the majority are wrong.

Looking for an answer

The answer to the question comes from my reasoning with some frameworks from the tools of science, meaning I use three tools at the same time to try to get an answer. Our joints have been built and adapted over millions of years of evolution. Walking is almost the most common thing that humans have done, so there is a good chance that it received an evolutionary emphasis. The mechanics of the joints is based on physical assumptions of the movement, most likely there is a specific form of walking that we are adapted to. If we walk in an inappropriate way, we won’t get injured straight away, but it is likely that the joint is not built for it and in the end we will get injured and cause damage to the joints.

But we will not rely only on science, we will check what happens to the other animals during the walk, which is actually to try to raise a level, to check all animals and not just humans who are a type of animal. And here there is a beautiful crack because you can see with certainty that all animals of a certain species walk in the same way; Dogs, zebras, chimpanzees and the like go the same way. Now we will use the observation again and also look at tribal people from nature films, they are really similar in their walk. There is a difference but it is really small.

That is, the difference in walking is only in modern humans, so it can be assumed that we all should walk in a certain way, but we don’t do it.

Imaginary woman on high heels

Applying logic to the various observations, one realizes that the animals have no shoes and that the tribal people have very flat shoes, if at all.

When I imagine a woman walking with high heels, I immediately see how her walk changes, it’s an imaginary observation, it turns out that there is also such a tool, now I discovered that it’s nice to use it too.

So it is very reasonable to give an intermediate conclusion here that it is an important “tool” in free thought. The intermediate conclusions are that shoes change our gait.

Indeed, I know that shoe sizes are constantly changing, and over the years air balloons have been added to them and there are also narrow shoes and all kinds of other things that support the claim.

Why does a person walk in a certain way?

A person walks in a certain way because of the shoes, but not only. During the observation, I saw that the children often walk to their parents, and it is possible to assume and bet that, like laughter, walking is also influenced by the environment (by watching the parents) and less by the gardens. It could be tested on identical twins raised in different homes, but I haven’t found any such studies, so I’m betting it’s part of a free-thinking tool. I remember asking a friend, “How do you walk and stand so straight?” He replied, “My father also walks straight and stands straight.”

We came to an interim conclusion that the form of walking changes from generation to generation because each generation sees its parents walking a little differently than it should and also because the shoes change our walk.

Wait for me, I’m coming barefoot!

So the answer to the question is that there is one right way to go, and most do not go it.

Now all that remains is to find the right way to walk, and probably prevent millions of problems related to walking incorrectly. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but we will make a big profit with a little effort. Probably thousands of doctors solve a symptom for people and not the problem which is the way of walking.

By observing and using the “beauty” frame, we understand that models walk in a way that looks beautiful to us because it is upright and radiates health. I framed the following idea “what conveys beauty many times is the right shape” and applied it to walking. Upright is beautiful, bent is ugly. Upright is healthy, bent is not healthy, it’s not something you learned, a two-year-old can say what’s beautiful and what’s not. It is our instinct to understand who is healthy and who is sick. White and black teeth in the same frame.

When you also look at walking tribes, you notice that they often walk with small, very upright steps with their legs straightened and the body not bent forward, like many people walking, running and standing, it directly conveys something not beautiful, and therefore probably not healthy either. And indeed you see that over the years people tend to bend over, also because of the food, but also because of the way they walk, sit and stand.

And our profit from this, which is really minimal effort for maximum profit, is to walk upright and tense with minimal shoes and even bare feet. And the additional profit will be when we understand many more things from here, and we may also profit from them…

Do you need to add salt?

Salt in the eyes

Let’s start with an observation, in many foods we add salt manually or the manufacturer has added salt. In the observation I noticed that when I’m used to eating without salt, it doesn’t bother me. But when I’m used to adding salt, it bothers me that there is no added salt. In addition, I noticed that when I eat foods with salt, like meat, it makes me thirsty and I drink at least a liter of water. In addition, I feel a strange feeling, not particularly pleasant, after very salty foods.

Let’s start with the doubt, I highly doubt that you need to add salt to any food, even though everyone does it.

From my observation, salt, like many other substances for example like sugar, tastes good to us because we are used to it. If you get used to taking it down, you enjoy the food just as much.

That is, I doubted the claim we grew up on, “Without salt – the food is not tasty!”

What did the ancients do without salt

We will continue with interesting data.

The earliest evidence of salt processing dates back to around 6,000 BC, when people living in what is now Romania boiled spring water to extract the salts; A salt factory in China dates from about the same time.

Homo sapiens, which is our human species, has existed for about 300 thousand years.

Apes have existed for 7 million years.

From science we learn that salt which is sodium chloride consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

We will ignore the chloride and concentrate only on the sodium.

A teaspoon of salt has about 6 grams of salt, which is 2.4 grams of sodium.

Now they use tools – and ask “How much sodium do you consume without adding salt at all?”

That comes out to about 0.5 grams of sodium per day.

100 grams of steak has 0.06 grams of sodium. 100 grams of wheat flour has about 0.005 sodium.

A sample test of data through Google and ChatGPT shows that today the average person consumes about 3.4 grams of sodium per day, like a teaspoon and a half of salt.

And here is the first free thought up to this point: man for most of the years of evolution consumed 0.5 grams of sodium per day. A few thousand years ago an upward trend began and today it is 3.4 grams.

That’s 7 times.

It is not pleasant to drink 14 liters of water

Now we will use observational framing. I drink about 2 liters of water a day. If I drink 7 times as much water, i.e. 14 liters, how will I feel? very bad.

Now I level up with a bet and frame here; Materials that humans consume can be changed by about 25%, and the body will know how to deal with them well. 7 times it is completely disturbed. That’s it, my frame.

Most of the science shows that there is a connection between an increase in salt consumption and various diseases. So I’m in the general direction. It is also possible to go down to the resolution of the kidneys: the kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the various minerals in the body, including calcium. When sodium (salt) intake is high, the kidneys will excrete more sodium in the urine to maintain balance. However, this increased sodium excretion can also lead to increased calcium excretion.

Sodium and calcium both use the same transport mechanisms in the kidneys. When there is a lot of sodium to excrete, it can “compete” for calcium to be reabsorbed, which means more calcium ends up being excreted in the urine.

Over time, this increased calcium excretion can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, as the body may begin to break down bone to replace the lost calcium. It is also worth noting that high levels of calcium in the urine can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Leave biology, go above it

The free thought here is not to try to understand exactly why salt is not good for us chemically and biologically, but to let the super laws, that is, laws from other levels, guide us.

A tool that will give us more profit is to ask:

Why have humans increased salt consumption over the years?

Why do food companies and restaurants add salt to everything?

Why do humans get this added salt? Where is everybody?

The sea of death or sea of salt

Now putting everything together with my logic. Of course, everyone has a different logic. My logic says that it is unnecessary to add salt because it causes diseases that we do not understand at all. Most of the years of evolution we managed without salt. For reasons of acquired taste, we added salt to every food until today we reached a situation where there is no food that has not had salt added to it. Every food has its own natural salt. The addition of salt confuses the body’s taste systems.

At the end, I remembered another observation – there are canned salmon and tuna in the United States with no added salt at all, and they are good for several years. I tasted them, and they are really delicious.

Are girls more communicative than boys?

From my observation I see that girls talk much more than boys.

I remember that autism is less common in girls than in boys. I pull a frame from memory that autism is the opposite of communicativeness, and then I want to bet that autism is less common in girls because their foundation from the beginning is more communicative. And this is the other question – why is autism less common in girls? The answer here is fine.

I proceed from the evolutionary science that girls had to communicate with the family and with other families when the men went hunting, so the bet is that they naturally turned out to be more communicative, and that’s another science.

I draw from an observation that boys who were realistic, were less communicative, and there were many more realistic boys than girls, and then I bet that there is a give and take between realism and communicativeness.

In the end I use science to conclude that girls are indeed more communicative on average than boys.

A good question that should be asked is if it is because of the environment or the genes? Unequivocally – the gardens.