New Zionism

בְּאֵ֣ין חָ֭זוֹן יִפָּ֣רַֽע עָ֑ם. משיגים חזון בהבנת המציאות.
Table of Contents

The new Zionism

A method for big profit, little effort

Why the new Zionism?

The freedom to understand, speak simply!

Semitic elections for the Knesset and the Prime Minister

Like Google only for the government

Like Franklin D. Roosevelt

Citizen Prosperity Index

Separation of powers and constitution

Online elections

Advantages of a presidential system in Israel

What is the average profit?

Israel is free – “The Freedom Bloc”

What does a governance system look like?

The digital office – the most important office in the world

National application

A union of all Jews in the world

The digital ministry is the superman of the government

How to build the digital office

make the government offices evil animals

In the Bible it is already written “in the crime of the land there are many ministers”

internal affairs

Free trial and justice

Who needs a trial?

Annoying slowness

How to build a justice system?

Fundamental change of the system

Stop using the court as a legislator

Don’t be afraid of technology

Measure to improve

prevent conflicts in advance

Constitution to make order

Yes, a trial can take a week

Proceed to an online trial

stop the appeal procedure

Repeat defendants

Good judges bring good judges

Welfare and equality

A professional minister who will make a revolution

What will a welfare state give me?

Equal opportunities

Drugs are enemies of a welfare state

Education is a welfare state’s best friend




Progressive taxation?

Get quantitative feedback to improve

They already invented an app


Budget investment and effort concentration

Reducing the number of road accidents

Measurement of all trips and digitization

Payment for travel

Walking paths, bicycles and small electric tools

Electric autonomous cars as a replacement for all public transportation in Israel

our house

Yes, everyone is wrong about housing

Why bother with housing at all?

What does it mean to care for a citizen?

Free economy

Build with nature and not on it

On the way to reducing gaps

Fast construction

Why is enforcement good for us?

Cities and settlements around pedestrians and not cars

Use of existing land

A connection between the residents

Union of authorities

Hello internet, goodbye pages

Transportation is part of housing

Traffic islands and gardens

Get feedback to move forward

Free economy

Free economy but…

The big disconnect

What does the economy even need to achieve?

Money drives

Who will gain and who will lose from digital money?

Digital money is good for Jews

Why is cash bad for the economy?

This is how digital money should work in Israel

Why didn’t they create a digital shekel 10 years ago?

What is the relationship between the economy and the environment?

Workers’ committees and strikes

the private sector

E-commerce of the future

The new office that protects you from business

General principles for a successful governance system

A method for big profit, little effort

Capitalist and socialist country

A capitalist country is better because the economy is free and the motivation of the people is personal. There are no successful non-capitalist countries in the world or whose citizens are prosperous. Protection of capital and profit from personal initiative are a must because of human nature. No wonder all communist countries are failures. China progressed by leaps and bounds only when it added options for personal profit from initiative.

In addition, and this is the critical matter, the state must be socialist in the sense of taking care of the weak and all the citizens left behind. The reason for this is precisely for the benefit of the elites and the rest. When populations are left behind, and usually these are the majority of the people, it is like a spring that is stretched. He eventually jumps and returns like a boomerang to the elites. The people who are left behind are not given a good education, so it is easy to sell them lies, and they believe. Then after several attempts by lying and twisting facts, a leader comes and explains to them why the situation of the others is better, and from here comes deterioration. This is what we see today in Israel. The people do not see the truth because they did not receive a proper education. Therefore they cannot look beyond the media. The fault lies with the elites who allow the majority of the people to lag behind. I think this is the story in a nutshell. Our whole history is full of it. It’s not intuitive to “take care of the weak because it’s good for me in the long run.”

David king of Israel

David built a glorious kingdom, it had everything. But it lacked something critical – a method that would ensure that each generation would progress, and in general – that the regime would exist. Part of the method is to arrange the method itself. The problem with the monarchical system starts when there is an unsuitable king, and then the whole kingdom collapses. Genghis Khan was a great leader, but he also did not leave a method, for example to organize the culture of the citizens, he left occupied territories. In Germany, Hitler showed the world how to align an entire generation to the sick principles of government. But of course good principles are better.

Imagine a computer stuck with the DOS operating system. An operating system is like the government, if you don’t upgrade it, it’s stuck. Jefferson and Franklin left behind a system of government with a self-correcting mechanism, and yet it was good enough that, even without many changes, it was suitable almost two centuries later. Today, one begins to feel that this US method also needs a major upgrade and that they have no mechanism to implement it.

This is the big secret in governments. This is why there was no continuation of David and there was a continuation of Jefferson. You have to leave a method behind, otherwise you leave “money”, and the new generation will “waste” it. It is not instinctive to constantly think about the method, because we want to promote ourselves or our ideas.

In the bottom line, the big profit with a small effort is to streamline the administration, it is the factor that mainly affects the quality of our lives, in all areas of life, starting with a clean beach and ending with clean skies. Under a system of government that knows how to adapt itself to the times and works for the prosperity of the citizens, you will find citizens with life satisfaction, better health as well as preserving and increasing their capital. All of these are easily measured.

The Romans, the Turks, the English and us

Each time a different power came and played us for her own private interests.

Every few years they changed, but today the oldest enemy of the people of Israel came, the people of Israel itself.

  • We, the dynasty of King David (the united kingdom of Israel and Judah) – ruled the area from around 1000 BC to 930 BC.
  • The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah – 930 BC to 722 BC (Israel) and 586 BC (Judah).
  • Assyrians – conquered the kingdom of Israel in 722 BC.
  • The Babylonians – conquered the kingdom of Judah in 586 BC.
  • The Persians – ruled the region from 539 BC to 332 BC, after the conquest of Babylon.
  • Greek rule – 332 BC to 167 BC, including the Ptolemaic and Seleucid empires.
  • Hasmonean dynasty (Jewish independence) – 167 BC to 63 BC.
  • The Romans – ruled the area from 63 BC to 324 AD.
  • Arabs (Islamic caliphates) – 7th century to 1516.
  • Turks (Ottoman Empire) – 1516 to 1917.
  • British (Mandate Government) – 1917 to 1948.
  • We are the rightists and we are the leftists – from 1948.

We control our own destiny after three thousand years. Sit down and read the rest, it’s important.

Why the new Zionism?

Herzl wanted a Jewish state, Jabotinsky fought to be fought for, and Ben-Gurion established it. Now this is the continuation of Zionism, the “new Zionism” is a “new country”. We don’t need another country, we just need to upgrade the existing country – it’s easier.

They all treat the symptom and not the problem. The problem is unseparated authorities and the choice of parties and not Semitic elections.

If you use the tools of free thought about the changes required in the system of government in Israel, you arrive at the ideas that appear here under “the new Zionism”.

Every citizen is a son of a king

Everyone was created a “son of a king” according to Jabotinsky’s poem, but it is not enough to sing it, we must treat all residents as kings and make every act and every decision for the prosperity of the residents. This does not happen nowadays in Israel and almost nowhere in the world except the Nordic countries and partially in the USA. Prosperity of citizens is a measure that includes the health of the citizens, their satisfaction with life as well as the standard of living measured in money.

Maintaining capital creates more capital

The USA has shown that protecting the capital of the citizens with the help of laws and enforcement contributes enormously to the prosperity of the citizens, the citizens build themselves and in the process the country. Keeping their capital, they feel safe to create.

Israel seems to have the most talented people in the world, but this is not reflected in the standard of living and prosperity of the residents, something is not working as you would expect from such quality people.

I lost the token when I was riding in an Uber with a Vietnamese taxi driver whose father was a senior officer in the South Vietnamese army and was sponsored by the US. He had tears in his eyes even though he is in the US Army today and moved to the US thirty years ago. He told me passionately about Vietnam and that it had reached rock bottom because of the motive of money and the takeover of the wealth of the rich South by the poor North. It connected me to what is happening in the country, when a regime does not protect the people’s money and their freedom but looks for ways to take it away, very bad things happen in the country. That is why it is important for the life of the country that the government protects the people’s money and their freedom. Money is a form of freedom. The USA is built on exactly that with amazing laws to protect wealth and freedom. I am not talking about not taking taxes, but about protecting the property of the people.

Not only I think so, also Douglas North who won the Nobel Prize.

North’s main contribution was his focus on “institutions” as a fundamental driver of economic performance. Institutions are the ‘rules of the game’ in society, both formal (like laws) and informal (like social norms). These include everything from property rights and contract enforcement to the rule of law and transparent governance systems.

The government, according to North, is the main creator and enforcer of these rules. Therefore, to the extent that these institutional frameworks encourage productive economic activity, innovation and exchange, the government does contribute to the prosperity of the people.

For example, by enforcing property rights, governments provide people and businesses with the confidence to invest and innovate, knowing that their investments will be protected. By upholding the rule of law and providing a stable political environment, governments can help create the predictability that businesses need to plan for the future.

When measured you know if they improved or destroyed

Ultimately, the government’s goal is to cause long-term prosperity for the residents and the environment, these are the parameters that should be maximized and measured. In the different countries it is easy to see that the system of government has the most influence on the prosperity of the residents. The government should concentrate only on what improves the lives of the citizens in the long term and concentrate only on that.

When measuring prosperity, the citizens are not only influenced by the media and what the government tells them about the quality of the government, but they have one measurable parameter that the government is tested on, the prosperity index, which we will get to later.

The logic should be very simple, see where in the world there is the most stable democracy, with the most years of experience and from there derive the desired system with our improvements. So where does such a method exist? in the USA. Any questions?

A Jewish state

There is something misleading in saying let’s separate religion from state, but in the reality Israel is in it is impossible.

If we don’t become a Jewish state, we probably won’t. Our neighbors will not let us be a free country. Therefore, the only defense is to make us a Jewish state.

In a parallel universe like in the US, there is no need to define religion. In Israel we need a definition of religion so that we continue to be a free people.

Personally, even without the existential threat from our neighbor, I would think it is better that we define a Jewish state, it unites us and gives us beautiful values for society and the individual. But even when I think about it freely, with completely secular eyes, it is a necessary thing in the Israeli reality.

Digging instead of lifting

The Bank of Israel has been publishing research on a digital shekel for years. Instead of raising the digital shekel in a few months in beta mode, they discuss and discuss “what if?” If they were used to working like in the private market, they would have already raised it in a few months and see how it works. This is an example of the modus operandi of the entire administration and how it works. In order to cause the prosperity of the citizens, a general change must be made in the way the government operates in Israel and in the world.

The freedom to understand, speak simply!

The citizens want a simple language

If the citizen does not understand what the government is talking about, there is a problem with being truly free.

Using plain language in all areas of government, including the judicial system and other departments, is essential for various reasons. Simplifying the language promotes transparency, accessibility, understanding and efficiency, which in turn help foster trust, involvement and inclusion in a democratic society. By breaking down complex jargon and legal terminology, government can effectively communicate policies and decisions to the public and enable them to make informed choices and participate more actively in civic affairs. Building a questioning system like ChatGPT above the law is really easy. Companies should also be forced to simply talk to customers. Completely eliminate the incomprehensible lowercase letters.

The complex version includes dense legal language and formal wording, which can make it challenging for many people to understand. In contrast, the simple version conveys the same essential information using clear and everyday language, more accessible and easier to understand for the majority of the population.

A complex version of a law

In the event of a tenant’s failure to comply with the agreed terms of a rental contract, the landlord will provide the tenant with a written notice detailing the nature of the violation and the required corrective measures. The tenant will be given a reasonable period, not to exceed thirty days, during which he must correct the aforementioned violation or risk opening legal proceedings concerning the termination of the rental agreement and eviction from the premises.

A simple version of the law

If a tenant breaks the rules of their lease, the landlord must give them a written warning explaining what they did wrong and how to fix it. The tenant has 30 days to fix the problem or face legal action to terminate their lease and evict them from the property.

Semitic elections for the Knesset and the Prime Minister

What is the problem with choosing a party like in Israel?

Today there is a “model” who sells the party, and together with him you get a list of candidates that you didn’t really vote for and probably wouldn’t vote for, just look at the people who entered the Israeli Knesset in recent years, I don’t want to insult them so I won’t say names. I also hope there will be a “model” problem and not just a “model”. In the USA, candidates are chosen by name, that is, a Semitic election for the Senate and Congress, and as soon as the election method is a direct election, a party will not nominate unworthy people, because the public will not elect them. You can see the differences in the level of the members of Congress in the USA compared to the Knesset in Israel. There are few members of Congress and the Senate who are at a low level. The solution is simple, a direct election of every candidate for the Knesset, Prime Minister or House of Government.

In the US, specific people are chosen

In the United States, when people go to vote in an election, they are technically voting for a person, not a party. Let’s break it down by the different types of choices.

Presidential elections

Every four years, Americans vote for a president and vice president. While these candidates are usually associated with a political party (like the Democrats or Republicans), voters actually choose the individual candidates instead of just supporting the party. Thus, if you vote for Jane Doe who is a Democrat, you are technically voting for Jane Doe, not the Democratic Party.

Congressional elections

The US Congress consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. House members serve two-year terms, while senators serve six-year terms.

House of Representatives: Each of the 435 districts in the US elects one person to represent them in the House. As in presidential elections, while candidates are often associated with a political party, voters choose the individual they think will best represent their district.

Elections to St

Every state in the US, regardless of its size, elects two senators. Senate elections are staggered, meaning only about a third of the 100 Senate seats are up for election every two years. Again, you are voting for a person and not a party.

In all of these cases, voters elect people who they believe will best represent their interests, whether at the national level (as president or senate) or at the local level (in the House of Representatives). While a candidate’s political party can tell a lot about his beliefs and policies, elections are still about electing a person, not a party.

Loyalty is to the voter and not to the party leader

In personal elections where voters choose individual candidates instead of voting for a party list, there are some huge advantages to choosing the Prime Minister, the Government House and the Knesset. For example, there is a significant impact on the quality of elected officials. Although they will belong to a party, they will feel loyalty to the people who elected them and not to the party leader who put them on the list. Increasing local representation, in-person elections can strengthen the relationship between representatives and their constituents because candidates are more likely to have a deep understanding of local issues and problems. This can ensure the achievement of more targeted and effective solutions that address the specific needs of their communities.

In addition, when voters choose individual candidates instead of voting for a party, representatives are more accountable to their constituents. This could encourage them to be more responsive to local issues and work harder to deliver on campaign promises.

Talent and ability, not politics

Personal elections shift the emphasis from party affiliation to the candidates themselves and encourage voters to value their qualifications, experience and policy positions. This could promote a more issue-based and meritocratic (talent and ability-oriented) selection process.

There are no ready lists of businessmen

The party leader’s loyalists are not automatically included, which is a big deal, I don’t want to give names that have entered the Knesset in recent years as leader’s loyalists, so as not to offend them, but in my opinion the public would not elect them directly to the Knesset. Online and face-to-face elections reduce the influence of political patronage and nepotism and enable a more meritocratic selection process that ensures that only the most qualified and deserving candidates rise to the top. Contrary to what happens today in Israel where the party determines who enters the Knesset, with this method – the people will check every representative who enters the Knesset.

Personal elections can also reduce the power of party leadership and the influence of party agendas on policymaking. This will enable a more independent and deliberative legislative process where the representatives are free to vote according to their conscience and according to the interests of their constituents.

Greater diversity of representation

In the absence of limiting candidates to party lists or ideologies, the personal elections can lead to a wider range of candidates, and thus to a Congress with a wider range of viewpoints and ideas.

Due to the reduced emphasis on party loyalty, in-person elections can foster a more cooperative and bipartisan atmosphere, as in Congress. Representatives may be more willing to work across party lines to find common ground and develop effective policy solutions.

Canada, Australia and Japan also choose candidates and not parties

Canada, Australia and Japan use unique electoral systems that emphasize, in different ways, the importance of individual candidates, sometimes alongside or above their party affiliation. In Canada’s system, individual MPs represent specific constituencies. This requires that the candidates be involved in local affairs and establish a personal reputation, independent of party affiliation. Some Canadian MPs have over time cultivated strong personal brands that remain resilient even as their party’s broader popularity declines. Australia, on the other hand, combines a preferential voting system for its lower house with a single transferable vote for the cent. While major parties dominate the lower house, the Senate often sees a diverse representation that includes people unaffiliated with primary parties. This mix ensures that a wider range of views are taken into account, and the major parties must engage with these diverse voices and provide a richer legislative dialogue. Japan integrates its electoral approach by combining multiple constituencies with a proportional representation system. In districts similar to Canada’s approach, individual candidates need to get more votes than their competitors, emphasizing their local relevance and connection with voters. This integration into Japan’s system harmonizes party politics with individual influence, allowing politicians who can articulate local concerns to establish a significant political presence. The tendency of some of the richest countries in the world to combine systems that value individual politicians has several basic reasons. Established democracies, often found in affluent countries, need political stability. By electing representatives, rather than parties, these systems can counter extreme polarization and foster bi- or multi-party cooperation. These countries, with their economic and regional diversity, benefit from individual candidates who can express the unique concerns of their constituencies while ensuring national policies that reflect diverse local needs. Furthermore, as a check against unchecked party dominance, this emphasis on individuals can ensure that multiple viewpoints are weighed in decision-making. Economic complexities in prosperous countries require diverse policy solutions that are often better addressed when a wider range of political opinions exists in legislative bodies. Moreover, as these democracies mature, voters begin to demand more nuanced representation, often looking for candidates who demonstrate integrity and expertise beyond party manifestos. Overall, the political systems in these countries have evolved to resonate with changes in social needs, global dynamics, and their growing economies, reflecting a balance between overall party goals and specific constituency needs.

Like Google only for the government

What is the spiral law?

The Spiral Law is one of the most important things to gain from free thought.

This process works everywhere; Try, get feedback, improve, try again and so on. Our brain works exactly like that, that’s how we learn to follow an example.

In order for Israel, and indeed any country, to improve the lives of its citizens for generations to come, the process must be continuous and never stop, the environment changes and so does the nature of the citizens, therefore all government mechanisms must constantly undergo adjustments and trials.

There is a simple formula for system development and it is the spiral model.

In this model, which is called Flywheel in English, they constantly upgrade and check if this upgrade improves the product or the service. The service of the administration is the prosperity of the residents, there is a whole section on how to measure it easily. There is a legendary book on the flywheel method by Jim Collins.

Tesla was built using the spiral method

I drive a Tesla these days in Silicon Valley. I bought the Tesla to see if it was worth buying the stock, and when I drove the first hundred meters, I understood everything, it felt like the iPhone in 2009, several levels beyond what I knew. Tesla has software upgrades, and with each such upgrade I notice that the car drives better on its own, this is exactly the flywheel that Elon Musk built, the car improves every few months. You can’t understand Tesla without driving one. I rented it on the Turo app. I also tried Lucid and discovered that it was cumbersome and that they did exactly the opposite of Tesla, they complicated what the driver sees, in short I made a short cut on it just to play a little and recover the cost of travel for the whole family for a year. It did reimburse the cost of the trip.

The spiral method in governance

Now imagine the spiral method on the government – constantly improving it, according to the prosperity of the citizens, not by guesswork or false media spin.

Not only the services for the residents, such as the economy, health, environmental quality and education need upgrading, which is a spiral of their own, but, above all, the government system needs a mechanism that constantly improves it and organizes it, and this is what I call the “government house” below.

If you are saying to yourself “Government is not a business”, I think you are wrong. Improving a business company is just like improving governance and you can learn a lot from the processes of business companies about a good form of governance.

If methods of continuous improvement, receiving feedback, experience and then continuing the improvement are introduced in every field of government in Israel, Israel will be the most enlightened country in the world with the prosperity of the inhabitants that has never been seen on the face of the earth. Our enemies around have only helped us to deteriorate and do not harm our possible prosperity.

You can make the right move only when you measure

If you don’t have the strength to read everything, just take this one – in the end we would like the administration to simply do the right thing. This means that the government’s interest should be “the long-term prosperity of the residents and the environment.” These are parameters that should be maximized and measured! One of the ways to achieve this is to separate the police, the government, the judge and the Knesset.

Like Franklin D. Roosevelt

Exactly what Franklin did in the USA during the Great Depression, the “Parrot” law should be applied and done in Israel in all areas, in order to give birth to a new country.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, also known by the initials FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States, serving an unprecedented four terms between 1933 and 1945. His presidency, which spanned the Great Depression and World War II, was characterized by his boldness and willingness to experiment with new governance approaches.

Roosevelt’s view can be summed up in one of his most famous quotes, “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it honestly and try another. But above all, try something.” This philosophy became the guiding principle of what would later be called the New Deal.

Implemented in response to the devastating economic impact of the Great Depression, FDR’s New Deal was a series of experimental programs, public works projects, financial reforms, and regulations. These programs are designed to relieve the unemployed and encourage economic recovery. These ideas were groundbreaking at the time, representing a seismic shift in the relationship between the government and its citizens and expanding the federal government’s role in the economy.

Some of the most significant New Deal programs included the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Public Works Administration (PWA), the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), and the Social Security Administration (SSA). Each of these programs was a new experiment in governance and represented Roosevelt’s commitment to innovative solutions.

Roosevelt’s approach extended beyond domestic policy. With the outbreak of World War II, FDR’s leadership was again characterized by a willingness to push boundaries. For example, the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 was a new approach to providing support to the Allied nations without involving the US directly in combat. It was a pragmatic and innovative solution that reshaped American foreign policy and its role in the world.

In addition to these significant policy changes, Roosevelt also introduced innovations in the way the presidency communicates with the American public – his “fireside chats” – radio broadcasts addressing the nation – were a new way for a president to reach citizens directly and frequently. It was a pioneering use of the relatively new medium of radio for political communication.

Despite criticism and political opposition, Roosevelt was unwavering in his willingness to experiment with new strategies. His willingness to try new things, even in the face of uncertainty and potential failure, is part of what defines his presidential legacy.

Throughout his twelve years in office, FDR demonstrated a pragmatic and experimental approach to leadership. His willingness to risk failure in pursuit of solutions to unprecedented challenges redefined the role of government in American society, setting precedents that continue to shape policy today.

Citizen Prosperity Index

At the private and political level, there is a tendency to think that it is important to maximize the money, but in fact this is a mistake, at the state level, the residents’ prosperity index, which also includes health, should be maximized.

measurement objective

The government’s role is to give citizens the ground to flourish and prosper, but without over-intervening, the balance in this regard is critical.

In order to characterize the method, we need to understand the goal we are aiming for. The goal is to cause the prosperity of the citizens and it consists of two variables:

  • Citizens’ health – an easy measure to calculate – includes, for example, weight or number of visits to doctors.
  • Citizens’ satisfaction with life in Israel – an easy measure to test with the help of a questionnaire, and can be tested through a national application that will integrate all services and communication between the government and citizens – and that will be developed by the Digital Ministry .
  • The intelligence of the citizens – measuring the intelligence of the citizens will help spur the government to improve education. The main reasons for the deterioration of the average intelligence of the population are the deterioration of the education system, lack of reading and staring at screens and videos. The only way to reverse the trend is a revolution in the education system and arrangement of the government system in Israel. For those who need numerical proof that the average intelligence is decreasing, you can see this study .

A system of government that most affects prosperity

In different countries of the world it is easy to see that a good governance system is the factor that most influences the prosperity of the residents. A governance system, like an operating system for computers, will not work well without frequent upgrades – but in practice it does not receive these updates because there is no body responsible for these updates.

The computers do not update themselves, but receive updates from Microsoft or Apple. This is exactly how the governance system should receive an update, but not from the governing body – but from an external party. This external party is the house of government or upper house.

Separation of powers and constitution

Knesset only legislates and not governs

The Knesset is Israel’s legislative authority, the House of Representatives. It is served by 120 members who were elected in secret democratic elections, in a separate process from the elections for the presidency of the country and the elections for the government house.

In the new system, membership in the House of Representatives will be limited to four terms (16 years), in addition to threshold conditions for running.

Government – separate from the Knesset and establish an executive authority

The government consists of ministers and a president, it is subordinate to the Knesset and is responsible for managing all branches of the executive authority.

The position of the prime minister in Israel will be combined with the position of the president of the country, as is customary in the US system of government, and he will be limited to two terms for his entire life.

The ministers are elected and appointed by the incumbent president only, with the approval of the Government House. The ministers will have a professional background relevant to the government ministry they will head and they will meet the threshold conditions established by the Government House.

A person who served as a minister will not be allowed to serve as a member of the House of Government or the House of Representatives.

The separation between governor and legislator was well described in Herzl’s book “Altneuland”: “The salaried positions are filled solely on the basis of the professional qualifications of candidates. Partisan businessmen, regardless of party, encounter healthy prejudices, from the whole public. Active officials are forbidden to participate in public debates at all.’


Judicial powers in Israel are vested in the judiciary. The judiciary consists of the court system in Israel headed by the Supreme Court and the courts. There are three courts in the court system: the Supreme Court, the District Courts and the Magistrate’s Courts. The independence of the judiciary is guaranteed against the interference of the legislative and executive authorities.

Authority to determine the rules of the game – “Government House”

The Government House is in charge of the election system and questions relating to the elections.

The government cannot fix itself, this is the nature of public and private bodies (and of human beings as well). That is why a new institution is needed that will be trusted to change the structure of the government, the elections, the assimilation of new technologies and the adaptation of the structure to the new reality that is constantly changing!

The role of the House of Government is to maintain Jewish democracy and to adapt the system of government and elections to the changing reality, to correct defects and to optimize processes by 24 members (or any other reasonable number) who are among the wisest and most honest of the nation.

The House of Government deals with the organizational structure and not with decisions and among its functions to cancel or add offices, such as the Ministry of Consumerism or the Ministry of Destinations.

People, companies and countries need to adapt to the changing reality in order to be successful (as Jim Collins wrote in his book “Built for Forever”). The Government House is designed for exactly this – to make sure that the system (the government’s operating system) will be up-to-date and will provide a good infrastructure for running the country.

Threshold conditions of education and experience for election to the House of Government: a person who was not associated with a party in the past (was not in the government or the Knesset) in combination with other threshold conditions, such as a minimum age of 40, former district judges, former sub-champions, a PhD from recognized universities, a certain level of Torah education And on the condition that they have gained at least 10 years of experience in doing so.

The Government House will appoint 24 elected officials who will be elected by the people in secret democratic elections. Each elected member will hold office for six years.

The elections for the elected members of the House of Government will be held every two years and in each such round 8 elected members will be nominated for re-election. The reason for this is that there will always be some members of the government house with experience and not all of them will be replaced at the same time; So every two years a third of the elected are replaced.

Examples of government house positions:

  • Adding or canceling a government office will be considered a change of government and will require the approval of the elected officials of the Government House.
  • Control over the functioning of the House of Representatives (Knesset).
  • Inspection of non-enforcement of laws – if there is a law that is not enforced – cancel it or enforce it.
  • Digital elections.

Constitution to protect us from ourselves

Every nation, including Israel, needs a constitution for several reasons, for example preserving freedom in general and personal freedom in particular. An example of this protection would be ensuring that individuals have the right to freedom of expression. Another reason is the fostering of cohesion between citizens that can be achieved by establishing a common set of values and principles that everyone can abide by.

Furthermore, a constitution can help resolve disputes by providing a framework for conflict resolution. For example, if there is a dispute between two parties regarding property rights, the constitution can outline the appropriate legal channels for solving the problem. In addition, constitutions serve as the basis for a country’s legal system and guide the courts in their decision-making processes.

Some essential principles of the constitution, such as that of Israel, include recognition of the country as a Jewish, democratic and presidential state. This ensures the preservation of the country’s unique cultural identity while preserving democratic values.

Another essential principle is the benefit to constitutional amendments, since companies develop, and systems must adapt accordingly. For example, the United States has amended its constitution 27 times to address various social, political, and economic issues.

A constitution should also clearly define the scope of a person’s freedom, as well as the circumstances under which these rights can be limited. For example, freedom of expression may be limited in cases where it incites violence or poses a threat to national security.

Finally, the separation of powers is a crucial aspect of a constitution. This means a division of powers between the legislative branch (e.g. the House of Representatives), the executive branch (e.g. the president and the government they appoint) and the judicial branch (e.g. the courts). This separation helps prevent the concentration of power in the hands of one authority and maintains a system of brakes.

Online elections

Can’t find a single downside

In the prevention of online voting, it’s not that there is some conspiracy, it’s just that the governors believe nonsense about secrecy and security. When a senior IT person told me that it’s dangerous to do online voting because of fakes, I understood why it hasn’t been done since decades ago, a casual fear of the unknown. After all, billions of shekels are transferred every day without forgeries, obviously this is also possible for online voting.

Online and in-person elections provide many benefits, including increased convenience, reduced costs, higher voter turnout and improved security. When I try to think of disadvantages I can’t find a single disadvantage.

Transfers of millions of dollars – yes, and online elections – no?

When I was CEO of Plus500, I transferred a sum of one million NIS and signed agreements worth hundreds of millions of NIS and all with the push of a button and with a feeling of complete security in these systems, much more than a fax or a phone call. Today, even the average person signs their mortgage digitally. These are decisions that feel more fateful to us on a personal level than choices. So it is clear that there is no obstacle to online elections.

All elections will be conducted digitally by the election committee appointed by the Government House.

Once every four years, a president of Israel is elected in digital Jewish elections. The president appoints the professional ministers of the government who are not members of the Knesset or members of the cabinet.

Once every two years, 8 new members are elected to the government house and they are also in digital elections. And once every two years, 60 representatives are elected to the House of Representatives in digital elections.

Here are some advantages of online and anonymous elections for a particular person:

Ease of voting for citizens

Online voting allows people to vote from the comfort of their home or workplace and eliminates the need to travel to the polling station. This is especially helpful for people with mobility issues or people living in remote areas.

Low budget for elections

Online voting reduces the need for physical infrastructure such as polling stations and voting booths. This leads to significant cost savings, freeing up resources that can be allocated to other important areas, such as education or health.

no day off

Since people can vote online at their convenience, there is no need for a national holiday to facilitate voting. This means that businesses and schools can continue to operate, thus reducing disruptions to the economy and daily life.

Reducing the possibility of forgery

Online voting systems can use advanced security measures, such as blockchain technology, to ensure that votes are secure and protected from tampering.

There are no invalid notes

In online elections, there is a lower risk of invalid votes due to human error, such as incorrect or defective ballots.

High turnout

The convenience of online voting can encourage higher voter participation because people are more likely to vote when it’s easy and accessible.

Possibility for Israelis to vote abroad as well

Online voting allows citizens living abroad to participate in elections in their home country without the need to travel back. This can lead to greater political involvement and representation for these people.

Immediate results

With online voting, the results can be marked and announced almost immediately after the polls close and eliminate the delays associated with manual vote counting.

Possibility of referendums easily

Online voting platforms can make it easier to hold referendums on important issues and enable a more direct democracy where citizens have an immediate say in policy decisions that affect their lives.

Advantages of a presidential system in Israel

A presidential system in Israel will make it possible to treat the problem and not the symptom. Treatment of the problem is required once and it prevents the return of the symptoms. An example of a symptom : Mandelblit is portrayed as a true man, above average. Ilana Dayan brought an enlightening interview. Mandelblit rightly says, “I follow the law, and the law said to press charges.” Bibi naturally says, “I didn’t do it. I am innocent.” His full right. Both are right! And of course it is not right to judge Binyamin Netanyahu without a trial and Mandelblit for following the law and his interpretation of the law. But what is the root of the problem? What is important is the prosperity of the citizens and not the private justice of Benjamin or Mandelblit. For the sake of the prosperity of the citizens, it is forbidden for 7 years to deal with something that interests me as a citizen – it will not affect the education of our children or the money we earn or our level of health. For the prosperity of the citizens, they need an external party (Government House – a new authority) to intervene when there are bugs in the government system. The problem is not in the application, the problem is in the “operating system”! It’s just like my kids fighting in the living room – there’s nothing to start investigating who’s to blame and who’s what – I have no interest in that – my problem is that they fight in the living room. If so, the long-term solution to address the problem and not the symptom is not to investigate incumbent prime ministers, but to limit the term of office of a prime minister to 2 terms. I prefer a prime minister who is not bothered and who takes care of us citizens. Just like you don’t want your surgeon (not us) to operate on you with a mosquito in his eye. A government house would solve it quickly and permanently. Solutions of this type should always enter into force in the future and apply to those coming into the administration and not to the incumbents in order to avoid a conflict of interest.

A continuous period of founders – in the USA, the work of the founders of Washington, Jefferson, Adams to assimilate the system created the united American empire that has been working for over 200 years. In the proposed method there is a continuous “founders’ period” with a body that, just like the founders of the USA, is entrusted with updating the method. Today we need a new operating system and not just an upgrade. We need a stable government for 4 years.

A good governance system makes people enjoy the work of governance for their benefit. The state should be seen as a business company that needs a big change before it goes bankrupt and this is exactly the new method proposed.

How will the method work?

  • Presidential system of government – a president who is elected and appoints the ministers who are obliged to be professionals in their field.
  • Changing the electoral system – elections for the president and the legislature.
  • House of Government – an upper house that is responsible for auditing and improving the government.
  • Separation of authorities – thanks to the separation of authorities, conflicting interests will be eliminated. Such separation in general works very well in the military, in software development and more. This shows where the problems are and makes it possible to upgrade part of the system without damaging the whole system.
  • Governmental success index – a numerical index that will be published every month and will include data on the prosperity of the citizens and the state. Leaders will be tested on the results of the prosperity index at the end of their tenure, and this will make them think long-term (like CEOs who are tested on profit). This measure can only be achieved by a national application that will consolidate all services and communication between the government and citizens – to be developed by the Digital Ministry .
  • Research and development – should be done by a politically independent body (such as the non-politically independent courts). The research should not only be theoretical, but also practical and supported by experiment and drawing lessons before implementing the method nationwide. The only measure of success should be the measure of residents’ prosperity. In addition, a large budget is required to be directed to the development, research and upgrading of the governance system. Despite the tremendous impact that such research and development can have, today it has 0 budget.

With a proper governance system, the future of the country does not depend on one leader or another, because the system can be changed by the administration as in the Air Force – there is a system that works for producing pilots, and the system is constantly being updated and changed.

And the index can bring leaders with a 5-star rating.

What is the average profit?

The next principle is important and critical in good governance and is the “principle of the average profit for citizens”. If 50% suffer 10 units and 50% earn 20 units – this is an average profit of 10 units, always look at the average profit to increase the prosperity of the residents. It is important to look at the average profit – because there is no law that there are no losers.

For example, on the issue of whether to allow an air quad to fly over settlements – the person who flies the quad – enjoys it, but it causes noise and inconvenience to, let’s say, 500 residents who are affected by the nuisance. A simple conclusion here is not to allow an air quad to fly over or near settlements and also not on the beach. A decision based on the average profit.

Is it worth following ex-offenders a few years after they’ve been released from prison?

Let’s say that a public of 8 million people will benefit from less crimes and that 10,000 criminals will feel uncomfortable because their privacy has been violated, the average profit per citizen here is extremely high.

Israel is free – “The Freedom Bloc”

To unite the majority of the people in the “freedom” camp – as long as it is possible: the percentage of voters in favor of the free bloc is different from the percentages in the general population.

The numbers in 2023 are:

  • secular 44%;
  • Shabbat keepers 24%;
  • Orthodox 13%;
  • Arabs 20%.

Assuming that 80% of the seculars, 50% of the Shabbat-observant, 30% of the Arabs, 15% of the ultra-Orthodox can be added to the freedom bloc – we will reach 54% in the best case to move Israel to the protection of the minority and a free Israel. The first step would be to unite. One leader of the “Freedom” bloc. Without unification of the “Freedom Bloc” it will be very difficult to protect the ultra-Orthodox from themselves and in general the minority groups from themselves. The actions of the minority groups harm them in the long run.

During the Cold War period that lasted from 1945 to 1991, the term “free world” was generally used to refer to the Western bloc and its associated countries. The term had a broader connotation that encompassed all liberal democracies, as opposed to authoritarian regimes such as communist countries. The countries aligned to the West, including the United States, the European Union and NATO, were the main subjects of the term. The phrase “leader of the free world” was often used to suggest symbolic and ethical leadership, especially during the Cold War, when the President of the United States served as the reference point.

The problem in Israel is not only in the legal system, the problem is also in the education system and the health system and the truth is in most economic systems. Everywhere I look, I see neglect, and it hurts because it’s getting worse and not better. As Israelis, we are looking for the culprit and the magic solutions, but the culprit is not a human being, nor the leftists or the rightists, neither the Arabs nor the ultra-orthodox. The fault lies in the system of government. This. In similar situations in the world, the first to escape such a deterioration are the leaders of the economy, and it starts with us too – it’s not noise, it’s an important signal.

It is very strange that governments invest billions of dollars in physics experiments, medical research infrastructures, etc., but there is almost no budget for research into an ideal governance method, which has a more direct and wider impact on the lives of residents than new technology in the field of health or the construction of a new road.

Imagine you had to manage your house with your worst enemies around you all day.

This is how the Knesset operates today, instead of managing the economy 100% as we would like, it engages in a survival game that includes votes of no confidence, the retirement of MKs, the threat of small parties to withdraw, etc. The result of a good governance system is the election of quality leaders and leadership (such as a 5-star rating) who are willing to change their opinion when there are new facts, who are flexible in their thinking and think like scientists (according to facts and information and not according to emotion), as well as leaders who actually do what they promise. Today the average level of those in power is very low (a rating of only 2 stars).

The “management method” and the “management” must be changed in a brave step, as they say – and one hour earlier is fine. From the day it was founded until today, Israel is in a chronic state of emergency according to the government authorities, many inappropriate actions have been carried out since 1948 until today and they did not see fit to correct this situation – this says Darshani.

It is advisable to read the bias “I’m big and I’m beautiful because otherwise I wouldn’t be on stage” or by its short name “I’m on stage” to understand what a good governance system should prevent.

What does a governance system look like?

The digital office – the most important office in the world

The role of the Digital Ministry is to optimize digital services for citizens.

The Digital Ministry manages the government company Rafad – the Authority for the Development of Digital Means. Just like Raphael, only in the field of digital – Raphael contributed to the security of the state and in exactly the same way the Digital Ministry will contribute to the optimization of all processes in the country. Today there is a huge gap in digitization between the private world and the public world (online services: applications, websites, online payments, filling documents, requests, etc.). Every person has a mobile phone, something that was not the case in the computer age, and therefore there is an easy way to optimize all the state’s activities and that is through full digitalization of the entire economy.

The addition of a digital office will change the way decisions are made – decisions based on emotion and politics will be abandoned in favor of decisions based on data.

National application

Developing a national application can significantly improve the relationship between the government and its citizens. By centralizing various services and functions, governments can streamline processes, increase efficiency and improve overall citizen satisfaction. Here are some examples from around the world:

  • Estonia – The small Baltic nation of Estonia has implemented a highly successful e-government system known as e-Estonia. This system includes a secure digital identity card that allows citizens to access various government services, such as voting, filing taxes and accessing health records, all through a single platform.
  • SINGAPORE – The city-state of Singapore has developed the SingPass mobile app that allows citizens to access more than 1,000 government services through a single, secure login. Using SingPass, citizens can easily communicate with government agencies, participate in local and national votes and conduct various personal and business transactions.
  • India – India’s Aadhaar program provides unique identification numbers to all its residents. Aadhaar serves as a digital identity platform that enables citizens to access government services, open bank accounts and receive subsidies. The platform simplifies processes such as tax filing and welfare distribution, which leads to a more efficient and transparent system.

Using these examples as inspiration, a national application could offer the following features:

  • Unified National Identification – A single identification system, such as Estonia’s digital identity card or India’s Aadhaar that authenticates citizens or businesses with various government services.
  • Improved communication – a platform similar to Singapore’s SingPass app that enables seamless communication between citizens and government agencies.
  • Voting and Referendums – Local and national votes, as well as referendums, can be conducted securely and efficiently using the national app.
  • Tax reporting and submission – the application can enable the reporting and submission of income tax reports in an easy and secure manner while streamlining the process for the citizens and the government.
  • Citizen Prosperity Index – The national app can collect data for surveys and other metrics, helping the government assess and improve citizens’ well-being.
  • Payments – The app can facilitate safe and efficient payments between the government and citizens, including subsidies, tax refunds and other transactions.

A union of all Jews in the world

To allow Jews outside of Israel to be in the national application under “non-resident Jew”. allow them to vote on certain issues. This possibility will result in the unification of all Jews in the world. This will strengthen Israel’s direct connection with the Diaspora, contribute to encouraging aliyah and a direct connection between all Jews in the world. Israel will also know how many Jews there are in every country in the world, if necessary we can activate them.

Such an application has enormous power when it comes from a state and not a private company.

Of course, the state does not need to develop such an application but put it out for tender.

The digital ministry is the superman of the administration

The Digital Ministry, an independent government body similar to the Ministry of Defense, which provides service to all ministries, should be responsible for the digitization of all government institutions, an area in which they are currently behind. The office should be led by a CEO with proven experience from the successful software companies in the economy.

The activities of the digital office should include managing government projects both by themselves and through outsourcing, as well as cooperation with commercial companies in office projects. For example, banks can connect to a national identification system and save resources when opening new accounts. This cooperation will build an infrastructure that allows commercial companies to connect to the national electronic commerce system and offer services to businesses and citizens.

Emphasis must be placed on preserving and sharing information to foster trust between the leadership and citizens. Also, the ministry must strive for excellence in service, measuring performance and citizen satisfaction through simple and user-friendly surveys. After each project, a follow-up report must be drawn up with suggestions for improvement and optimization. Lessons must be learned from successes, mistakes and global practices to ensure continuous improvement.

The Digital Ministry will recruit software professionals and product managers to oversee the digitization of all government institutions, such as National Insurance, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation (websites, applications, digital documents). This approach will help solve the issue of recruiting suitable software and product managers for the public sector.

Every government office should have a code manager and a digital team focused solely on the employees of the office. Although the digital office will build the technological systems, each office should maintain a certain autonomy in matters of expansion and management. For example, the Ministry of Housing may hire programmers and graphic artists to develop an online system for buying and selling lots based on the digital office’s infrastructure, while the Ministry of Housing will station a team from the digital office to operate the system.

It would be beneficial to unify the infrastructures of all economic systems into a national system as they share many similarities, such as identification, payment clearing, databases, customer service, maps, user interfaces, alerts, management sites, calculators, procurement, measurements and statistics. By digitizing all sectors of the economy and preventing individual ministries from doing it alone, the public sector can be significantly more efficient.

How to build the digital office

In order to build a new ministry in the government known as the digital ministry, it is essential to start by appointing an experienced and knowledgeable CEO capable of assembling an exceptional team. This leader’s ability to bring the right people together will be a decisive factor in the success of the new office. To ensure a high standard of employees, it is essential to establish performance metrics and evaluate them based on their ability to meet or exceed failure and success metrics.

To generate enthusiasm and support for this new office, it should be branded as a national project. This approach will encourage young talent to join the ranks of the Digital Ministry by providing service opportunities to those currently seeking military enlistment. By highlighting the importance of this initiative, the government can attract a motivated and skilled workforce.

In addition to these strategies, it is essential to establish competitive compensation packages that reflect the standards in the high-tech market. By offering salaries comparable to those in the private sector, the government can ensure that it attracts the best talent available for the digital ministry, ultimately contributing to the success of this new government ministry.

make the government offices evil animals

The digital ministry will improve each government sector by developing customized features through a national application or separate applications for the various ministries. Just as computers will streamline business, the digital office should streamline government. This is how the digital office will improve the following areas:

  • Education – The Digital Ministry will measure satisfaction with the education system in order to constantly improve it. The system will include sending messages to parents, transferring approvals for trips and vaccinations, streamlining complaints and emergency treatment.
  • Health – The ministry will upgrade the digital system of the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the health funds and ensure better accessibility and management of the health services.
  • National identification – the office will create a comprehensive identification system that enables quick, easy and safe identification through facial recognition, fingerprint scanning or voice recognition.
  • Economy – through the digitization of economic processes, the ministry will improve efficiency and create a more accessible and transparent system for citizens.
  • Digital currency – the ministry will develop an infrastructure for a digital shekel and pave the way for a safer and more convenient monetary system.
  • The quality of the environment – through the digital office, better monitoring and management of environmental data will be possible, as well as more informed decision-making and the improvement of environmental policy.
  • Legal – The office will facilitate online management of laws and evidence. A system similar to Chatbot GPT can be used to answer queries about rules and regulations.
  • Welfare and equality – the ministry will implement digital solutions to improve social services and promote equal access to opportunities and resources.
  • Internal security – the ministry will improve internal security through better coordination between the agencies and more effective data sharing and analysis.
  • Local authorities – through the digitization of processes, the office will enable local authorities to offer improved services, improve communication with citizens and make more informed decisions.
  • Housing – The office will streamline the housing sector by providing online platforms for buying and selling lots and improving accessibility to information and services related to housing.

In the Bible it is already written “in the crime of the land there are many ministers”

As in commercial companies with few vice presidents, even in a progressive regime ministers should be chosen from a professional motive and not to please a certain group.

The governments at the time of the Bible were small:

  • In King Saul’s government there was only one minister – the minister of the army (1 Samuel 1450).
  • In King David’s government there were 8 ministers (2 Samuel 23:26-26).
  • In King Solomon’s government there were 11 ministers (1 Kings 4:2-6).
  • In the government of Ahasuerus, king of Persia and governor from India to Kush over 127 countries, there were only 7 ministers (Esther 1:14).

internal affairs

The activity of the Ministry of the Interior is very important for the efficiency of the work of the economy, and the ministry should constantly improve its mechanisms and receive feedback on what works and what does not, and invest in what works.

It is possible to make a huge change in the activity of the office, by investing energy in smart immigration , in a national identification system, in convenient business licensing and in giving power and bonuses to local authorities! History shows that smart immigration can change the face of the country – people with different qualities and opinions come to the country and develop it, as did immigrants in the USA, including Elon Musk who came from South Africa, and the founders of Google who came from Russia. If this seems strange to you, you can compare it to reinforcement players who come from abroad to soccer and basketball teams in Israel and become citizens there.

Key changes in internal affairs

  • Digitalization – full digitalization of the Ministry of the Interior with the aim of understanding how much it costs (in time and money) to receive a specific service from the Ministry of the Interior such as starting a business, applying for a work permit, etc.
  • Cancellation of all physical documents – driver’s license, identity card, etc.
  • Managing a national identification system – this will improve competition between banks because it will be easy for private individuals to open new bank accounts and identify themselves with businesses and the state.
  • Business licensing – according to the accepted method today, you get a license and only then start operating the business. The desired method is to trust the business owners who meet all the license conditions and let them operate, but if they do not meet the license conditions – close the business and impose heavy penalties. It is suggested to do so only for businesses that are not very large and their opening does not endanger civilian lives. In conclusion: allow businesses to start working immediately and enforce the law and punish accordingly if necessary.
  • Local authorities – measuring and receiving budgets according to the well being of the residents. Each local authority has its own affairs, therefore it is important to give it great power and governance in local issues such as fines, inspectors and property taxes.

Smart immigration to Israel

People are afraid of immigrants, but history shows that if smart and good immigration is aimed at, wonderful things happen to the country on all levels. Good immigrants built the most advanced countries in the world, including the USA, Canada and New Zealand, and we can learn a lot from this fact. Immigrants build the USA and contribute to it to an unbelievable extent.

Smart immigration means opening up the possibility of immigrating to Israel for people who are necessary for the development of the country, especially for immigrants with bachelor’s degrees in practical professions, as well as defining a smart immigration threshold for those with necessary professions, such as doctors, engineers, researchers, teachers and investors.

As Herzl wrote about immigration in his book “Altneuland”: “Those who join us at a relatively late stage do not impoverish the country, but actually enrich it. The more workers come here, the more bread will be found here, provided the social order is as just as ours.’

Free trial and justice

Who needs a trial?

The meaning of justice in all aspects of life on earth has been recognized since ancient times. Reflection on the legal system and the improvements that can be brought about in it, thanks to the intellectual, legal and technological progress we have achieved today, is essential. Justice not only deters crime, but also ensures a correct evaluation of evidence and fair treatment of the accused.

The judicial system is one of the most crucial systems in any country, it plays a vital role in various industries. As Nelson Mandela once said, “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Justice affects our inner security as well as our personal, economic and health aspects, touching almost every area of our lives.

By upholding the law and ensuring fairness in relationships between people, the legal system encourages people to adhere to the rule of law. Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized this and stated: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” The innate human tendency is to confront and engage in conflict; However, when there is a well-functioning intellectual body to resolve disputes, it inherently reduces violence and self-righteousness in society.

Mahatma Gandhi believed in the power of non-violence and emphasized the importance of justice, saying: “An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.” As such, it is essential for society to recognize the value of a fair and equitable legal system that can adapt to the changing needs of the times while maintaining the basic principles of fairness and human rights.

Annoying slowness

The legal system slowly adapts to the pace of technological changes. Traditionally, trials have been held in person, with witnesses testifying in court and juries deliberating in person. However, the Internet and video conferencing have made it possible to conduct trials online, with witnesses testifying remotely and jurors deliberating online.

Online trials have several advantages over traditional trials. They are more efficient as they can be conducted without the need for everyone to travel to a central location. They are also more convenient as they can be conducted at any time of the day or night. And they are more accessible because they can be run by people living in remote areas or with disabilities.

However, there are also some challenges associated with online trials. They can be less personal because it can be difficult to build rapport with witnesses and jurors when they are not in the same room. They can also be less secure because there is a risk of hacking or other disruptions.

Despite the challenges, online trials are the future of the legal system. They are more efficient, convenient and accessible than traditional sentences. And they are the best way to ensure that justice is done in a timely and fair manner.

Here are some examples of how online sentences are used in different parts of the world:

  • In the United States, the state of Arizona has been conducting online trials since 2011. The state reported that online trials saved money and time, and that they were just as effective as traditional trials.
  • In the UK, the Ministry of Justice has been experimenting with online trials since 2015. The ministry reported that online trials were welcomed by participants, and that they have the potential to save money and time.
  • In Australia, the state of New South Wales has been conducting online trials since 2017. The state reported that online trials were successful in reducing the time required to resolve cases, and that they were well received by participants.

The use of online trials is still in its early stages, but it is clear that they have the potential to revolutionize the legal system. They are more efficient, convenient and accessible than traditional sentences, and are the best way to ensure that justice is done in a timely and fair manner.

How to build a justice system?

The judicial system causes the prosperity of the citizens (that’s us), therefore it is a critical factor in good governance. The term ‘prosperity of the residents’ refers to everything that causes a citizen to be satisfied with life, among other things to get out of the house and see green, hope is also a significant part of prosperity. Before starting to improve the judicial system, one parameter that everyone knows should be pointed out and improved – in my opinion “average time of the trial” and in addition “the parties’ satisfaction with the results of the trial or settlement”, for example one week trials will make the residents prosper, this is possible. You have to imagine it first and then do it. If there is no parameter for improvement, then everyone gambles and lives from emotions and media reports like the old economy and not as desirable to work for constant improvement like Tesla or Google. The judiciary must be independent within the framework of the “judiciary” and not as a legislative authority. In Israel the legislative and executive authorities are mixed and in addition there is no “remedial” authority, what I call the “house of government”. The judiciary is forced to “legislate” because, as stated, there is no separation between the “executive” and “legislative” authorities. In addition, a constitution protects the citizens from the authorities and when there is no constitution, this creates more complications. Israel cannot be fully democratic because there are constraints from Jews and “the rest”, if the “rest” control us we probably won’t be here as free people. Bottom line, the judicial system needs to be changed from end to end for the right reasons – all changes should apply to the next term to avoid a conflict of interest through a type of “project manager”. Of course the judicial system needs to undergo changes by the “house of government” and not by an infected party – “the government”. There is no “government house” today, so no one has a mandate to change the system or one of the authorities.

Fundamental change of the system

It is important to understand: a revolution is needed in the justice system in Israel and in the administration of justice, and it will only be possible if the person who stands at the head of the justice system knows how to use technology and can rebuild the justice system.

Stop using the court as a legislator

In Israel, the “common law” system is practiced, according to which a large part of the judgments constitute a kind of law. Judgments should be converted into laws and not based on judgments because the court is not supposed to be a legislator: if the court encounters a problem, let it return it to the legislators. A new mechanism needs to be developed so that unclear laws are returned to the legislator and are not based on court rulings. This method caused problems in Israel in the Supreme Court.

A designated body in the court system that pushes to close loopholes in the law and to amend unclear laws – the body will make sure that the legislative authority (the House of Representatives, the Knesset) will take care of amending legislation that is unclear and that has resulted in many lawsuits. An example of such a law that a civil body is pushing.

Don’t be afraid of technology

Use any technology that can promote justice: video, cell phones, voluntary surveillance, a national document database, and more. Everything that promotes justice and convenience for litigants to promote. Conservatism is the enemy of justice.

Measure to improve

Fixing the justice system requires a focus on justice, speed, convenience of the trial, the quality of the judges and preventive justice through measurement and constant improvement. The components of the justice index should be: was there a fair trial, how long did it last, how long did they wait for it and what was the cost to each of the parties and the state, and how many trials from different fields were there. Feedback on the degree of punishment in all legal fields – to be filled out by judges, defendants, prosecutors, attorneys, witnesses – should the degree of punishment be raised or lowered according to the recidivism of the crimes versus the severity of the punishment?

prevent conflicts in advance

Focus on preventive justice, i.e. check where the conflicts originate and prevent them in advance through regulation and technological systems (such as signature management, contract system, real estate trading system) that will be developed and operated by private companies that will be selected in state tenders. The ultimate goal is more justice in fewer sentences and less time.

Constitution to make order

Establishment of a constitution for Israel – the court should not enact laws in the place of the legislative authority, but only make sure that the laws are not violated and see to their implementation. In situations where there is no law, the court must return the matter to the legislator.

Law 2.0 – a digital law according to which the citizen will be able to send queries online and in the vernacular (for example: is it allowed to make noise after 5 in the evening?).

Yes, a trial can take a week

Shortening the time for a trial from several years to a few weeks – by changing the course of the trial and adapting it to the technology that exists today (where possible), for example an invitation to a trial through a national identification system – it will be very difficult to abdicate responsibility and easy to summon witnesses and defendants.

Proceed to an online trial

Conducting a trial in digital form (online) and online video testimony (in some cases, for example in a rape trial) that can be recorded at home or in authorized locations. Every police station can have a room for giving evidence. In this way, witnesses will not be afraid to stand in front of the accused in the trial. Transfer of evidence online – if the parties agree. If there is an objection to the proof, it will be delivered in physical form, and if the proof is accepted, the party who objected will pay a fine.

stop the appeal procedure

Making it difficult to appeal in court – today there is an illogical ease in appealing, everyone appeals and the punishments vary. An appeal should be allowed, but not easily.

Defendants return

It is true that this is the role of the police to prevent criminals from returning to the cycle of crime, but the court should be an additional critic of the process. Repeat defendants should receive a completely different treatment as well as different punishments if they have returned to their bad ways. A noble goal of the court is that criminals do not return to commit crimes.

Strive to remove the criminal defendants from the cycle of crime with heavy punishments or quality rehabilitation with a support system for retraining. and to add to them the use of technological means such as constant monitoring until the restrictions are removed.

Good judges bring good judges

The Minister of Justice should come from the field of law and high-tech to carry out the revolution in the justice system.

A clear measure of the quality of the judge: the satisfaction of the lawyers of both sides – the accused, the defendants and the plaintiffs in the trial and the evaluation of the judge by other judges.

One good manager placed at the head of the judicial system can make the necessary revolution, therefore it is important to choose the right team to head the system and coordinate the necessary improvements and changes. In addition, the method of selecting judges should be regularly and regularly checked – does it bring in good judges from the past?

Welfare and equality

Love your neighbor as yourself

A professional minister who will make a revolution

There is a huge difference between a theorist and a man of action, and you cannot tell who is a good manager until you see him lead, just as you cannot tell who will be a good fighter until you see him fight.

In his proper governance there is a proper structure, a necessary condition for a welfare state, the minister of welfare will be professional, will hold office for at least four years and carry out the revolution in welfare, he must have a management background from the private sector, in order to bring the methods from the private sector. Of course, the revolution will be a measurement. This is by the way the disease of academic institutions, the professors and deans many times did not manage anything themselves, but only did research.

In the academy, I saw this happen with a dean of the Faculty of Education who, instead of managing her secretary to produce an event that would have cost 50,000 NIS, she hired an outside company and the excessive waste reached over 400,000 NIS.

What will a welfare state give me?

“A widow and an orphan shall not be tortured: if he answers, answer him because if he cries out to me, I will hear his cry.”

This sentence is also true for our time, in order for us to be good, we need to be good to the weak. It may sound strange, but society is measured by its attitude to the weak. If we don’t take care of them, the country will not function because it will be a very bitter group. A bitter group tries to avenge its bitterness and rightly so, it is easy to collect it even with a false blood plot, such as “the capitalists are taking advantage of you” or as in Germany “the Jews are to blame for your situation” and as in Iran today. We see it today with the Arabs in Israel as well as with other disadvantaged populations.

Bottom line, it is not only a commandment to take care of the weak regardless of religion, nationality, race or gender, but it helps in the long run even those who are not weak.

The court wrote beautifully about the importance of the right to equality:

“Equality is a central value for any democratic society… the need to ensure equality is natural to man. based on considerations of justice and fairness. The need to maintain equality is essential to society and the social consensus on which it is built. Indeed, there is no factor more destructive to society than the feeling of its sons and daughters that they are being treated everywhere. The feeling of inequality is one of the most difficult feelings. It harms the forces that unite society. It damages a person’s self-identity.’

As Herzl wrote in his book Altneuland: “Don’t you think, Mr. Kingscourt, that people would be better off if they were better off?” – Of course they are.

Equal opportunities

The wisdom in a welfare state is not to harm the size of the pie, but to divide it more equitably, so that it yields a greater output for everyone, and maybe even increase it. The only way to do this is a combination of capitalism and a high degree of welfare with the direction of the private sector in the right direction, for example the development of an infrastructure for electronic commerce by a national distribution network, and this is a combination that can only be carried out if the leaders are good for the people in the long term, and such leaders will be when the system of governance is implemented the new

to check everyone’s quality of life in order to improve, measure the improvement and determine where it occurred. Without measurement it is very difficult to improve just as the human brain is built on feedback to correct. Feedback to improve, streamline or cancel laws and regulations.

Education is the most important factor in equal opportunities and the well-being of the residents, so it should be focused on.

The state’s goal is for the pie to be shared more equitably through appropriate education for the weak and state aid for those who cannot work.

To better distribute “corporate profits” between their owners, employees and citizens who need money. Only the state can change this balance.

Observe the fine line between “can’t” and “doesn’t want” for the needy citizens.

Capitalism works but does not contradict a welfare state, on the contrary, there is a nice idea for socialism, but it is not compatible with the character of the modern man who is brought up to think of himself before the group. From socialism you only need to take the aspiration for equality, especially equal opportunities and a security cushion in 6 subjects: drugs and alcohol, nutrition, housing, food, education and health. Drugs and alcohol are on the list because they are just as important as the rest, they destroy a welfare state and cause inequality.

Drugs are enemies of a welfare state

Most of the welfare problems are directly or indirectly related to drugs and alcohol, we need to attack the problem and not treat the symptoms, some of which include: child abuse, rape, domestic violence, prostitution and other symptoms of addiction.

And yes, today everyone is wrong and treats the symptoms and not the problem, and the symptoms are endless.

And the problem is not explanatory, the problem is an easy hand for the distributors and the neglect of the addicts.

It is possible to address the problem, there is an example of this in Singapore and several other countries see that heavy punishment contributes to the fight against drugs in society:

  • Japan – Japan has a strict drug policy with severe legal consequences for drug possession and use. This fact, combined with strong cultural values and social stigma around drug use, contribute to low consumption rates.
  • Singapore – Singapore is known for its harsh drug laws, including the death penalty for drug trafficking. This strict policy, combined with a high level of social disapproval and strong family values, lead to low drug consumption.
  • Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia has a strict drug policy and severe penalties for drug-related offences. In addition, the country’s conservative culture and religious values may contribute to low drug consumption.
  • Iceland – Iceland has seen a significant decrease in drug use among its youth due to a combination of several factors, including strong social programs, parental involvement, and government-sponsored recreational activities.
  • South Korea – South Korea’s low drug consumption can be attributed to strict drug laws, a strong emphasis on education, and cultural norms that discourage drug use.

You can look at it on a probabilistic level: Is there no way to prevent addicts from continuing to hit society? Obviously there is a way, you just have to find it.

When a person is in drugs and alcohol, nothing can help him except to clean him up!

The state needs to label alcohol and drug addicts so that it can know which methods succeeded in getting them out of addiction, otherwise any welfare services will not help.

Marking a person as an addict can change after a period of being clean. This marking can help in deciphering crimes and in general as a threat to the addict. Given that there is the national application for identification, the state can know where the addicts hang out. This is indeed a severe violation of their privacy, but this is the least of their problems. You have to go from the end to the beginning here, there will be almost no drug and alcohol addicts in Israel, and now you have to implement it.

Instead of a prison, daily tests must be provided and paid for. use prison as a threat for not cleaning up from drugs and alcohol. At the same time give drug substitutes and alcohol. Surely there is a way to make people not turn into zombies.

A large part of the welfare budget is allocated to problems caused by drug use which cause mental problems.

Mandatory treatment in centers for the treatment of addictions and constant monitoring and urgent tests, and whoever does not comply with this, restrictions will be imposed on him. And finally, for those who didn’t help anything, think about distributing drug alcohol in protected places, where they won’t be able to harm the environment.

In conclusion, it is possible to significantly reduce the unimaginable damage that drugs cause to society by heavy punishment on the one hand, extensive information and uncompromising cleaning of the addicts by marking them and placing a strong authority to fight drugs and alcohol.

Education is a welfare state’s best friend

The only way to reduce gaps is through education and free education in particular, there is no other way.

Ensuring equal access to quality education is essential for social and economic development. In Finland, education is considered a priority, and the government offers free, high-quality education from early childhood to higher education. Finland’s education system is known for its focus on equality, teacher professionalism and individualized learning. This approach has led to consistently high scores in international assessments such as PISA, demonstrating the effectiveness of their education policies in fostering social cohesion and reducing disparities.


A measurement is required of which of the country’s residents have a food shortage. Without measurement – there is no feedback, and without feedback it is impossible to improve. The correct way to measure is probably through the welfare services as well as in the national application by self-reporting when the user has a lack of food.

The big problem of the weak strata is that they are fed a diet that causes severe health problems, and therefore they also suffer from more health problems and have a lower life expectancy than the rest of the population. This is solvable, but a free diet should be pushed through regulation and a ban on the sale of toxic foods in the normal sections of the supermarket, but only in the “poisons” section of the supermarket. So maybe those who want to buy food that poisons him and his family will feel a little ashamed.

Ensuring adequate nutrition and food security is a priority in socially conscious countries, and free nutrition is preferable. In Brazil, for example, the government implemented the ‘Fome Zero’ program which aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. The program includes various initiatives such as the Bolsa Familia which provides financial assistance to low-income families on the condition that their children attend school and receive vaccinations. In addition, school feeding programs have been introduced to provide nutritious meals to students, helping to improve both their health and academic performance.


You can read about free thought housing here in free housing .

The state should measure the level of housing for each resident and ensure minimum housing. The state should produce an up-to-date picture of who has inadequate housing. In this context, it is expected that it will be difficult to prevent exploitation of the welfare system.

The basis of a person is shelter and food. The state should take care of the minimum that will be defined by law as a ceiling.

Responding to the need for affordable and safe housing is essential in promoting social welfare. In Singapore, the government established the Housing and Development Board (HDB) to provide public housing for the majority of its citizens. HDB flats are reasonably priced, with various housing grants available to help lower income households. Through these efforts, Singapore has achieved one of the highest home ownership rates in the world and contributes to social stability and economic mobility.


The state should take care of the health of all residents, one way is free health . The people cannot take care of themselves because of the multitude of false advertisements and opinions we were born with. The people think in the short term, and the state must intervene and make them think in the long term.

Providing accessible and comprehensive health services is essential for a socially conscious country, but what is important is a way of life and a healthy diet a thousand times more than health services, which you hardly need if you live a healthy life and a suitable diet. In Canada, the government implemented a universal health care system known as Medicare. This publicly funded system ensures that all Canadian citizens and permanent residents have access to medically necessary services, regardless of their ability to pay. The Canadian health care system is often cited as an example of successful publicly funded health care leading to better health outcomes and higher life expectancy for its citizens compared to countries with less comprehensive health care.

Progressive taxation?

Taxation does not reduce disparities, only education does. A progressive tax is desirable so that there is a large budget for education and help for the weaker sections of society. It is possible, you just have to push it without compromise.

The problem with taxation in Israel is that it does not use the new technology and does not computerize everything, including invoices, payments, digital currency and national account management.

Inheritance taxation, for example, is lacking in Israel, there is no justice or logic that an inheritance of a billion NIS has zero tax.

Get quantitative feedback to improve

Measurement, measurement, measurement! And most importantly: how do you measure improvement? When there is one central figure that you want to improve, everything is measurable and there is feedback, as well as less debates, conjectures and bets.

Imagine that the Minister of Welfare has all the data on the quality of life – health, happiness, housing, meaning in life – of all Israeli citizens. And with this data, the minister knew what needed to be changed in order to improve the quality of life for more and weaker sections of the nation. Each project will be measured by the degree of improvement in the quality of life!

It is easy to measure the quality of life of citizens using simple questionnaires. The second important index is the disparity in the level of equality in the state’s income, which is known as the Gini index .

How do you know what people feel?

They are asked, through a dedicated application of the administration.

They already invented an app

An application that residents will install and will give the state a “situational picture” together with social workers and welfare agencies. All information will be in one place. One system that centralizes everything! The desired situation is knowing the current quality of life of the country’s citizens and creating a method to monitor and improve it. The data on the people who need welfare support should be available, of course also their quality of life, the state’s expenditures as well as the associations that support them. It is certainly possible to take existing methods that work in large hi-tech companies and apply them to the residents by the state.


As with anything that you apply free thought to, look for changes that require little energy and have a great effect. The ultimate goal of the proposed changes is to streamline the movement of passengers on the roads and reset the environmental signature of transportation, for example, autonomous taxis can already travel on intercity roads, you just need to adjust the road a little. It is easy to improve transportation because no revolutionary improvements have been made in it in the last 50 years.

With the help of constant measurement, we can know how we improve transportation.

Budget investment and effort concentration

Investing all the effort in preparing the infrastructure for smart transportation for the next 20 years:

  • Gradual cessation of budget investment in the construction of interchanges, public transport routes and railway tracks. Until the entry of autonomous vehicles. Investment in the management of the electricity and transport infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.
  • Today’s transportation budget is sufficient for the requested changes, we only need people who are not afraid of change and know how to carry it out.
  • Setting nationwide high standards: sidewalks, convenient parking outside businesses, roads, charging for planting trees. Example .
  • Stopping the growth of vegetation that requires gardening and switching to natural vegetation without gardening; and irrigation in interchanges and roadsides.

Reducing the number of road accidents

The number of traffic accidents and victims may be reduced if the following ideas are implemented:

  • Measurement – with the help of the measurement, the state will be able to determine the price of a trip per km according to the driver, the price will be higher for a dangerous driver.
  • According to global statistics, autonomous taxis will hardly be involved in traffic accidents.

Measurement of all trips and digitization

  • With the help of measurements, we can optimize the consumption of fuel and electricity and understand if the Ministry of Transport is doing its job and improving the service for road passengers.
  • Measure all road trips using an application installed on phones: route, time, fuel or electricity consumption.
  • All insurances, licenses, reports and fees will be paid in the app.
  • Data collected in the measurement will show where and when the major problems exist.
  • Accurate measurement of the location of road accidents and the time of their occurrence.

Payment for travel

  • To spread the trips throughout the day and make more people travel together, a fee should be charged for each trip.
  • Each trip will have a price that will be determined according to its nature (business, private or public), the road, the time, the driver and what offenses he has, the type of car – electric or gasoline – and the number of passengers.
  • The fuel tax can be canceled when a fee is charged for each trip.

Walking paths, bicycles and small electric tools

The means of transportation such as walking, bicycles and small electric tools have multiple advantages: they are fun and healthy for the user, do not harm the environment, do not produce noise pollution, the cost of the paths is not high and the tools themselves are cheap and anyone can afford to buy them! What does it take for this to happen?

  • Paving these routes between settlements and cities in Israel and within them.
  • Charging stations and lighting along the lanes.

Electric autonomous cars as a replacement for all public transportation in Israel

Imagine hundreds of autonomous cars stopping at designated stations as ordered by the app. You drive a car to such a station and order an autonomous car in the app, and within a few minutes it stops next to you and takes you to the station you chose. The technology exists for autonomous cars on intercity roads – and driving them is easy, the only thing missing is free thought. On intercity roads, when there is a suitable infrastructure, these cars are ten times better than trains.

Why do you need it?

  • to move people easily and cheaply.
  • Allow residence outside of Tel Aviv as well.
  • Get as many cars off the road as possible.
  • Be an example to other countries.
  • Develop an industry around autonomous cars.
  • You should invest in the future and not in the past! The state invests billions in unnecessary projects such as building interchanges and widening roads.

Why does this solve the problem?

  • The technology is ripe for autonomous cars on intercity roads.
  • The cost of operating taxis is negligible compared to the cost of the train and its infrastructure.
  • On such a “simple” road, the technology available today for autonomous cars is sufficient.
  • There are no pedestrians and barriers as there are in cities and on the roads.
  • Option to use existing roads with or without a unique lane.
  • An autonomous taxi can also transport 10 people.
  • The government should adjust the road and publish a tender for taxi operators.
  • You have to charge money for driving private cars on an intercity road.

How It Works?

  • Regular autonomous cars will drive on the road.
  • The road is adapted to autonomous cars and its dangers.
  • Ordering vehicles is done through the app only.
  • A car can transport several people from several stations or privately for an additional price.

The advantage over a train and a private car

  • Not all traffic drains to individual stations.
  • You don’t have to wait (like for a train or a bus), you order a car in the app and it arrives.
  • A train pollutes the environment and its infrastructure is expensive.
  • Close to home, because every number of kilometers there is a station.
  • Feeling of a private ride.
  • Not as noisy as the train or bus.
  • Passenger capacity is much higher, and there are thousands of such vehicles.
  • Based on existing infrastructure.
  • The service is not idle, because there are thousands of cars.
  • No need to stop at stations all the way.
  • There is no need to maintain disturbed tracks and bridges and barriers and mechanics.
  • There is no need to support the money in the train and the mechanism that works around it.

our house

Yes, everyone is wrong about housing

Housing prices are a symptom and not the problem. The problem is the product the citizen receives, a product not good enough for what he could have received if the housing had been managed. Big houses, high floors, penthouses do not make happy tenants.

what yes Good neighbors, nature around, walking to all places in a good way, bike paths, park. All these things are outside the house! And this is everyone’s biggest mistake.

Why bother with housing at all?

Housing is one of the most important and influencing factors for the prosperity of the citizens in the country, and it should be a top priority for any administration that is in office today or that will come in the future.

The expenditure for housing constitutes one of the main components of the total expenditure of every household in Israel, approximately 30 of the household’s expenditure. This is the biggest expense.

The main idea is to optimize and reduce the existing methods by simplifying and unifying the planning, buying, selling and building processes. As in any subject where free thought is allowed, we seek to create small and simple changes that create a big effect.

What does it mean to care for a citizen?

Every citizen is entitled to purchase adequate housing, in terms of size and exterior space.

High housing prices that a large part of the population cannot afford are a symptom and not the problem. The problem is seen in weak and visionless management:

  • Determination – big changes, even when they are made in small steps, cause a feeling of discomfort and sometimes even harm in some residents. A way must be found to move the country forward according to planning and create a fair system to compensate those affected by these changes. The contractors want profitability and economic viability and this comes before the interest of the citizens and the environment, therefore the state must intervene with regulation.
  • Lack of long term planning!
  • Severe bureaucracy in every field related to planning and construction.
  • Inefficiency in construction processes, vision and key solutions.

Free economy

The free economy should do its thing, but the government must direct it to the benefit of the citizens and the environment through regulation, laws, incentives and enforcement.

The state should enact laws, push for the construction of good infrastructure, manage the regulation of construction and supervise it, but not build it itself.

Build with nature and not on it

Nature grows plants, bushes and trees without the need for gardening, irrigation and planning, therefore we need to learn to build within nature without influencing it too much, it is possible and the profit will be double because both the quality of people’s lives will improve and the damage to the environment will be reduced. A good example is Silicon Valley, which is full of trees, so it doesn’t really look like a city in most places, but more like a village, that’s exactly how it should be built. In addition, it makes sense to build private houses with wood and not with concrete, the government just needs to encourage it.

Finland was ranked as the country with the happiest citizens in the world.

A quote from a letter published in Globes about Finland from which one can understand the effect of nature on the happiness of the citizens:

Jimenez told CNBC that she is often asked why Finns are so happy. For her, it “stems from a close relationship with nature and our simple way of life.”

The Finnish CEO of the ‘customer feedback’ company HappyOrNot Mika Makitalo agreed with the words. “We cultivate our work-life balance, believe in our company and take time to benefit from our proximity to nature,” Mika told CNBC.

It’s nice to go about resetting the environmental signature of cities and towns by 2030, difficult but possible.

It will also develop housing industries around this setting.

On the way to reducing gaps

Reducing gaps between rich and poor in housing – limiting the construction of private houses and apartments, there is no sense in houses of 1,000 square meters for a family of four, unless they pay huge taxes. Small houses are often much more convenient for people but they are simply not aware of it. When we lived in the USA in a relatively large house, there was a power outage for three days. After that we moved to a small house of about 90 square meters, 5 people. The children liked the small house much more and asked to return to it. What is important is the view and the greenery from the house and not the size of the house .

Fast construction

Rapid construction – encouraging the local industry through construction laws and benefits for industrial, modular and green construction of prefabricated houses, for example Boxabl . Today, with the help of such industrial construction companies, it is possible to lower the price of construction – from NIS 7,000 to NIS 1,000 per square meter.

Why is enforcement good for us?

Immediate and severe enforcement of real estate delinquency is required. Letting real estate criminals operate with impunity encourages chaos and leads to injustice.

Cities and settlements around pedestrians and not cars

Within walking distance, as in the kibbutzim, where the roads are paved along the perimeter of the settlement, and the entire interior of the settlement is accessible to pedestrians only who walk on sidewalks and paths, which easily lead to anywhere in the farm.

Connecting the residents of the cities through a commercial floor (such as Tel Aviv) and sports and bicycle fields. Commerce within the residential neighborhoods so that residents receive all commercial services without the use of transportation.

An easy and convenient option to reach the employment centers in the big cities.

The urban planning will be suitable for walking and not for traveling by vehicle. In residential neighborhoods, there will be all the required services.

Each settlement will be designed in a pedestrian-friendly manner, so that it will also be accessible to baby strollers and people with disabilities and convenient for cycling. solution for implementation .

Use of existing land

More efficient use of vacant and built-up land – using existing land instead of developing new land can help reduce the ecological impact of urbanization, protect natural habitats and preserve biodiversity.

Here are some strategies for reusing existing land without harming nature:

  • Identification – Locate and catalog brownfield sites which are previously developed areas that may be contaminated, but can be cleaned up and reused.
  • Rehabilitation – invest in cleaning up brownfield sites so that they are suitable for redevelopment.
  • Zoning – Changed zoning laws to make it easier to redevelop brownfields into residential, commercial or mixed-use properties.
  • Siting – These are vacant or underutilized parcels within existing urban or suburban areas where new development can occur without expanding into undeveloped land.
  • Smart Zoning – Amend zoning laws to encourage higher density development of mixed uses, using land more efficiently.

A connection between the residents

Adapting the living environment in the cities to connect the children of the neighborhood such as settlements and kibbutzim with the help of soccer and basketball fields and bike paths. Defining square meters of plots according to the number of children in a certain radius.

Union of authorities

To unite the Israel Land Authority, Taboo, the National Fund for Israel, etc. Such a union will reduce the time it takes to process applications and help lower the value of housing in Israel.

Hello internet, goodbye pages

So here we are in 2023, it’s time for everything to go online. A national land and lot database is available to everyone online.

Online buying and selling of land, lots and houses. Real estate transactions will be closed online on the Internet.

A national database of infrastructure providers for houses – when renting or selling a house, changing water, internet, electricity, sewage suppliers… everything will be done with one click.

A national clearing system for all service providers will allow parents to monitor current expenses.

Shortening the duration of legal and bureaucratic processes from months to hours.

Transportation is part of housing

Convenient transportation makes housing places convenient and accessible. For example if it takes 3 hours to get from Metula to Tel Aviv, much less people will want to live in Metula. But if there is a freeway with autonomous cars and it takes an hour and a half to Tel Aviv, it will open Metula to many more residents. Smart transportation and the transition to autonomous cars, the technology available for use on intercity roads, will change the face of housing in Israel from end to end.

Traffic islands and gardens

Reduction to elimination of irrigation and maintenance of public gardens and traffic islands. All these do not add anything to the city. It is better to plant trees and shrubs that do not require watering or gardening.

Get feedback to move forward

Feedback in projects to improve the next project. Today the planner does not receive feedback because the project takes 7 years or more to get up and running, and many times he is no longer in office, and then there is no learning of lessons and improvement of the project. As in business companies, also in housing it is important that there will always be improvement: in the environment, tenant satisfaction, etc.

Free economy

This is for me twenty years, in your house, I served you fourteen years with your two daughters, and six years with your sheep; and change my salary, ten

Free economy but…

When I was 12 years old I started reading the economics section of ‘Haaretz’ because I saw my father reading the section and I probably wanted to be a bit like him. Since then I haven’t stopped reading economics sections, and today that includes the Wall Street Journal, Calcalist, The Marker, FT and a few others.

But leave me alone for a moment, the government must push industries, such as the military industry, which today are developed in the private market.

We must develop an industry around money, real estate, e-commerce, they are simply 100 years behind. The governors do not understand the market at all. They are stuck with trains and subways and a public transportation route when the world is longing for autonomous cars.

In order to advance Israel, or any other country, we need to rethink how to organize the economy to align the interests of businesses with the interests of the state, which we hope represents the needs of the citizens in the long run. The world is changing at a fast pace mainly due to technological changes, such as mobile phones, computers, AI, internet and many engineers, but the management of the economy has not changed and it is desirable to change it accordingly in order to bring about the prosperity of the citizens.

The economy should be free and capitalist, but must be directed by the state, and yet, be an economy that allows capitalism with a high level of welfare that is difficult to abuse! Otherwise, the economy will operate according to short-term interests. Consideration of the environment, local food production, education or public health are considerations that should be directed by the state, otherwise the economy will ignore them.

Today, the economic aspect of environmental quality is not taken into account and when offering a product or service only profit is considered.

Israel has one of the highest GDP in the world, but in my opinion the standard of living is mediocre. The problem lies in the public sector and its operation.

The big disconnect

Understanding the “big disconnect” is critical – the government does not control the public sector effectively because of 3 levels of management and more between them, workers’ committees and political interests when the public sector is at the center of the parties. It is possible that in Israel the public sector has some control over the administration.

In Israel 750,000 people work in the public sector with a cost of 200 billion NIS and 40% of the state budget. Today the public sector is “going” in the wrong direction and at an inappropriate speed.

The public sector is the key to changing life in the Land of Israel. The central government’s control over it and the local government is the key to the execution of government decisions.

An efficient public sector needs an option to significantly reward good people and fire less good people. A brilliant person is worth 1,000 times more to the system than an ordinary person, so we need an option to reward him accordingly.

All public sector operations must change to digitalization and measurement just like the private sector.

Transfer every possible job from the public sector to the private sector. It is better for the public sector to deal with regulation, supervision and tenders and less with “operation”.

A solution to the ability to change is not to harm the conditions of the existing employees and to apply the new economy only to the new employees.

Witnesses – the most critical thing that will not prevent workers from being fired. This causes a lack of fear of not working. This affects all employees!

What does the economy even need to achieve?

The goal of the economy is the prosperity of the citizens and not the increase of the product.

  • Streamlining and full control over the public sector. The public sector should focus on regulating and inspecting the private sector.
  • Private sector – transferring any possible job from the public sector to the private sector.
  • Closing gaps between classes and equal opportunities.
  • The long-term orientation of the economy – e-commerce, green energy and more.
  • Infrastructure for transporting goods.
  • Convenient infrastructure for agriculture.
  • Infrastructure for competition and entry of new players in banking, insurance, credit cards.

Money drives

Money drives everything, and if we improve our use of it we will improve our lives.

It is clear that in a modern and smart country it is mandatory to implement digital money, and from this comes the need for digital identities for all citizens as well as a national invoicing system!

In ancient times, roads and railroads had to be paved in order to have an infrastructure for businesses. Today we need to “pave” an infrastructure for electronic commerce, some of which is virtual, like a national database of identities that will make it easier for businesses and their customers and prevent fraud, easy payment clearing. The difficulty in building the aforementioned infrastructure is that the government does not understand where the new economy is going and what it needs to move forward.

See with Bitcoin and its friends that without regulation there is no stability for currencies, because there is no central body that enforces the laws, therefore it is clear that in order for a new currency to succeed, it must be under the supervision of a smart government, that will give advantages over the old currency to the economy and that different industries and businesses can be built on it with regulation and enforcement.

Who will gain and who will lose from digital money?

Israeli citizens, people like me, can appreciate the advantages of digital money, such as faster transactions and lower fees. For example, someone living in a rural area without access to banks can use digital money to pay bills or receive payments and improve their financial inclusion. State institutions such as the police, tax authorities, regulators and courts will benefit from increased transparency, which will make it easier to detect tax evasion or fraud.

Israeli companies, both small and large, can benefit from faster transactions that will help them better manage their cash flow. For example, a small business owner can receive payments instantly allowing them to pay their suppliers on time. New companies adopting the digital shekel could attract tech-savvy customers who prefer digital payments, while e-commerce companies may see increased sales as more people use digital money for online shopping, such as someone buying groceries online with digital currency.

Some actors will not benefit from digital money, for example criminals involved in illegal activities will face difficulties in hiding their transactions as digital money makes it easier to track. For example, law enforcement agencies can more easily track down a drug dealer who uses digital money. Banks and credit card companies may lose business because digital money can provide faster and cheaper payment options, for example using digital currency to transfer money internationally with lower fees. Insurance companies can face more competition as people can easily switch and pay for other options, for example comparing car insurance policies online and switching providers with a few clicks.

Those involved in terrorism, money exchange, the gray market or forging invoices and raising revenue will struggle with the digital currency due to the increased transparency and ease of tracking their financial activity. For example, it may be more difficult for a money launderer to hide the transactions made with digital money because the authorities can more easily track the flow of funds.

Digital money is good for Jews

Digital currency is good for several reasons. It will increase digital commerce in Israel and make online shopping easier. It will also allow citizens to be tracked anonymously while using the information to improve public services and infrastructure according to their needs.

Digital currency also encourages competition in the financial sector as it allows new players to offer credit and reduces reliance on traditional banks and credit cards. This competition can lead to lower fees for services such as currency conversions and thus reduce the cost of changing money before traveling or sending money abroad.

With a digital currency, small transactions, such as donating one shekel to charity, become more possible. The digital currency also promotes competition between banks for savings accounts and interest rates on deposits in favor of customers who can find better deals. Enforcing the maximum interest rate on loans becomes easier while protecting borrowers from high rates.

Digital currency eliminates the need for credit cards and allows people to make payments directly from their digital wallets. It also means there’s no need to carry a physical wallet, making day-to-day transactions more convenient. The country will also be able to better understand the economy as it will be easier to track and analyze digital currency transactions.

Digital money is harder to steal, and it offers more security to users. Using digital money also reduces the need for physical invoices, streamlining payments, invoicing and tax reporting. When you pay a business, an invoice with tax reporting is automatically generated, simplifying the process for both customers and businesses.

Finally, digital currency creates new industries centered around it, drives innovation and offers new job opportunities in sectors such as digital wallet development or digital currency exchanges

Why is cash bad for the economy?

Cash has no advantages over digital money because it:

  • easily stolen;
  • It is difficult to appoint a trustee for him;
  • takes up space;
  • facilitates terrorist activity;
  • facilitates money laundering;
  • Facilitates forgery of invoices;
  • It is difficult to trace the passage of money;
  • high transportation cost;
  • easy to fake;
  • high production cost;
  • Allows banks and various companies to charge unnecessary fees;
  • increases the viability of robbery;
  • makes it difficult for the IRS to verify the veracity of reports;
  • Black market feeder.

This is how digital money should work in Israel

  • The state will manage the digital shekel and it will be supervised by it;
  • The state can issue digital money and is responsible for it as it is responsible for security, not the banks;
  • Using only digital money, no cash at all, cash is completely outlawed;
  • The data of the money will be kept in a national database;
  • Authorized companies will operate the wallets of Israeli citizens and will receive permission to connect to the national database;
  • Citizens and companies will be able to connect directly to the national database
  • Mandatory: digital invoices at a national level, everyone must use them and avoid paper invoices. In addition, a national identity database is needed to support digital money;
  • When transferring for a “business” purpose, an invoice will be issued automatically;
  • Everything will be managed through an api to which it will be easy and convenient for companies and organizations to connect;
  • For each account, sub-accounts can be opened with privileges – who can do what (for children, etc.);
  • Every person and company in Israel will have a digital identity linked to the amount of money they have;
  • Any financial transfer will be made from one identity to another;
  • Foreigners who want to hold a digital shekel will have a digital identity in Israel;
  • consider managing other currencies as well;
  • Israel will monitor a maximum fee for money transfers, loans, opening sub-accounts, etc.;
  • Money transfers can be canceled in case of theft and the like;
  • Money can be “frozen” in accounts, and only those who receive permission – will receive access (to a guarantee, a loan, etc.);
  • You can use a standing order to limit the maximum amount of money that a body can withdraw from an account, for example allowing Bezeq to withdraw up to NIS 1,000
  • A customer will be able to allocate an amount in the account for management by banks and similar companies (without transferring it to their account). These companies will control the amount to be determined, and the customer will be able to see their actions easily.

Why didn’t they create a digital shekel 10 years ago?

The answer to the question of why we still do not have a digital shekel is because there is no technological body like the Digital Ministry that can predict advanced technology and integrate it into the existing systems.

What is the relationship between the economy and the environment?

There is also a solution for the environment through the economy: a tax reduction when the product or service helps the environment and imposing a “fine” when the product harms the environment; Limit the economy to minimal damage to the environment. Determining an annual quota for an environmental signature per person, measuring the signature and reducing the quota over the years; Rewarding or providing a fine to businesses and services according to the damage to the environment.

Workers’ committees and strikes

It is required to clearly determine what is allowed for workers’ committees and corporations according to the long-term interest of the state.

the private sector

In Israel, approximately 2.3 million people work full-time in the private sector, therefore it is required:

  • Make the penalties for business offenses of fraud, breach of trust and falsification of corporate documents more severe and increase enforcement. Such action will not only do justice, but will also make people trust each other more.
  • Shorten the duration of business trials to a few weeks.
  • Create a revolution in the court system – appointment of energetic and strong judges in economic courts and trials of economic or business crimes.
  • To develop a convenient government database of credit ratings.
  • Enact clear laws for labor unions.
  • Make sure that the hiring and firing of employees will be possible easily while maintaining their rights in the long term.
  • to clearly define what a “contract worker” is in the “new economy”.
  • Integrate English into all economic systems.

E-commerce of the future

To encourage future electronic commerce is required:

  • Encourage the opening of online stores to streamline trade and lower prices.
  • Ensure easy and convenient establishment of businesses and companies as a critical factor for equal opportunities and a sophisticated economy.
  • Lower the dependence on commercial real estate, which will allow entrepreneurs to easily establish new businesses and will ease the competition of entrepreneurs with giant companies like Amazon.

An example link from India where the implementation was done very successfully: Indian trade network encouraged by the state

As Herzl wrote in the book “Altneuland”: “Because everyone knew that the delivery companies with the price list, the catalogs and the publications in the newspapers – would get ahead of them. Small trade and peddling were no longer profitable.” Today, electronic trade is replacing physical stores, and the state should help it to be equal and not managed by a single company. This is possible by establishing a national shipping infrastructure managed by private companies.

The new office that protects you from business

By exercising “free thought” they understand that the interest of businesses is to earn more, but many times this is against the benefit of the consumer. The bodies that are supposed to protect the consumer, in Israel it is the “Consumer Protection and Fair Trade Authority” and in the USA it is the FTC, they are very weak.

In order for the citizens of the country to benefit and not lose, their role must be much more central and significant.

There is nothing more important than protecting consumers because the citizens are consumers most of the time.

For example, a product that requires protection by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs: toothpastes such as Sensodyne today contain a substance that is probably toxic: titanium dioxide . This is a small example of thousands of examples. Today in Israel and the USA there is no serious body that protects consumers.

Yes, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs

A new ministry needs to be established – the Ministry of Consumer Affairs – which will be a separate and strong ministry. Today the business sector controls the citizens. As you will see later, citizen-consumers, we all ask, have no real body that protects them and directs the business sector. After activating “free thought”, they realize that it is possible to do this through national rating systems, expressing a position as well as digitizing all products in the economy.

Silence is slime

Silence on important issues such as health, finance and more, just like him just like the “poisoner” operation.

Today there is no firm health position, such as providing an incentive to food businesses to serve dishes suitable for humans, without oil, salt or sugar, and that the food sold to the public is suitable for humans. A strong consumer ministry with a vision can steer the products in healthier directions. Today there is an unsupervised wild west, sometimes only information and rating will be enough for the consumer.

Today, there is also no clear statement on financial products that are suitable for long-term savers. There is no clear statement about killer interest rates and credit cards. And these are just small examples. Yes, the weak are well taken advantage of.

Both consumers need and so do businesses

The misleading advertising on products celebrates and misleads millions of consumers. A body with power is required to give clear instructions on what is allowed to be published and what is not.

On the other hand, businesses today have to deal with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Religion, the Ministry of Economy and other ministries to know if they meet the requirements of the law.

Everything should be concentrated in one place – in the consumer ministry with experts in the various fields.

Such an office will solve the business problem and the consumer problem together.

The role of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs is to ensure that the information for consumers is as accurate as possible, thereby upgrading the quality of products and services in the economy.

The conflict of interest today between the economy and citizens

There is a conflict of interest between protecting the public from businesses and the Ministry of Economy wanting businesses to grow. That is why we need an independent office for the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

The Ministry of Finance and Economy actually wants to increase the economy, without any interest in protecting the consumer.

Consumer protection, which is the role of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, is the brake and protector of a “free economy”, which is very important for a large and correct output for the economy. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs will protect consumers from exploitation as well as unintentional deception by companies.

How to make lowercase letters uppercase?

Today, small letters and high legal language prevent consumers from understanding the danger they face.

Digitizing all products and changing the “small print” in products and services to simple language, for example allowing to scan a barcode and get a simple description, will solve the problem.

In addition, if every product that is offered to citizens is uploaded to the website of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, for tracking, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs will be able to track all the products and improve the services and products for citizens because they will be able to know what is being offered to them.

National infrastructure for rating services and products

Building a national infrastructure for the rating of businesses by customers will greatly help e-commerce and getting good services and products for citizens. Also, the construction of a national infrastructure for the rating of products by customers will ensure the improvement of the quality of products and services for consumers. Of course, such an infrastructure should be developed by private companies. There is an example of such a system that works perfectly – Amazon’s.

How to measure the activity of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs?

The success of the office will be measured by an index that consists of citizens’ satisfaction with the services and products they receive. This index is easy to calculate by the average ratings of the consumers regarding the services and products they bought, data that currently exists, in my free imagination, in the national rating system for services and products.

An outcome of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs is to reduce the cost of living because the Ministry of Consumer Affairs supports competition by ranking the list of businesses.

How are the citizens exploited today?

The saddest thing is that the weakest in society are the most exploited by misleading advertising and charlatans, because the weakest in society are the least educated. It is true that only through education can the weak in society be helped, but a strong consumer ministry will have a huge impact on them.

It is difficult for citizens today to know if a contractor or a doctor has a license, so it would be wise to develop a single national system for examining the licenses of people and businesses, without physical certificates. There are many unlicensed “experts”, such as connoisseurs, psychics and various therapists who must limit their advertising to consumers.

Fast court for consumers versus businesses

It would be very wise to establish mediation between the consumers and the companies before going to trial. And if that doesn’t help, then a kind of small claims court of up to a certain low amount of businesses from consumers and vice versa. This will prevent procrastination and high legal costs. The court cannot be under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs because of a conflict of interest, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs would do well to push the establishment of such a special court. Such a court will also handle claims against foreign companies that today can take advantage of the fact that it is difficult to sue them because they are not in Israel.

General principles for a successful governance system

  • The residents in the center, their satisfaction with life, personal security and more.
  • Allow evolution of the governance system – a considerable part of the problems in Israel originate from a governance system that does not correspond to reality. “The weakness of the system of checks and balances in Israel is manifested when the legislative authority is made up of one house, the Knesset, without a second house (like the Senate in the USA and the House of Lords in England) that can balance and restrain the first house,” wrote Yitzhak Zamir in his book “The Supreme Court” . In order to allow evolution of the government system, we need to understand first of all that we need to decide on a mechanism for changing the system that keeps the country democratic but still tries to find the most suitable system.
  • Decisions based on facts and current information – Israel can be made a model for its citizens and an example for other nations only by changing the system of government: changing the structure of government and the election system.
  • Arrange! Arrange! Arrange! You must not compromise on a mediocre state – only reaching the perfect one will be enough, and investing a lot of energy and strength in managing the order and the visibility and behavior of the citizens. The difference between the USA and the Nordic countries and Israel is not in the wisdom of the people, but only in the order of government and the order of processes in general.
  • The discussions and debates that will be required to arrive at the correct governance system should be scientific (based on facts) and not emotional.
  • To copy the best decision-making mechanisms from the world’s most successful companies such as Tesla or Google into the government system. There is no reason why government should not be as efficient as companies.
  • Companies are measured in money, and government will be measured in the prosperity of the citizens.
  • If working in the public sector is a “badge of honor”, it will be easier to recruit good people and not just through high wages.
  • To this day, regimes changed the system of government only after extreme events – USA (war with England), Japan, Germany (World War), Israel (Holocaust). It can be seen that after a new order of regimes, there is a boom followed by a decline because the new regime was correct for its time, but did not continue to change over time! And this is the problem with the regimes – the structure and the election system do not change, because there is no objective body that dictates the change to them – here it is mandatory to establish such an important body as an example – the Government House.
  • It is important to agree that the method needs to be changed and not necessarily to agree on what the method will be – this is a self-evident claim.
  • Right or left, conservatism or liberalism does not matter. Every issue needs a solution based on data and a long-term vision. As much as possible to be based on common sense in sharing information, but for this you need a “5 star” level leader.
  • In Israel there was half an attempt to change the election system, but not to change the government system.